
The finale of Gu Long's novel (The Legend of the Banner Heroes).

author:Ah Chan 34914

Chapter 40: The Death of the Fragrance and the Jade

  At the foot of the blown up cliff, there were indeed people, and the gunpowder naturally exploded from the ground under the cliff.

  This is something that cannot be guessed by common sense, even if Situ Xiao and others are alert and clever people, they will never guess it.

  He would not have guessed that at this moment, it was their famous and fearsome person who was under the ground - that was naturally Tie Zhongtang and the Night Emperor.

  Tie Zhongtang and the Night Emperor under the ground, in these days, it is really like living in hell, not to mention the pain of the body, the pain in the heart is unbearable.

  They watched the boulder of tens of millions of pounds all day long, neither saying a word, nor moving, nor forgetting to eat or drink.

  It is this boulder that cuts off their exit, all their hopes, and the last bit of vitality in their lives.

  At this time, they will no longer be sad, let alone angry, but just look at the boulder stupidly, quietly waiting for the disappearance of life......

  Even Tie Zhongtang has lost his fighting spirit at this moment.

  This young man had a heart of steel, and no matter how great disappointments, setbacks, blows, and dangers he encountered, this heart never deformed.

  However, at this moment, he is living this thing that cannot be saved by human beings, and he can only leave all his hopes and ambitions far away.

  The Night Emperor was even more haggard, if anyone could see him at this moment, they would definitely not believe that this old man was the first person in the martial arts who was peerless and heroic in the past. - Everyone's got it.

  Then she asked, "Girls, ...... Can you forgive me? ”

  The girls couldn't hold back their tears anymore.

  This weeping is also the most sincere forgiveness.

  Shanshan said, "If you forgive me, I will ask you for one last thing, and I hope you will promise me...... Say! Will you promise me? ”

  Min'er cried bitterly: "No matter what, we will promise you." ”

  The girls wept in unison and replied, "I promise you." ”

  Shanshan smiled sadly, "Okay...... When I'm dead, I want you to blow my body into ashes with gunpowder, I ...... I ...... "I couldn't catch it in one breath, and finally I died."

  Although she had not finished her words, she could already imagine the depth of the remorse in her heart—she had blown her life and body into ashes, and she did not want anything to remain in the world—and the cries of the maidens were really unbearable.

  The explosives were moved. Bags of explosives surrounded Sanshan's body.

  Min'er held a fire fold high and walked over slowly, the flickering firelight reflected her face, the tears of everyone, the corpses on the ground, and the mysterious cave......

  There was really an indescribable mystery and heartbreak in that scene.

  Cui'er also ran over and said, "Sisters, get out of the way, be careful...... Be careful to blow you up. ”

  The girls said, "What about you?" ”

  Cui'er said: "Min'er and I have decided to accompany Sister Shan to death, so I used so much explosives, I hope this gunpowder can blow all three of us to ......"

  Tie Zhongtang suddenly jumped up, and said: "Wait!" ”

  The girls looked back at each other in amazement, but saw that he was full of joy at the moment.

  Min'er held the torch high and said with a sad smile: "Tie Gongzi, you ...... You will stop us, we have made up our minds......" The torch sank and burned on the gunpowder......

  At this time, Tie Zhongtang was still a few feet away, unarmed, and it was too late to rush over and grab her hand, and it was impossible to shoot down her torch.

  What's more, if her torch is shot down, the gunpowder will also explode immediately, and at that time, Min'er and Cui'er will definitely turn their forces into ashes, and he will inevitably be affected.

  In fact, he didn't care about the life and death of himself and Min'er Cui'er at all, he was so panicked and anxious, just for the gunpowder.

  This gunpowder is their last life, and it must not be wasted.

  In a hurry, he raised his hand and waved it out in desperation.

  When his body came, this palm force had already hit him, and Min'er's slender body was hit by this invisible palm force and flew straight out.

  She hit the stone wall, fell to the ground, the fire in her palm, also extinguished, Tie Zhongtang swept to the gunpowder in one step, his chest gasped sharply, but the person was stunned, he didn't realize it, at this moment dozens of eyes in the cave were looking at him in surprise, both surprised by the strangeness of his actions, but also surprised by the domineering power of his palm.

  In fact, he himself was not surprised - he himself could not have dreamed that he would have such a powerful power when he swung his palm.

  He didn't know that since he got the "Wedding Dress Divine Skill", his internal strength was so strong that he was no longer inferior to any of the top masters in contemporary martial arts.

  It's just that at that time, his internal strength was still like a ball of gold and jade, unpolished, and he was unable to shine as he should and exert his due potential.

  And at this moment, Tie Zhongtang's martial arts method has sharpened this golden and beautiful jade into a weapon - if he was just a piece of steel in the past, he has now become a sharp sword.

  At this time, the Night Emperor was also looking at him.

  His withered and gloomy countenance showed a glimmer of light for the first time.

  Seeing a peerless hero who is about to shake the world create a future under his own hands is always exciting and exciting, no matter what.

  Min'er is in a coma.

  Cui'er pounced on her and said in a trembling voice, "Tie Gongzi, you...... Why are you doing this? Why are you doing this? Wilt thou not even allow them to die, who are wretched? ”

  Tie Zhongtang said: "You don't have to die...... You don't have to die. ”

  Cui'er said, "You...... Do you have any idea? ”

  Tie Zhongtang said: "Gunpowder...... Gunpowder! ”

  At this time, he had already come to his senses, his face was full of ecstasy, and he suddenly grabbed a handful of gunpowder, rushed to Cui'er, and hissed: "Since this gunpowder can blow up the mountain road, why can't it be blown up again!" ”

  Cui'er was stunned for a long time, jumped up with joy, and shouted: "Not bad! Yes, why didn't we think about it earlier! ”

  Amid the cheers of the girls, Tie Zhongtang turned around and rushed to the Night Emperor.

  But before he could speak, the Night Emperor had already stood up and shouted, "Quick, quickly move out all the gunpowder." He himself couldn't remember how long it had been since he stood up, but now he felt alive again.

  The tomb-like cellar was also immediately full of life.

  All the gunpowder from the cellar was brought out.

  Tie Zhongtang hesitated and asked, "Is this ...... Is that enough? ”

  The Night Emperor laughed and said, "If you change to other gunpowder, ten times more, it is not enough, but is this gunpowder...... Haha, that's enough...... Enough is enough. ”

  Tie Zhongtang couldn't help but say again: "How is this different from others?" ”

  The Night Emperor said: "You have been observing carefully, can't you see it?" ”

  Tie Zhongtang said: "The disciple really doesn't know anything about gunpowder, but ...... But I still remember that the gunpowder used in the fireworks and bamboo shop seems to be yellow. ”

  The Night Emperor said, "Let's see what color this gunpowder is?" ”

  Tie Zhongtang said: "Black." ”

  The Night Emperor said: "That's it, yellow gunpowder, can only make fireworks, black gunpowder, but enough to open mountains and crack stones, the production method of yellow gunpowder is known to the world, the production method of black gunpowder, but it is the secret of the old man, at this moment, these gunpowder, are all made by the old man himself." ”

  Although the old man has not regained his former compelling look; But there was a light in his eyes, life on his face, and more words.

  Tie Zhongtang still couldn't help but ask: "Why is there such a big difference between yellow and black?" ”

  The Night Emperor smiled: "The difference is not in the color, but in the material. ”

  Tie Zhongtang has recovered, curiosity is born, his desire to learn is extremely strong, for all new things, to ask clearly, the moment asked: "What is the difference between this material?" ”

  The Night Emperor said: "Yellow gunpowder, the mainland has existed since ancient times, the materials are mainly sulfur and other materials, although the sound of the explosion is amazing, its power is not enough to destroy things. ”

  Tie Zhongtang said: "What about the black one? ”

  The Night Emperor smiled: "The black one is very different, this is the old man spent many years of hard work to improve, this secret recipe, no one in the world knows." ”

  Tie Zhongtang said: "I don't know...... I don't know if the disciple can ......"

  The Night Emperor said, "Even you can't know. ”

  Tie Zhongtang said: "Oh......" lowered his head and didn't speak again.

  When the Night Emperor spoke, his hands never stopped, and with a pair of iron palms and a knife, he made many leads, pipes and other things.

  Tie Zhongtang looked at it for a long time, and couldn't help but say again: "What are these for?" ”

  The Night Emperor said: "It's all for the purpose of triggering gunpowder." ”

  Tie Zhongtang said strangely: "With a little fire, isn't it enough, why is it so troublesome?" ”

  The Night Emperor laughed and said, "If you use a little fire, you can explode the gunpowder, but if this lot of gunpowder is blown up, you and I are afraid that we will all be buried under it." ”

  Tie Zhongtang's face turned red and said with a smile: "The disciple didn't even think of this. ”

  The Night Emperor said: "With these letter pipe leads, we can set off the gunpowder dozens of zhang away, not the old man boasted, just this gunpowder, which is unmatched in the world." ”

  Tie Zhongtang said: "Could it be ...... What's the trick here? ”

  The Night Emperor said: "Nature has a knack...... You must know that this black gunpowder is very easy to explode, and if you don't get it right, it will easily attract the disaster of killing, which is by no means something anyone can do. Ha ha! But it's far from it. ”

  Tie Zhongtang smiled: "This is natural. ”

  The Night Emperor said: "This requires not only skill, but also a pair of firm hands, and also knows how to use what method in what situation in order to make the gunpowder exert its maximum power." ”

  Tie Zhongtang sighed and said, "The disciple really didn't expect that this gunpowder is the same. It's a pity that there is such a big knowledge...... It's a pity that the disciples can't learn. ”

  The Night Emperor stared at him for a long time and said with a smile, "You're a little disappointed because of this, aren't you?" ”

  Tie Zhongtang said: "Disciple...... This ......"

  The Night Emperor said: "I have taught you everything I have learned in my life, but I am hiding it from myself, if you think about it carefully, do you know what this is for?" ”

  Tie Zhongtang said: "The disciple can't think of it. ”

  The Night Emperor said: "Just because this gunpowder is really a vicious and bad thing. ”

  He looked up to the sky and sighed, and then continued: "When I made it, I was overjoyed and determined to pass it on to the world, but after thinking about it for two days, the more I thought about it, the more chilled I became, and not only did I destroy the secret recipe immediately, but I also vowed never to teach it to anyone from now on, lest it harm future generations." ”

  Tie Zhongtang pondered for a long time and said: "But since the power of this thing is so powerful, it can be used to open up mountains and roads, so don't you know how much manpower and material resources can be saved?" ”

  The Night Emperor sighed: "Yes, although its things are also of little benefit to the world, but if they are used for another way, it will be more harmful than the flood beasts." ”

  Tie Zhongtang said: "This ...... The disciple couldn't figure it out again. ”

  The Night Emperor said: "Think about it, if you use it to fight and kill, what will it do? If it is a dispute between martial arts factions, it is still a small matter, and if it is a confrontation between two countries, wouldn't it be unimaginable? ”

  Tie Zhongtang pondered for a long time, and then lost his voice: "Ah...... Not bad. ”

  The Night Emperor sighed: "Since ancient times, the world has ambitions, with ambitions, there must be fighting, since the battle of the Yellow Emperor, thousands of years, this battle and killing, how many times has it stopped?" ”

  Tie Zhongtang sighed: "That's right. ”

  The Night Emperor said: "But in ancient times, the battle was only used in wood and stone, and it was not much to hurt people, and after that, people learned to quench iron and forge knives ......."

  He sighed to himself again, and continued: "The people of the world are inevitably complacent about this, but they do not know that the more sharp weapons are made, the greater the ambition of people, and the more people die under sharp weapons. ”

  Tie Zhongtang said gloomily: "On the battlefield, human life is indeed cheaper than dung. ”

  The Night Emperor said: "If this recipe for making black gunpowder is spread to the great people, when the war is together, do you think that the people will let go of such things that are a hundred times more ferocious than bows and arrows?" ”

  Tie Zhongtang said: "Never." ”

  The Night Emperor laughed miserably: "That's it, if this thing is used on the battlefield, what kind of situation is it?" Even if I don't say it, you should imagine it. ”

  Tie Zhongtang couldn't help but shudder, he really didn't dare to think about it anymore, only secretly admired the old man's compassionate heart and far-sightedness in his heart.

  After a while, the Night Emperor said slowly: "Fortunately, this thing is not easy to make, even if you know its materials, but the composition of the dosage, the production process, if there is the slightest error, it still can't be done, as long as the old man is dead, this secret convenience will never be in the world, hundreds of years, I'm afraid that no one may be able to make the same thing." ”

  Tie Zhongtang said: "But ......"

  He wanted to say something, but he glanced at the Night Emperor and stopped talking.

  It's just that the Night Emperor has already guessed what he wants to say, and sighed gloomily: "Yes, this thing can be made by me, sooner or later, there will be a day, and someone else will make it, but ...... This thing can appear one day later, and it is always better to be one day late. ”

  Tie Zhongtang sighed and said, "I hope it never appears." ”

  The Night Emperor had already carefully bandaged a bag of gunpowder, and carefully tied it into two piles with long ropes, one large and the other small.

  Tie Zhongtang said: "This ...... Why split into two piles? ”

  The Night Emperor said: "This small pile is enough to blow up this stone, but after the explosion, the rubble will definitely pile down, and even block the way out, so you will have to use this big one again to blow up the exit." ”

  The Night Emperor and Tie Zhongtang worked together to cut a gap under the boulder, and then the Night Emperor carefully stuffed the gunpowder into it.

  The lead leads through long, winding gaps in the ground to the inner cavern.

  The Night Emperor, Tie Zhongtang, and those excited maidens also retreated into the inner cave with the larger bag of explosives.

  So, the Night Emperor handed the fire fold to Tie Zhongtang and said with a smile: "The credit is yours, you can do it." ”

  Tie Zhongtang smiled happily: "Obey." ”

  He shook the fold of fire, prayed silently, and said, "But I hope that Heaven will have mercy on this fire." ”

  His palms hung down, but when he heard the sound of the "wave", the fuse was already burning.

  I don't know what the Night Emperor made of, but it obviously contained gunpowder, and when Fang lit it, it exploded into a puff of sparks.

  Mars stretches out outwards like a rain of flowers.

  Everyone stared at it, and felt that every bit of spark symbolized infinite joy and contained infinite hope......

  An earth-shattering explosion finally rang out.

  Although everyone was waiting and expecting this explosion, the sound of a big earthquake suddenly came, and everyone couldn't help but be taken aback.

  Although a few girls had already quietly covered their ears, their ear drums were still numb from the shock, and they could not hear any sound for a moment.

  As far as the earthquake wave reached, the solid mountain rock shook violently, and stone chips, stone powder, and dust ...... It rained like rain and filled everyone's eyes.

  The utensils and ornaments on the stone table - each of them was made by the Night Emperor with an unknown amount of effort, and each of them was a priceless thing, but it was also shaken down and shattered.

  But at this moment, no one can care about this.

  Before the sound of the tremor had subsided, the crowd rushed out, anxious to see the results of the explosion, to see if the boulder had been shattered.

  The further you go, the thicker the gray smoke becomes. When they arrived at the place of the explosion, there was a fog on all sides, so that people couldn't open their eyes, even if they were close at hand, they couldn't see it.

  After the tea time, the gravel dust finally began to fall - looking through the dull gray smoke, the hill-like boulder was long gone.

  The girls couldn't help but cheer in unison.

  The Night Emperor burst into tears and muttered, "It's done...... It became ......".

  Although this old man has experienced many things in his life, he has never been so excited and happy, and tears of joy welled up in his eyes.

  Tie Zhongtang was not a surprise intersection, with tears in his eyes. ”

  He couldn't stop muttering as if he was fascinated, "It's amazing...... It's amazing......"

  This boulder can be blown to pieces, not to mention human flesh and blood, if such a murder weapon is used for killing, then human life really doesn't know how cheap it will become. May the world never make anything like this again.

  He thought, "If anyone makes something like this again and spreads it to the world, he will regret it when he sees the consequences." ”

  He also thought, "Whoever can make it will make a great profit, and when he repents of old age, he will use it for the benefit of the people, but whatever he does will not be enough to make up for the sins he has made for the world." ”

  He was not wrong, and everything was not what he expected.

  Sure enough, someone invented this thing in later generations, and that person was very remorseful, and he set up a fund with the windfall profits he had made to reward the world for some special achievements.

  If this invention is evil, but the life of the world has improved a lot because of it, and if he is right, human life has indeed become more degrading because of it.

  Who can make a public judgment on the rights and wrongs of this?

  At this moment, even Tie Zhongtang himself didn't know why he remembered these strange and mysterious questions, and the situation didn't allow him to think about it anymore.

  A second pile of gunpowder has been brought in and buried in a pile of stones.

  The crowd retreated again.

  The fuse was ignited again, and the spark exploded again......

  With a bang, the second earthquake finally broke out again.

  The girls cheered and ran out again.

  Suddenly, the Night Emperor whispered and said, "Wait." ”

  The girls were stunned, and some blurted out, "What are you waiting for?" ”

  When the sound of the earthquake disappeared, the Night Emperor said in a deep voice: "Even if you go at this moment, you can't see anything clearly, so it's better to wait and go again." His voice sounded calm and peaceful......

  The smoke was so thick that I couldn't tell what the look was on his face.

  Although the girls are a little strange, they can only wait obediently.

  However, their mood was indescribably excited, indescribably excited, and by the end, even their bodies were trembling.

  Their suffering is coming to an end, and the light they have been waiting for is in sight, but they must wait here...... Waiting......

  How anxious it is to wait.

  The smoke gradually fell, but the Night Emperor still sat still.

  The girls couldn't help but ask, "Do you have to wait?" Why? ”

  The Night Emperor said slowly, "The longer you wait, the greater the joy you will get. ”

  Although he was saying this, Tie Zhongtang had already guessed his mood.

  His mood at the moment, like everyone who faces a major test, does not dare to face it suddenly, and if he can delay it for a moment longer, it will be a moment.

  Obviously, he is not sure whether he will succeed this time, and he is afraid of failure, and he will not be able to withstand any blow!

  And who can withstand another blow?

  But the fatal blow still has to fall on this group of unfortunate people.

  I don't know how long it took, but the Night Emperor finally sighed and said, "Go!" ”

  The girls ran away with a shout, but Tie Zhongtang accompanied the Night Emperor at the end.

  The two of them had a common mind, and both walked very slowly—and when they got there, they were surprised to find that none of the girls were still standing.

  Some of them were unconscious, and some of them were weeping and falling to the ground.

  The boulder has been shattered, and the exit has exploded. But the Night Emperor made a lot of calculations, but he still miscalculated, he didn't calculate the power of this gunpowder, and he didn't know that the power of this gunpowder was so great!

  The first explosion had shattered the rocks on the ground, and the second explosion had blown up the entire huge rock.

  The rocks collapsed, and tens of millions of tons of stones fell, blocking the self-blown exit of the side, and there was no extra gunpowder to blow it up.

  This miscalculation is undoubtedly a fatal blow to them! All their joy and hope have faded with the wind at this moment.

Chapter 41: The Hunt of the Prairies

  At the beginning of the strange roar, it has already resounded through the grassland.

  I only heard the whistle coming, rushed over the galloping horse, and suddenly came to the front, everyone was frightened, and when they heard this terrible and sharp whistle, they couldn't help but tremble.

  Yi Ming involuntarily moved his body quietly and walked towards Tie Qingshu.

  Tie Qingshu changed color and said, "What is this...... Who? ”

  Yun Yi said softly: "Stop, quickly bend down......"

  Before he could finish speaking, the whistling sound had reached the top of his head.

  Tie Qingshu didn't have time to think about it, grabbed Yi Ming, fell to the ground, and pressed his body tightly on Yi Ming's delicate body.

  At this moment, he only felt that it was his duty to protect the women around him, and he had long forgotten what men and women were to defend.

  With a "whoosh", a figure whistled past his head, and then, with another "whoosh", another figure swept by.

  Two in, one chase, one escape. Although Tie Qingshu came to see the figures of these two people, he heard the sound of the wind breaking through the clothes, and he had already guessed that these two people were indeed martial arts masters.

  Although the cloud wing is prostrate, his body is upright.

  The feet of the two figures were almost kicking his head, but the old man did not even tilt his head, but stood proudly and stared.

  But seeing that these two people fled in front, it was Feng Eryou. The one chasing behind was Leng Yifeng, who had turned into the body of a poisonous god.

  The whistling sound went far away, and Tie Qingshu heard a soft "cherry blossom" under his body, and realized that he was full of warm fragrant nephrite.

  His heart was hot, his face turned red, and he quickly turned over and sat up, although he lowered his head, but with a pair of eyes, he couldn't help but quietly glance at the person next to him.

  Yi Ming was still lying on the ground, his shoulders were shaking, his chest was obviously rising and falling violently, he didn't know if she was ashamed? Is it annoying? Do you want to? Still afraid to sit up?

  Tie Qingshu only felt that one of his hearts was beating "dong", as if he was about to break his chest and jump out, and after a while, he couldn't help but call softly: "Girl......"

  Yi Ming said softly: "Hmm......"

  Tie Qingshu snorted: "Girl, don't be weird, it's just ...... Just ......"

  Yi Ming suddenly turned over, lowered his head and smiled: "You are desperate to protect me, how can I blame you." ”

  She was originally a hearty and bright woman, but she was suddenly pressed on her by the solid body of a young man, and somehow she felt a feeling in her heart, and she didn't know if she was shy? Or what? At this moment, although she tried her best to pretend to be casual, she couldn't help but be still red, and a pair of eyes that were as bright as autumn water never dared to raise them.

  Although neither of them raised their heads, but they breathed and smelled each other, and there was a sweet taste in their hearts, and Tie Qingshu was even more confused, distracted, and almost stupid.

  Suddenly, Yun Yi shouted and said, "Qingshu, raise your head!" ”

  Tie Qingshu's heart trembled, and then he remembered that Master Yan was still in front of him, and the head that hung down did not dare to raise it, but said in a trembling voice: "The disciple is here." ”

  Yun Yi said sharply: "When is this time?" Where is this place? Have you forgotten? ”

  Tie Qingshu said: "Brother...... The disciple did not dare. ”

  Yun Yi snorted, and turned his eyes and said, "Miss Yi." ”

  Yi Ming lowered his head and touched the corner of his clothes, and replied softly: "Yes......"

  Yun Yi Shen Lu said: "Every disciple of the Great Banner Sect bears a sea of blood and hatred on their shoulders, and they must not allow their children's private feelings to consume their heroic strength. ”

  Yi Ming said: "I ...... I know. ”

  Yun Yi shouted: "You know, why don't you hurry up?" ”

  Yi Ming was stunned for a moment, raised his head and said, "But...... But ......"

  Yun Yi said: "Don't say more, let's go quickly!" ”

  Tie Qingshu lost color and said, "But ...... But this place is full of dangers, and you ...... But your old man taught her where to go alone with a woman? ”

  Yun Yi said angrily: "Is the affairs of others more important than the blood feud of this sect? ”

  Tie Qingshu said: "But she was almost ...... just now"

  Yi Ming suddenly swept up and said loudly: "Don't say it, I'll go, although I am a woman, I have been wandering the rivers and lakes for many years, am I still afraid of being eaten?" ”

  At this time, her acupuncture points have gradually failed, the blood on her body has gradually passed, and although her skills are a little inconvenient, she can finally stand up.

  Yun Yi didn't look at her and said, "That's the best, let's go quickly!" ”

  Yi Ming said: "I said I wanted to go, and I would go." ”

  She was a little excited in her heart, her voice was also a little choked and hoarse, she took a step forward, suddenly looked back and sneered, and said, "But before I leave, I have a question to ask you." ”

  Yun Yi shouted: "Say it quickly! ”

  Yi Ming said: "You want me to go, are you afraid that I will seduce your disciple?" ”

  Yun Yi didn't expect this girl to be so straightforward, and she dared to ask such a thing in person, gong to gong, drum to drum.

  He couldn't help but be stunned, and said, "This ......"

  Yi Ming said: "Tell you, although the love of children can dissipate ambition, why can't it stimulate people's ambitions?" Do you have to be a monk for all your disciples to take revenge, is this ...... I'm afraid that it may not be, not to mention that there is no one in the world who can manage this matter. ”

  Yun Yi shouted angrily: "Shut up! ”

  Yi Ming ignored him and said to himself: "What's more, I have never looked down on the Great Banner disciples from my heart, and I have seen too many women who are sad for your Great Banner disciples." ”

  She sneered and continued: "Not only do you not know how to protect your wives and daughters, but you let your wives and daughters be bullied, and you have to make them sad, what kind of hero are you?" What heroes? I see that you have a deep blood vendetta, so if you don't take revenge, let's rescue the wives and daughters of your disciples first! ”

  Yun Yi was shocked and angry, and was stunned by her scolding, this majestic old man did not expect that someone would dare to speak like this in front of him.

  Yi Ming said: "I'm done talking, it's time to go, think about it carefully!" ”

  He didn't look back, but walked away.

  Tie Qingshu looked at her stupidly, wanting to call, but he didn't dare.

  At that moment, the roar suddenly turned back.

  This time the whistling came faster, and it was even more terrifying.

  Yi Ming suddenly stumbled under his feet, and he fell again.

  Tie Qingshu was no longer desperate, and pounced again, this time the two of them were bent on seeing who they were, and although they fell to the ground, they still turned their heads to look.

  One after the other, two figures, like meteors catching the moon, swept over Yun Yi's head, and as long as there was a difference of proportion, Yun Yi would be kicked down.

  Tie Qingshu said in a panic: "You...... Why don't you fall down? ”

  Yun Yi said angrily: "Animal, don't you know what kind of identity you are as a teacher? How can you fall down at will, the disciples of the Great Banner would rather die......"

  Suddenly, the whistling stopped completely, and there was a dead silence in all directions.

  This sudden silence was even more shocking than when the whistle broke out, and even Yun Yi couldn't help but pause.

  But, immediately after, Feng Jiuyu's hoarse and shrill voice came again.

  I heard him shout: "I know you're here, why don't you show up?" You must have brought something you borrowed from me, so bring it back to me...... Hurry up ......"

  The voice flickered left and right, coming and going, and it was obvious that his figure had not stopped, but no matter how he shouted, there was no response from all around.

  Everyone was surprised and surprised, and they couldn't help but ask themselves in their hearts: "Who is here?" Who is Feng Jiuyou talking to? ”

  Feng Jiuyou drank for a long time. finally couldn't help but scold.

  He hissed and scolded, "You, where are you hiding?" Lao Tzu has been chased out of breath, you haven't come out to save Lao Tzu, you, don't you want to kill Lao Tzu? It's good that Lao Tzu will not pay back the guy who borrowed you, you know that only that guy can stop this poisonous bird at this moment! ”

  Yun Yi couldn't help but muttered, "Could it be Hua Erniang who he scolded?" ”

  Yi Ming said: "Listen to his tone, I'm afraid it's not, but ...... But the one he scolded must have been a woman, and she had borrowed something as important as him. ”

  At this moment, the old and young were full of curiosity, and they actually asked and answered, as if they had forgotten all about the matter, Yun Yi pondered for a long time, and said: "What can be in the world that can stop the poison god?" ”

  Yi Ming said: "This ...... It's really embarrassing. ”

  Tie Qingshu suddenly said: "The 'guy' he said is not a thing, but a person. ”

  Yi Ming said: "Well, not bad......"

  Yun Yi frowned and said, "But who in the world can stop the poison god?" If this man really has such ability, how can he be borrowed by the two of them like this? ”

  Everyone guessed and guessed, but they couldn't guess why.

  At this time, the scolding turned to the left.

  But when they heard the sound of "whoosh", Feng Jiuyou swept over the grass beside them, and the poisonous god Leng Yifeng naturally followed closely.

  But the strange thing is that behind the poison god, there is an extra figure.

  This figure is very small, light and light, and even more terrifying, silently clinging to the poison god, but the poison god is unaware.

  The three figures disappeared in a flash.

  Yun Yi groaned: "Could it be this person that Feng Lao Si scolded? ”

  Yi Ming said: "Well, this person really looks like a woman." ”

  Yun Yi changed color and said: "There is only one woman in the world who is so good at light skills, I am afraid that even the fireworks and rain flowers and double frost are not as good as her." ”

  Tie Qingshu said movingly: "Who is your old man talking about?" ”

  Yun Ji said word by word: "Lightning Zhuo Erniang!" ”

  Tie Qingshu and Yi Ming looked at each other, and they couldn't help but gasp.

  Yun Yi said in a deep voice: "In Biluofu, the four people of wind, rain, thunder, and lightning have all come here today, which is really something that others can hardly believe." ”

  You must know that thunder, rain, electricity, and wind, no matter who it is, as long as one of them appears, it is already a matter of shaking the rivers and lakes, not to mention that the four of them are all together?

  Yi Ming muttered: "In this way, this valley must be even more lively, alas! No matter who these four people are, they are enough to turn this time upside down. ”

  Tie Qingshu said, "Let's ...... Let's go, these four people are here. ......" glanced at Yun Yi, and swallowed back the following words.

  Although he didn't dare to say what he said below, others might also guess what he was going to say: "With these four people here, with our martial arts, what else can we do?" "If their martial arts are compared with Zhuo Sanniang and others, they are really like autumn insects and bright moon.

  Yi Ming said softly: "Yes, at this time, they are entangled with each other, we can take the opportunity to get out, if it is ......"

  Yun Yi suddenly shouted angrily: "Who dares to say a word again!" ”

  Tie Qingshu said: "But if you don't go, you can ......"

  Yun Yi said sharply: "The four of them are entangled with themselves at the moment, and they must no longer be able to pay attention to the affairs of others, this is a great opportunity for us to act." ”

  Yi Ming blinked and said, "Action? ”

  Yun Yi said: "Not bad. Action, the people in the Wufu Alliance must also be hiding in this grassland at this moment, so they fled in shock, and they must not be able to get together at this moment. ”

  Yi Ming said: "These people are the most bullying and afraid of evil, greedy for life and afraid of death, in this case, they must not dare to move around at will, then, presumably, they will not gather in one place." ”

  Yun Yi heard her scolding her enemy, and secretly couldn't help but have a good impression of her, looked at her sideways, and smiled: "That's right, when they dispersed, we just broke them one by one, and one of them bumped into the old man." I'm going to kill him! When two people met the old man, they wanted him to die! ”

  Yi Ming clapped his hands and said, "Okay!" Situ laughed, but the thief had to leave it to me. ”

  Yun Yi smiled: "The old man is about to take a look at the skills of the Rainbow Seven Swords. ”

  Seeing the two of them like this, Tie Qingshu liked it very much, but after glancing at Yun Yi, his eyebrows furrowed again, and he said, "It looks like your old man's physical strength ......."

  Yun Yi said sharply: "Seeing that the enemy's head is already hanging on the knife, the old man's virus has already solved itself, but he is a little thirsty, so he just went to drink their blood." ”

  Yi Ming said with a smile: "Even if it is old wine, it is not as good as the blood of the enemy. ”

  Yun Yi laughed and said, "Good boy, I don't want you to fall into the old man's spleen." ”

  Yi Ming said: "But I just scolded your old man......"

  Yun Yi said: "Duh! What is scolding, the one who can scold is the one with the real temperament, it is much better than those who go along with it, let's go! ”

  Take a big step now and move forward.

  Yi Ming stuck out his tongue at his back, turned his head and laughed quietly with Tie Qingshu: "This old man, but he is really a strange person, if he doesn't like you, he can't do anything, if he looks at you and pleases you, it doesn't matter if he scolds him." ”

  Tie Qingshu said: "I'm afraid that you are scolding right, otherwise ......"

  Yi Ming said: "Otherwise? ”

  Tie Qingshu sighed and said, "Otherwise, I'm afraid I won't be able to see you again." ”

  Yi Ming blushed and said, "That'...... So what does it matter? ”

  Tie Qingshu lowered his head and said, "It's okay with you, but I do." ”

  These two sentences also rushed out of his mouth, saying exactly what he said from the bottom of his heart, to know that people are most likely to reveal their true feelings in tribulation, Tie Qingshu is like this, and Yi Ming is not the same.

  Yi Ming couldn't help but glance at him, seeing that his face was full of sincerity, his heart softened, and he said what he didn't want to say.

  I only heard her say softly: "Actually, I ...... I also have a relationship ......"

  With a twist of his waist, he flew forward as if he was flying.

  Tie Qingshu was overjoyed, and his body seemed to become lighter, and he followed her lightly, and the disaster and danger in front of him had long been forgotten.

  Yun Yi took the lead, and he didn't seem to hear any of the words of the little children behind him, and he never looked back.

  After seeing Wen Daidai and Yi Ming, after hearing the bad news of Tie Zhongtang and Yun Zheng, the old man's temperament really seemed to have changed a little.

  Between the long grass, the action was difficult to avoid people's eyes and ears, but fortunately, at this moment, Feng Jiuyou was still running away and scolding, covering up the actions of the three of them.

  Suddenly, with a flash of cold light, a long sword stabbed out of the grass and went straight to Yunyi's chest, silently, ruthlessly and quickly.

  Yun Yi shouted and said, "Sure enough, it's here!" ”

  He had been on guard for a long time, although this sword came suddenly and spicy, but the head of this iron-blooded banner sect did not take it seriously.

  As soon as he turned his waist, the long sword pierced into the air beside him, and he grabbed the wrist holding the long sword with a pair of iron palms and ten fingers.

  In the grass shouted angrily, "Good and evil thief, there is yours." ”

  One person danced the long sword and rushed out like crazy, and it was Yi Ting.

  Yi Ming was surprised and delighted, and shouted: "Old Master Yun's subordinates are merciful!" ”

  Yun Yi was stunned for a moment, and withdrew his palms and retreated.

  Yi Ting also stopped his sword momentum and was stunned on the ground.

  The brother and sister looked at each other, and they were all surprised.

  Sun Xiaojiao, who was following Yi Ting, gasped and said, "Good girl, it turned out to be you, we almost washed the Dragon King Temple in a big water......

  Suddenly, he heard a person's voice from the grass, and smiled softly: "Sun Xiaojiao, Brother Yi, what are you running from?" Am I really going to hurt you? Come here...... Come on, let's get together, it's easy to do things when there are more people. ”

  The voice was low, showing that the person who came was extremely cautious.

  Yi Ming changed color and said: "Si ......"

  She said a word to herself, and her mouth was covered by Yi Ting.

  Sun Xiaojiao whispered: "Yes, it is Situ Xiao, as soon as your brother and I can move around, as soon as we run into the grassland, we meet the three of them, and he ...... He actually ignored the old feelings......"

  Speaking of this, he suddenly paused, and his face turned a little red. ”

  Yi Ming had no choice but to pretend not to understand, and said in a low voice: "They came just in time." ”

  Yun Yi's eyes flashed, his face was full of murder, and he said, "Lure them over." ”

  None of these people are fools, and after hearing this, Yi Ming, Tie Qingshu, and immediately hid with Yunyi, and Yi Ting held a sword.

  Sun Xiaojiao's eyes rolled, and she smiled coquettishly: "You really won't harm me?" "Why don't you look back and see who's standing behind you?"

  Situ laughed and said, "This kind of thing to deceive children, you also want to deceive me?" "These three people are really good and slippery, and no one will turn back.

  The three of them laughed together: "We won't turn back, and you won't be able to escape ......"

  Before the laughter stopped, I suddenly heard a person behind me say sharply: "It's better for you to turn back." ”

  As soon as these words entered their ears, they didn't have to look back, they had already guessed who the person behind them was, and above the backs of the three people, a cold air immediately appeared, penetrating the soles of their feet.

  Situ Xiao coughed dryly, and said with a forced smile: "Coincidental coincidence, I met you again." ”

  Hei Xingtian and Bai Xingwu smiled dryly: "What a coincidence...... Chance encounter......"

  The three of them spoke, and their feet had quietly moved, and they leaned over to each other.

  Yun Yi shouted: "Stop! ”

  Situ smiled dryly: "Don't worry, even if you don't come to look for us, we will go to find you, since we have seen you, will we still leave?" ”

  Yun Yi said: "In that case, turn around and fight me to the death." ”

  Situ Xiao rolled his eyes and said: "The five of you, the three of us, with five enemies and three, isn't this a bit deceitful, Daqimen people, don't you think it's like this?" ”

  Yi Ming shouted: "With a shameless thief like you, what kind of morality do you talk about...... Sister Sun, you and I will clean up this thief! ”

  Sun Xiaojiao said: "I wanted to kill him a long time ago." ”

  The two of them went one after the other, attacking Situ Xiao.

  Yi Ting's long sword swung and stabbed Bai Xingwu, Tie Qingshu hesitated slightly, and also pounced, making three moves, and shouted in his mouth: "This brother, I'll help you." ”

  Black Star Tianyang laughed and said, "Okay! Good! Keep this banner for me! Although he was looking up to the sky and laughing, the laughter trembled involuntarily.

  Yun Yi said: "You still haven't turned back?" ”

  Heixing Tiandao: "Anyway, sooner or later, you have to do it, what are you anxious about?" ”

  You must know that although he said hard in his mouth, he was actually frightened, knowing that as soon as he turned around, he would fight to the death, but he taught him how to dare to turn back.

  Yun Yi said: "Do you only think that if you don't turn back, the old man won't dare to make a move?" ”

  Situ smiled and said, "It's true, where are you?" ”

  Sun Xiaojiao smiled: "It's here, can't you hear it?" ”

  Situ smiled: "Okay, this time you must not run away indiscriminately, what I said just now is just a joke to you......"

  Before the sound of laughter was over, Situ Xiao, Hei Xingtian, Bai Xingwu, and the three figures had already rushed over like arrows, surrounding Sun Xiaojiao and Yi Ting in the center.

  On the faces of these three people, no one had half a smile, and Situ Xiao's face was as cold as ice, as if what he said just now was not said by him at all.

  Bai Xingwu said coldly: "You guys are still fooled. ”

  Black Star Tiandao: "See where you are fleeing this time?" ”

  Sun Xiaojiao pretended to be surprised and said, "You...... What are you going to do? ”

  Situ smiled and said slowly: "It's not good, it's just your life." ”

  Sun Xiaojiao said: "You...... Is this another joke? ”

  Situ Xiao sneered: "Who has the leisure to joke with you...... Brother Black, Brother White, if you don't hurry up at this time, when will you wait? ”

  Sun Xiaojiao shouted: "Slow! ”

  Bai Xingwu said: "What else do you have to say?" ”

  Sun Bujiao said: "The Rainbow Seven Swords were originally here to help you, why are you ......?"

  Situ Xiao sneered: "The Rainbow Seven Swords are afraid of eating inside and outside, I have long intended to get rid of them, and at this moment, it is a good opportunity for me to be given by God." ”

  Sun Xiaojiao said: "But ...... But don't you ignore me and your ......?"

  Situ laughed and shouted, "Shut up! ”

  Sun Xiaojiao giggled and said: "I understand, you just want to tell me to shut up forever, that's why you want to kill me, you heartless thief, do you say yes?" ”

  Situ smiled and said, "What's the matter?" You slut's talkative mouth should have been shut up a long time ago. ”

  Sun Xiaojiao said: "It's time to close up, there is only one more thing to say." ”

  Situ smiled: "What words? ”

  Sun Xiaojiao said with a smile: "The praying mantis catches the cicada, the yellow finch is behind, have you forgotten this sentence, you Heixing Tiandao: "It's difficult...... Could it be that the dignified banner door will also shoot behind people......" Before he could speak, he suddenly saw a flower in front of him, and Yun Yi was already in front of him.

  I only heard Yun Yi laugh sharply: "You don't dare to turn back, won't the old man come to you, why don't you make a move?" "When he punched his chest, he struck out angrily.

  He hasn't made a move yet, he has already chilled the enemy's courage, this time he has made a move, and he really has the power of breaking the earth, after five moves, Hei Xingtian is already sweating profusely.

  Over there, although Situ Xiao still barely fought a draw with Sun Xiaojiao and Yi Ming, Bai Xingwu had already been forced into danger, sweating like rain.

  The sword light, fist wind, palm power, and the shaking of the long grass staggered around, and they broke off one after another, and some of the flying grass stalks had stuck to the sweaty faces of Situ Xiao and others, making them look even more embarrassed.

  Yun Yi saw that the three most hated enemies in his life were about to die here, and he didn't feel that he was reborn, and the more he fought, the more courageous he became.

  His long hair swayed, his fists were like rain, and the strong, violent fist wind had pressed the Black Star Sky like a mountain to the point that it was difficult to breathe.

  Yun Yi couldn't help but laugh wildly: "It's so happy! It's so enjoyable......"

  If these three people died, the Wufu Alliance would be tantamount to collapse, and the old man's grievances that had accumulated for decades were finally completely vented today, and he was extremely happy.

  Situ Xiao suddenly sneered: "What are you happy about?" If others don't say it, even if my Situ Xiao dies in battle today, he will not die in the hands of your Daqi disciple, and you will not be able to take revenge. ”

  Yun Yi was stunned for a moment, and said angrily: "You want to ......"

  But before he could say anything, Yi Ming had already scrambled to say: "Who said that you didn't die at the hands of the Daqimen people?" ”

  Situ Xiao sneered: "Could it be that you are a disciple of the Great Banner Sect?" ”

  Yi Ming said: "Who said it wasn't." ”

  Situ laughed and said, "Little slut, when did you become a disciple of the Great Banner?" Unless in this short period of time, you have married that stupid boy from Daqimen as a daughter-in-law. ”

  Although Tie Qingshu was doing something with others, he could hear these words clearly.

  He was angry and was about to speak, but Yi Ming said: "You guessed right, I am married to a disciple of Daqi, so I have also become a disciple of Daqi, what else do you have to say?" Take your life! ”

  When these words came out, Situ was stunned, and Yun Yi was surprised and delighted.

  The surprise in Tie Qingshu's heart can't be described by anyone.

  Yi Ting was stunned at first, and then he was also happy, and said with a smile: "Congratulations." ”

  Tie Qingshu blushed and said, "Thank you." ”

  The two of them were shocked, and after three moves, they forced Bai Xingwu out of breath, and Situ Xiao over there was also seized by Yi Ming.

  The critical situation of Black Star Heaven is not a problem, and these three pillars in the Five Blessings Alliance are already inescapable.

  At this moment, a figure suddenly came.

  In fact, before the figure arrived, the shouting and scolding had already arrived, but no one heard it in the excitement and fierce battle.

  This figure was none other than Feng Jiuyou, passing over this place, and with a turn of his gaze, his body suddenly turned back in the air, and rushed down diagonally towards the cloud wings.

  Yun Yi was startled, and threw a punch, but unexpectedly, Feng Jiuyou's footsteps slanted, and he had already turned behind him, and with the help of his strength, he lifted his body up.

  Yun Yi had no choice but to use his strength to jump upwards and force away the enemy behind him.

  But at this time, the poison god had already chased after him, and Yun Yi's body actually greeted him, and when Yun Yi wanted to rein in the precipice again, it was too late to rein in the momentum.

  But seeing the poisonous god's poisonous hand waving, Yun Yi was already undodgable.

  Yi Ming, Yi Ting, and Tie Qingshu were shocked, and they all left their opponents behind and pounced, but who could stop the poisonous hands of the poison god?

  Unexpectedly, at this moment, a figure suddenly came out behind the poison god, pulling Yun Yi's body down, and the two of them fell diagonally together.

  Although this hand is easy to say, but if there is no transcendent attainment, it is really impossible to dream of it, Feng Jiuyou scolded: "What a cheap woman, it turns out that you have been following me." ”

  At this time, the person who had no way in front of the poison god still rushed towards Feng Jiuyou, and before Feng Jiuyou could scold the second sentence, he jumped up in the air, turned around and fled.

  The poison god himself also chased after him.

  As soon as Yun Yi's body landed, he heard a woman's voice chuckle and said, "I saved your life, don't forget it." ”

  Before he could finish speaking, his figure had already flown up, and the laughter was already far away.

  Yun Yi shouted: "Zhuo Sanniang, stay here, are you Zhuo Sanniang?" ”

  In the midst of the call, the figure had already disappeared on the top of the long grass, but when he heard a laughing voice, he came and said, "Yes, I am Zhuo Sanniang." ”

  Yunyi looked up, but couldn't see anything.

  Yi Ming, Yi Ting, Tie Qingshu, and Sun Xiaojiao all came over and said in unison, "Are you okay with your old man?" ”

  Yun Yi looked up to the sky and sighed, and paused: "Although I am fine, how can I be cut off by this life-saving grace?" ”

  His voice paused slightly, turned his eyes, and suddenly changed color: "Not good." ”

  Everyone turned their eyes and looked around, only to find that Situ Xiao, Hei Xingtian, and Bai Xingwu had quietly slipped away when they were in chaos.

  Yi Ming and Yi Ting are okay, but Yun Yi and Tie Qingshu's grief, anger, and disappointment at the moment are really beyond any words in the world can describe.

  Yun Yi's beard was all open, his eyes were cracked, and he shouted: "Chase!" ”

  Yun Yi and Tie Qingshu took the lead, Yi Ming and Yi Ting covered on both sides, Sun Xiaojiao walked last, and the five people were divided into fans and tracked all the way.

  The children of Daqi are indeed worthy of being tempered heroes, although in such a sad and excited situation, their actions are still not reckless.

  Just because in this grassland, there is actually no difference between the hunter and the hunted, no matter how difficult it is, as long as he is careless, he will immediately be poisoned by the other party.

  Every inch of land in this grassland may be ambushed with a deadly crisis, the wind blows the grass and waves, and the heaven and earth are filled with a murderous aura.

  The strange roar and angry scolding of the wind still come with the wind from time to time, and it is obvious that Zhuo Sanniang is still playing hide and seek with him, and he is still helpless.

  What is amazing is that under his shouting and shouting, the master of fireworks and rain flowers and poison still hasn't shown up.

  Where did these two go? What are they doing?

  Although this question is suspicious, the anger of revenge is burning in the hearts of Yun Yi and the others, and this flame is burning so much that they forget everything.

  Yi Ming walked beside Tie Qingshu, and the two would hurriedly exchange an eye wave from time to time, and the eye wave touched, his cheeks turned red, and he quickly turned around.

  Only at this time, the flame of revenge in Tie Qingshu's heart will temporarily stop, but there is another completely different flame burning in his heart.

  Under the two hottest flames in the world, passion and hatred, this young man who has just set foot in the rivers and lakes is enduring double the torment.

  Suddenly, Yun Yi's body fell down.

  Although others didn't hear or see anything, Yun Yi was their horse's head, Yun Yi fell down, and other people's bodies also fell down.

  I only heard Yun Yi whisper in a trembling voice: "There are traces of the enemy in front, be careful." ”

  Although Yi Ming, Yi Ting, and Sun Shaojiao didn't hear this voice clearly, they could guess it if they didn't hear it, but their hearts couldn't help but hang for it.

  The hearts of the people were pounding, and they walked forward.

  Are they hunters or hunters at the moment, are they hunting someone else at the moment, or are they walking into a trap laid by others?

  Even they couldn't tell the difference, they didn't even dare to think about it.

  In this suspenseful question, everyone's tension has reached its peak.

  A voice finally broke out in the grass, although the voice was not loud, but it still surprised everyone, and only one person hissed: "Aunt Sheng, do you really want to turn your face?" ”

  Another strange woman whispered, "It's just about turning the other cheek." ”

  Two voices, the latter belongs to Sheng Da Niang, the former's voice, although Yun Yi can't hear it, but listening to the voice, this person must be a fellow traveler of Sheng Da Niang.

  Yun Yi's teeth clenched, and the muscles of both cheeks spasmed.

  The enemy was already in front of him again, and he should have pounced on him, but when his mind turned, he lowered his body and acted more cautiously.

  The old man did not move, and the people did not dare to move.

  Yunyi's body was completely prostrate, and he looked forward from between the roots of the long grass:

  A young man with a handsome face, but with a sly air between his eyebrows, half-squatted and half-sitting, holding a sword in his right hand and a girl in his left hand.

  The girl lay on her back, her long, black hair hanging down to the ground like a cloud, and her chest was heaving, but she was already visibly unconscious.

  Mrs. Sheng was less than five feet away in front of him, and the long grass between the two had mostly been trampled flat, as if Fang had just had a dramatic fight.

  She was still holding the black steel staff in her right hand, and she was also holding a girl in her left hand, who had also been stunned, but it was Yun Tingting.

  Sheng Cunxiao also didn't wake up, so he lay beside her, but there was still a person lying next to Sheng Cunxiao, his temples were spotted, and his long hair was slightly gray.

  Yun Yi didn't need to take a second look, he could already see that he was Yun Jiuxiao.

  As soon as this sight came into the eyes of the clouds, his eyes almost burst into flames.

  But his brother and beloved daughter have fallen into the hands of the opponent and are slaughtered, although this old man is full of grief and indignation, how dare he act at will?

  Tie Qingshu, Yi Ming, and Yi Ting also saw it, and they were also shocked and discolored.

  Yi Ming and Yi Ting were worried about Shui Lingguang, and the disciples of Daqi were worried about the Yun family's uncles and nephews, although their targets were different, the degree of anxiety was the same.

  I only heard the young man Shen Xingbai say: "Just now, you and I worked together to capture this old and young two banner people, are you going to turn your face at this moment?" ”

  Mrs. Sheng sneered: "This time, that time, don't you understand this sentence?" There is no distinction between you and inferiority, you and I scream, and the old body should want your life. ”

  Shen Xingbai said: "But ...... But have you forgotten the Five Blessings Alliance? ”

  Sheng Da Niang said: "Yes, just for this, so the old body has not done it at this moment, as long as you put this woman down, the old body will let you live." ”

  Shen Xingbai changed color and said: "This woman is my enemy, why are you ......?"

  Sheng Da Niang said angrily: "Beast, you just want to be an old man and don't know what the hell you are fighting?" Look at your ghostly eyes, and the old body knows what you're thinking. ”

  Shen Xing's white eyes flickered on Shui Lingguang's delicate body, and said, "Yes, I want to take possession of this girl......

  Sheng Da Niang shouted angrily: "Livestock! You ......"

  Shen Xingbai said coldly: "After I take possession of this woman, I can vent my anger as soon as I come, so that I can teach Tie Zhongtang's little Wang Ba to wear a green hat to be a ghost." ”

  Hearing this, Yun Yi, Tie Qingshu and the others all gritted their steel teeth, their hands and feet trembled, and their hearts were almost torn to pieces with hatred.

  But Yun Jiuxiao and Yun Tingting are still in the hands of others, they grit their teeth and have to endure them - how painful is this endurance?

  Shen Xingbai continued: "Also, this woman has been recognized by Hua Erniang as her daughter, after I possess her, the raw rice is cooked and cooked, and Hua Erniang can only recognize me as her son-in-law." ”

  He looked up to the sky and smiled, and continued: "If I become Hua Erniang's son-in-law, how can Hua Erniang not contribute to the Wufu Alliance, such a thing that kills two birds with one stone, why don't you let me do it?" ”

  Aunt Sheng was silent for a long time, and suddenly shouted angrily: "No, never no, this woman is always born to my daughter-in-law of Shengjiazhuang no matter what, and no one can insult her." ”

  Everyone was secretly strange, and they didn't know why Mrs. Sheng was so protective of Shui Lingguang, and after hearing this sentence, she suddenly realized.

  Shen Xingbai's expression remained unchanged, and she said leisurely: "Even if she is from Shengjiazhuang, could it be that I, Shen, have insulted her?" ”

  Sheng Da Niang shouted angrily: "You beast, pigs and dogs are not worthy." ”

  Shen Xingbai said: "It doesn't matter if you scold each other here, but after hearing this, it is inconvenient." ”

  The more leisurely he looked, the more angry Sheng Da Niang became, she was still afraid of the face of Situ Xiao and others, so she was reluctant to do it.

  But at this moment, under the anger, he couldn't care about anything, and shouted angrily at the moment: "The old body is going to slaughter your little animal today, see what Situ Xiao can do with them?" "Pick up the staff and hit it head.

  Seeing this, everyone secretly rejoiced, hoping that the two of them would fight as fiercely as possible, and at that time they would have their own chance to rescue Aunt Yun and the others.

  But when I heard the sound of "whew", the grass clippings flew sideways.

  Although the grand lady is old, she is not old with a cane, this battle is pulled out, when it has a compelling majesty, how dare Shen Xingbai take it hard and sweep two feet.

  At this time, his body has already submerged in the long grass, and his skills are even more inconvenient, Yun Yi and the others are already eager to try, just waiting for Sheng Da Niang to chase over, they will make a move.

  Sheng Da Niang took out the fruit of the cane again.

  Shen Xingbai didn't bounce, but suddenly shouted: "Wait! I have one more thing to say. ”

  Aunt Sheng slammed her wrist and said, "Okay, I'll listen to you again." ”

  She has been immersed in this cane for decades, and her hard work has not been in vain, but when she saw that her thin wrist fell, she gently brought back the pure steel cane weighing dozens of catties.

  Shen Xingbai said: "You bully the small with the big, and I am not your opponent." ”

  Mrs. Sheng sneered: "Since you are self-aware, you should be restrained." ”

  Shen Xingbai sneered and said: "But as long as you move the staff again, I will fight to beat you with a cane, stab your son to death with the sword in my hand, and then take this woman's life when I return the sword, what do you think?" ”

  Sheng Da Niang was stunned, the holding cane fell down with a "poof", the head of the cane poked into the soil, Sheng Da Niang's white hair fluttered, and she said in a trembling voice: "You...... Don't you dare? ”

  Shen Xingbai said: "Why don't I dare? ”

  Aunt Sheng said: "You...... You're going to ......"

  Suddenly, Yun Jiuxiao, who was lying on the ground, bounced up, like the wind, and in an instant, he clicked on the seven big points behind Mrs. Sheng one after another.

  Yun Yi and the others saw that Mrs. Sheng had stopped herself, Fang Jue was disappointed, and suddenly saw this change again, and couldn't help but be overjoyed, and jumped up one after another.

  At this time, Mrs. Sheng fell down.

  Shen Xingbai was still stunned by this change, and suddenly saw several figures in the grass leaping out like tigers, and her legs were even more weak.

  When he remembered to escape, he couldn't escape, Yi Ting, Tie Qingshu, Yi Ming, the three of them had already caught their way, but when they saw the sword flashing, the fist shadow flew away......

  Shen Xingbai had fallen to the ground.

  This victory did come too quickly, and Yun Wanxiao was also a surprise.

  Yun Yi patted him on the shoulder with one hand, and laughed heartily: "Third brother, there is really you, I only think you really can't move, but you are pretending to be garlic." This really made my eldest brother a little overjoyed. ”

  Yun Erxiao also said to herself: "The eldest brother fell from the sky, and the younger brother was even more overjoyed. ”

  Eryi said: "What's going on just now, let's talk about it." ”

  Yun Jiuxiao said: "After Tingting and I were separated from my eldest brother, we raised them here to wait for their strength to recover, but these two people suddenly covered up......

  He sighed and continued: "At that time, my strength was not restored, and I knew that even if I started, I would be defeated, so I simply pretended to be unable to move, and let this little animal surnamed Shen come to my acupoint. ”

  Yun Yiqi said: "Since your acupoint has been pointed, why can you still make a move?" ”

  Yun Jiuxiao smiled and said, "I peeked at his fingers and saw that he wanted my qi and blood sea acupoint." My palm was quietly hidden in the crack first, he pointed it, and I took advantage of the moment when the qi and blood were not sealed to untie it, although he pointed this finger, it was as if it had not been clicked.

  Yun Yi slapped his palms and smiled: "I have long said that the third brother is the think tank of the sect, and now it can be seen that it is really bad, Qingshu, you can learn more from the example of the third uncle." ”

  The joy of reunion after the catastrophe, the pride of winning a big victory, was replaced by hatred in an instant, Yun Yi's eyes turned to Sheng Da Niang, and the smile on her face disappeared.

  Yi Ming and Yi Ting had already snatched the water aura from Shen Xingbai's arms, and Tie Qingshu unlocked Yun Tingting's acupoint.

  Yun Jiuxiao kicked Shen Xingbai to Mrs. Sheng's side and said, "What does the eldest brother want to do with these two people?" ”

  Yun Yi hissed, "Kill!" Kill! Kill! What else can you do but kill? ”

  Yun Jiuxiao said: "Just do it here?" ”

  Yun Yi gritted his teeth and said, "Right here, right now......"

  But at this moment, a kind of mother-child natural induction made Sheng Cunxiao, who had been unconscious, suddenly wake up.

  Although he was still unconscious, he seemed to have known the evolution of everything, and when he woke up, he struggled to get up and hissed: "If you want to kill your mother, kill me first!" ”

  Before Yun Yi could answer, Yi Ming and Yi Ting had already knelt on the ground.

  Yi Ting said: "Although Brother Sheng was unfortunately born as the enemy of the Great Banner Gate, he has never done anything to harm the Great Banner Gate, and the old-timers must not take action. ”

  Yi Ming said: "Brother Sheng is not only not the enemy of the Great Banner Gate, but also has a moral intersection with Tie Zhongtang, and the old-timers can't make a move if they look at Tie Zhongtang." ”

  Yun Yi clenched his fists and stood still.

  Tie Qingshu hissed: "The goodness of his son is not enough to compensate for the evil of his mother......"

  Yi Ming wailed: "If you want to kill him, kill me first!" ”

  Tie Qingshu slammed his feet and didn't speak again.

  For a while, the crowd was silent, but they saw that Yun Yi's chest was gradually rising and falling violently, but the sound of Yun Yi's breathing gradually became heavier......

  Suddenly, a man parted the grass and walked out.

  Everyone was excited, but no one noticed how this person came, and at this moment, he was suddenly taken aback, took half a step, and turned his eyes to look.

  This person is dressed in green clothes, his temples are unkempt, and although his face is beautiful and moving, there is a blank look of dementia between his eyebrows.

  When she suddenly saw these many people, she was neither happy, surprised, nor afraid, but tilted her head, smiled, and said, "There are so many people! ”

  Yi Ming breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It turned out to be you." ”

  The girl smiled and said, "Yes, it's me, who is not me?" ”

  Yun Yi snapped, "Who are you?" ”

  The girl said, "Who am I?" …… Oh! By the way, I'm Leng Qingping. ”

  Yun Yi changed color and said, "Leng Qingping? Are you the daughter of Leng Yifeng? He also remembered at this moment that this girl was the one who went to the ancient temple in the wilderness more than a year ago to ventilate the news, but compared to that time, she did not know how much older and haggard she was, and suddenly it was difficult to recognize her.

  Leng Qingping tilted her head and said blankly: "Leng Yifeng...... Well! Yes, he's my father, and I whipped him...... Hee-hee! Daughter beats daddy, do you say it's fun? ”

  He actually giggled to himself, but everyone had no smile in their hearts, and they looked at her blankly, not knowing whether it was surprise or pity.

  Leng Qingping blinked her eyes and smiled blankly: "Who are you?" I...... I seem to know you, but I don't know you, I seem to have seen you, and I don't seem to have seen you......"

  Suddenly raised his hand, hit his head hard, and said hatefully: "Head, head! Hateful head! There are some things that you should remember, why do you suddenly forget them, and I beat you to death...... I'll kill you. ”

  The harder she hit, the louder she struck, Yun Tingting couldn't help it, she rushed over, took her hand, and said, "You have seen us, we were in the ancient temple that day, if you didn't come, we would ......"

  Leng Qingping clapped her hands and smiled: "Oops! Yes, the ancient temple ...... Ancient temple ......"

  Yun Tingting said: "By the way, ancient temple, do you remember?" ”

  Leng Qingping said: "Of course I remember, that ancient temple is so fun!" There are a lot of weird things, and ...... There were also two people fighting, flying around. ”

  Yun Tingting said: "I'm not talking about this ancient temple, it's about the ...... of that day."

  Leng Qingping said: "Yes, yes, I don't lie to you, that ancient temple is really fun, the red walls, the yellow tiles, it seems to be ...... It's golden. ”

  Everyone looked at each other, silent, but disappointed and sad for her, Yun Tingting was full of tears, and she wanted to cry.

  Yun Yi sighed: "This woman is only afraid that she has gone crazy, and she is thinking about the old feelings...... Alas! Let her go! No matter how much I talk to her, I can't tell why. ”

  Yun Jiuxiao's heart moved, and he suddenly said, "Wait." ”

  Yun Yiqi said: "You want to keep her, why?" ”

  Yun Jiuxiao said in a deep voice: "Demented people, sometimes the most credible words. ”

  Yun Yi said even more strangely: "This ...... So what? ”

  Yun Jiuxiao didn't answer, turned around and said, "Miss Leng, have you just been to that ancient temple?" ”

  Leng Qingping smiled and said, "By the way, I just came out of there." ”

  Yun Yi shook his head and sighed: "There is no ancient temple on this grassland, I am afraid that she is ......"

  Yun Jiuxiao interrupted him with a shake of his hand, and asked himself, "Have you seen the people fighting in that ancient temple?" ”

  Leng Qingping said: "Naturally, I can see it, I can see it clearly!" ”

  Yun Jiuxiao said: "What do they look like? ”

  Leng Qingping tilted her head again and muttered, "He ...... Oh, by the way, one of them is a man and the other is a woman...... That man is still my father's master! I can't tell anyone. ”

  She had obviously told others, and she said that she would not tell others, and the obsession in her mind could be imagined, and everyone sighed, but they were taken aback - the poison master turned out to be there.

  Yun Yi said movingly: "The one who did it with him was Hua Erniang?" No wonder the two of them never showed up...... Cold...... Miss Leng, where is the ancient temple? ”

  Leng Qingping smiled: "It's there, turn left, turn right, turn left, turn right again...... Keep your head down, then turn left...... Turn left again, or turn left......"

  Yun Yi smiled bitterly: "Don't turn around, you can take me and wait!" ”

  Leng Qingping suddenly covered her face with her hands and exclaimed, "I'm not going...... I'm not going...... I'm never going again. ”

  Yun Yi said, "Why don't you go?" ”

  Leng Qingping said: "Although that place is fun, it is also terrifying, and there seem to be ghosts on all sides...... Ghost! Ghost! There are so many ghosts! I'm not going...... Don't go ......."

  Yun Yi paused and said, "This ...... This...... Alas! ”

  Yun Jiuxiao suddenly smiled: "I know, you are lying." ”

  Leng Qingping said: "No, no, I didn't lie to you. ”

  Yun Jiuxiao said: "You obviously haven't been to that place, and you don't know where it is, so you refuse to take us there...... This is a liar, and we should not pay attention to her. ”

  Leng Qingping said: "I'm not a liar, I'm ...... Okay, I'll take you there, but ...... But I don't want to go in anymore, I'm going to wait at the door, okay? ”

  Yun'er Xiaoxi said: "As long as you lead the way, if you can't get in, it's all up to you." ”

  Leng Qingping said: "Okay, let's go!" ”

  Slowly turned around and walked slowly into the grass.

  Everyone had vaguely guessed at this moment that there must be some secrets hidden in the mysterious ancient temple, and when they saw her leave, they couldn't help but follow.

  Yun Jiuxiao whispered: "These two ...... Sheng ......"

  Yun Yi pondered for a long time, and sighed suddenly: "Even if you want to take her life, you can't do it in front of your filial son." ”

  Yun Jiuxiao said in a low voice: "This is exactly what the little brother meant. ”

  Turning his eyes, he saw Yi Ming holding Shui Lingguang, Yi Ting had already helped Sheng Cunxiao up, and saw a woman, Sun Xiaojiao, looking down at Shen Xingbai.

  He glanced at it, and immediately called, "Qingshu, come here." ”

  Tie Qingshu turned around and said, "What do you have to say from the third uncle?" ”

  Yun Jiuxiao said: "You pick up Aunt Shan, if something happens......

  His voice was abrupt, and with a slash of his palm, Fang Zi continued: "Do you understand?" ”

  Tie Qingshu said: "The disciple can save it." Leaned over and picked up Aunt Sheng at the moment.

  Sheng Cunxiao hissed: "Thank you, brother...... Thank you seniors, in the next, in the next......" sighed, lowered his head, and walked with Yi Ting wordlessly.

  Yun Jiuxiao looked at Sun Xiaojiao and said, "This girl ......"

  Sun Xiaojiao smiled back and said, "Do you want me to hug him?" Good! Without waiting for Yun Jiuxiao to speak again, he picked up Shen Xingbai and followed the Yi family brothers and sisters forward.

  Yun Yi frowned and said, "Why do you want her to ......?"

  Yun Jiuxiao said with a smile: "Big brother, don't worry, the little brother will follow her closely." ”

  Leng Qingping brushed the long grass with the palm of her hand and took the lead. In this dangerous grassland, she walked comfortably, as if she was walking.

  The group of people who followed her couldn't help but be a little apprehensive, but the matter had come to this point, and there was only one step forward.

  I saw that she walked a section of the road and was about to turn a corner.

  Yun Yi frowned and said, "In the grassland, why bend. ”

  Yun Jiuxiao smiled bitterly: "Even if you want her to lead the way, you can only let her." ”

  Yun Yi sighed and said no more.

  But when he heard the sound of the wind and the nine ghosts whistling and scolding, he had already come to the front again: "Third Sister Zhuo, even if I obey you, what do you want?" Say it."

  Listening to Zhuo Sanniang's sharp voice again: "Have you scolded enough?" ”

  Feng Jiuyou said: "How dare the little brother scold the third sister, the little brother ......"

  Zhuo Sanniang said: "You don't dare to scold me, who is scolding just now?" ”

  Feng Jiuyou said: "Fang Cai...... It's me who scolds me, I'm a bastard, an animal, I'm not a thing, I'm not a thing inside or out. ”

  Zhuo Sanniang said: "What about the future? ”

  Feng Jiuyou said: "Whatever the third sister says in the future, the younger brother will listen to anything, the third sister wants me to do somersaults, I will do somersaults, and the third sister wants me to eat dung, and I will eat dung." ”

  Zhuo Sanniang said: "If you are duplicitous, what should you do?" ”

  Feng Jiuyou said: "That...... Then whatever the third sister does. ”

  Zhuo Sanniang said: "Whatever I do, you said this yourself?" ”

  Feng Jiuyou said: "What I said, it's all what I said, third sister, aunt and grandmother, you spare me!" This guy is not human, I am also a human being, how can I outrun him. ”

  Zhuo Sanniang smiled: "Okay, come with me!" ”

  These words came from the wind, sometimes far and near, sometimes unheard.

  Speaking of this, everyone saw the pale gray figure following the poison god, and suddenly approached, and in a flash, his figure had swept in front of Feng Jiuyou.

  By the time everyone looked again, all three of them were gone.

  Yun Yi sighed: "The name of Lightning Zhuo Sanniang is really true, if it is only based on light work, I am afraid that even the Night Emperor will not be able to catch up with her in the future." ”

  Yun Jiuxiao muttered slightly: "Lightning Zhuo Sanniang, the light skill is unparalleled, the flying swallows are captured, and the treading water waves are not raised...... If it's not her, how can others tease Feng Jiuyou like this? ”

  Yun Yi said: "It's just...... I don't know what the 'guy' she borrowed from Feng Jiuyou is? If it is a human being, who in the world can poison the edge of the gods? ”

  Yun Jiuxiao continued: "If it's not a person, then what kind of weird thing is it?" ”

  Yun Yi said: "God knows what the hell that is. ”

Chapter 42 The Sunset Shines on the Banner

  The grassland is vast, and people walking in it seem to be endless.

  The group followed Leng Qingping, and they didn't know how long they had been walking.

  Yun Yi finally said impatiently: "Isn't this girl teasing me?" ”

  Yun Jiuxiao smiled: "Presumably not." ”

  Yun Yi snorted, was silent for a while, and suddenly said, "But what if I find that ancient temple?" ”

  Yun Jiuxiao said: "In such a poor valley grassland, there is an ancient temple, this ancient temple must hide many mysterious things, as long as these things are related to martial arts, they must have something to do with this sect." ”

  Yun Yi said: "Yes, the secrets in the martial arts in recent decades have more or less something to do with my Daqimen, especially in the six provinces north of the Yellow River......

  He frowned thickly, and continued: "But Hua Shuangshuang and Fang Poison are there, and these two people are friends and enemies with us, so I am not asking for trouble when I go this time?" ”

  Yun Jiuxiao sighed: "The eldest brother doesn't know anything, from what the younger brother can see, the grievances of this sect are extremely extensive and complex, and they are not as simple as we imagined in the past. ”

  Yun Yi said: "This, my brother also knows." ”

  Yun Jiuxiao said: "With the power of the disciples of this sect alone, it is not easy to take revenge, not to mention ...... Alas! In the past year, the disciples of this sect have withered to Si again. ”

  Yun Yi looked up to the sky and smiled: "I hope the sky will help me ......"

  Yun Jiuxiao's eyes flashed, and he said, "At this moment, it is a great opportunity for the heavens to give me. ”

  Yun Yi said: "How do you say this? ”

  Yun Jiuxiao said: "At this moment, the top masters of today's martial arts have arrived here, some of these people are sane, some have ghosts, and they all have grievances and grievances between them, and we can use the contradictions between them to create a favorable situation for us." ”

  Yun Yi said: "Although the words are good, but ......"

  Yun Jiuxiao intercepted: "Although these people seem to be friends and enemies with us, as long as we are good at dealing with them, they will not only not be enemies with us, but will help each other, such as Hua Shuangshuang...... Her beloved daughter is already in our hands, so why can't we ask her to do something for us? ”

  Yun Yi frowned and said, "This ...... Isn't that a bit ......?"

  Yun Jiuxiao sighed: "The younger brother knows the meaning of the eldest brother, which means that this move will inevitably be underwhelming, but I am shouldering a deep hatred in the sea of blood, and in order to seek revenge, we can only do whatever it takes." ”

  Yun Yi sighed, "It's so ......"

  Suddenly, Leng Qingping shouted: "This is here." ”

  Everyone was overjoyed, looked around, only to see that this place had really reached the edge of the grassland, and there was also a mountain rock in front, which was not affected by the seismic wave, and still stood majestically, but the rock and mountain were grandiose, not an inch of grass grown, and there was no piece of tile root wood, how could there be any shadow of the ancient temple.

  Yun Yi looked at it for a long time and said angrily: "Where is the ancient temple?" ”

  Leng Qingping said: "It's right under the mountain in front." ”

  Yi Mingqi said: "Under the mountain? The ancient temple is at the foot of the mountain? ”

  Leng Qingping grinned and said, "I haven't finished talking yet!" Big sister, what are you anxious about? ”

  Yi Ming said: "Please, say it quickly, I'm dying in a hurry." ”

  Leng Qingping said: "There is a small hole under the mountain, you can go in if you lower your head, after entering, turn left, turn left, turn left, or turn left......"

  Yun Yi said: "Wait for the old man to go in and take a look." "Jump and go first.

  Everyone followed one after another, and when they arrived at the bottom of the cliff, they saw that the long grass grew straight to the foot of the mountain, and suddenly there was no cave, but if they looked closely, they could find that a long grass had traces of being trampled, and the wind could be faintly heard coming from the cliff behind the long grass.

  Yun Jiuxiao said: "I'm afraid it's here." ”

  Leng Qingping stood far away and said, "Yes, that's it, you guys go in, I'm leaving." "The long hair was flicked, the grass was parted, and it really grew away.

  Everyone looked at her back and couldn't help but be stunned.

  Yun Yi said in a deep voice: "Is there a deception in this? ”

  Tie Qingshu said: "Yes, who knows that this cave is not a tempting trap, this girl may be pretending to be demented, so as to teach us to fall for her." ”

  Yi Ming said: "Never, she is not such a person." ”

  Yun Tingting said faintly: "If she is such a person, how could she come to the police at the expense of her life in the past, not to mention, how could she come to harm us with such affection for Second Brother Tie." ”

  Tie Qingshu said: "Maybe her true nature has been lost. She came by order, and since she followed the poison master, this ...... Isn't that highly likely? ”

  Yun Tingting was stunned for a moment, and said, "This ...... Alas! ”

  Everyone looked at each other, both feeling that Yi Ming and Yun Tingting's words were good, but they also felt that what Tie Qingshu said was reasonable, and for a while, no one could make up their minds.

  So everyone's eyes were on Yunyi, just waiting for him to cut it.

  Yun Yi looked at Yun Jiuxiao and said, "Third brother, what do you think?" ”

  Yun Jiuxiao pondered for a long time, and said categorically: "Since we have come here, even if it is a trap, we must go in and take a look." ”

  Yun Yi raised his arms and said: "Yes, if you don't enter the tiger's den, you can get the tiger!" ”

  The cave in the grass was only four feet high, and everyone had to bow their heads to enter, and although the entrance was not large, it was obviously artificially chiseled.

  Under the moss around the cave, traces of carvings can still be faintly seen.

  Yun Jiuxiao waited to enter the cave, and then retreated, tore off pieces of clothing, and wiped off the moss on the stone, but found that the carving on the stone was exquisite.

  Around the four-foot square, there were carved figures in samurai costumes, some were prancing horses and trying their swords, and some were stabbing and fighting.

  Although the carvings are a little blurred due to their age, at a glance, I can see that every figure on the stone is carved vigorously, as if they are about to break out of the wall.

  Yun Jiuxiao said in a deep voice: "Big brother, look, this fruit is related to martial arts. ”

  Yun Yi said: "Take the lead for my brother." You cover from the side. ”

  Before he could say anything, he walked in short.

  Yun Jiuxiao and others entered one after another, Yi Ming walked at the end with Shui Lingguang, and suddenly found that Yun Tingting had not yet entered, but was looking at the carvings on the stone.

  Yi Ming smiled: "Let's go, what's there to see here." ”

  Yun Tingting said: "I think these pictures are a little strange. ”

  Yi Ming said: "What's strange? "I don't feel like I'm looking at it right now.

  Although there are many carved figures on it, but if you look closely, most of the faces are the same, and these one hundred and ten figures seem to be only four or five people. ”

  Yun Tingting said: "Can you see it?" ”

  Yi Ming said: "Hmm! The drawings seem to be coherent, as if they are telling a story...... This first picture is to say that this big man has been attacked by someone and is about to be defeated...... The second ......"

  Suddenly, Yi Ting in the cave called: "Second sister, come in." ”

  Yi Ming smiled: "Let's go!" Even if these pictures are telling a story, they won't have anything to do with us......" grabbed Yun Tingting and walked in.

  Although Yun Tingting had been pulled into the cave by her, she still turned her head to see that this ancient carving seemed to have a strange attraction to her.

  She didn't even know why.

  After entering the cave, there is a tortuous and dark secret passage.

  This secret road winding in the belly of the mountain, in the past, I don't know how much manpower and material resources were spent to start repairing and chiseling, between the smooth stone walls next to the road, every ten steps, you can find a bronze lamp with an ancient form and elegant casting, but now the ruthless years have been stripped of its former glorious coat, replaced by a layer of heavy and ugly moss, green, like snake scales, so that every corner of this secret passage is filled with a sense of solemnity and sadness that makes people fly over it.

  As soon as everyone entered this room, they saw this mysterious and degraded scene in their eyes, and breathed in their noses this ancient and eerie damp breath.

  It felt like walking into a grave, so heavy that I couldn't breathe. ”

  Even Yun Yi couldn't help but slow down.

  There seemed to be a strange sense of foreboding in his heart, and in the desolate shrine at the end of the secret passage, there seemed to be a tragic fate waiting for him.

  But he knew this, and he couldn't turn back, there seemed to be an evil force in his body pushing him, telling him to keep moving forward.

  Although his steps were slow, his face was heavy, but his heart was beating surprisingly excitedly-waiting for him on the road ahead, even if it was an extremely tragic fate, but somehow, instead of wanting to escape, he couldn't wait to face it, Yun Jiuxiao, Tie Qingshu, and Yun Tingting's mood at the moment was the same as him-this strange secret cave absurd word, for the children of the Great Banner, it seemed to have a strange and evil attraction, and this attraction actually made them face bad luck with an excited mood, and even face death.

  The secret passage has finally come to an end.

  Another portal—another portal full of carved reliefs. ”

  Walking here, Yun Yi couldn't hold back the excitement in his heart anymore, and he didn't care if there was someone in that door? Uninhabited? It doesn't matter where it is?

  It was as if he had suddenly forgotten everything, and with a loud shout, he rushed in. This old man, who had always been calm, suddenly became so impulsive, and dared to drink so loudly and run so wildly in this mysterious place full of dangers. Everyone couldn't help but be taken aback, and the swarms poured in.

  The ancestral hall was filled with dust that was shocked by his shout, and Yun Yimu stood in the dust, as if he was stunned, and he didn't move.

  Where are the traces of others in this desolate shrine?

  Yi Ming took a breath and muttered, "Hua Erniang and Master Poison are not here...... Could it be that the cold girl lied to us? ”

  She didn't know whether she was happy or disappointed, but after looking at it for a while, and after looking at every corner of this absurd word, she suddenly murmured again: "She didn't lie to me...... Didn't lie to me. ”

  It is not so much a desolate ancestral hall as a decaying temple - dome-shaped, carved under the dome, supporting eight huge stone pillars, more than ten wide and neat stone steps, is a majestic shrine, two mighty statues.

  Although the dust is heavy, the moss is thick, and in the gloomy corners, there are the remains of birds and beasts, and dense cobwebs, but all of them are not enough to hide the grandeur of this temple in the past.

  But after the dust dissipates, you can find it on the stone pillars, between the stone walls, and in the shrines...... There are shiny grains embedded everywhere.

  Their glittering light seemed to be extremely incommensurate with this old and ancient temple, which was as amazing as the gloomy sky was full of bright cultivation—everyone couldn't help but stare at it, and then they realized that these grains of crystal light were all hidden weapons that could immediately put people to death.

  These hidden weapons are varied, different sizes, some are five pearls, plum blossom needles, silver thistles, soul snatchers...... Although these hidden weapons are not ordinary, Yun Jiuxiao and the others can finally call their names, however, in addition, there are dozens of other kinds that are even more strange and varied, some such as flying cymbals, some such as twisting scissors, some such as swords, and some such as spirals, but all of them are as small as rice grains, almost difficult to distinguish.

  Although Yun Jiuxiao and the others have been in the rivers and lakes for a long time and have seen a lot of knowledge, they have not only seen such a secret weapon in their lives, but they have never even heard of it.

  The most surprising thing is that these hidden weapons, which are small in size and slight in weight, and seem to be difficult to penetrate even the cloth, are deeply embedded in the bluestone that is stronger than steel at this moment.

  Everyone looked at each other, and they all wondered in their hearts: People of the whole world, except for fireworks, rain and flowers, who can cast these many strange hidden weapons at the same time, and who can make these weapons crack and pierce the wood?

  Yi Ming said: "That cold girl really deceived us, the fireworks and rain flowers and the poisonous handsome, sure enough, she used to fight to the death here, but it was just ......"

  Tie Qingshu couldn't help but say, "It's just...... I wonder where these two people are at the moment? ”

  Yun Jiuxiao frowned and said, "I don't know who these two people are winning and who is losing?" ”

  His eyes swept over the little shining hidden weapon, but he was thinking in his heart: if the poison wants to escape from this smoke and rain of hidden weapons, I am afraid that it will be difficult to reach the sky.

  Although everyone did not see the thrilling battle just now, but witnessing the relics of this great battle, they could not help but have many different feelings in their hearts.

  Yi Ming's eyes fluttered, and he sighed lightly: "I only hate that we are a step late...... It's a step too late......"

  Suddenly, I saw Yun Tingting running up the stone steps quickly, although she was running fast under her feet, her eyes were just looking at the two mighty statues.

  The face of the idol has also been hidden by the moss, and she can't see anything clearly, but Yun Tingting can still see it, and even when her knees hit the hard stone table, she didn't feel any pain, she supported her hand, got on the stone table, tore off a piece of clothing, and then jumped on the shoulders of the huge statue.

  Yun Jiuxiao frowned and said, "Tingting, what are you doing here?" ”

  Yun Tingting didn't reply, as if she had heard his words at all, but she trembled and stretched out her palm to wipe the moss marks on the face of the idol.

  Before Yun Jiuxiao could ask, his eyes suddenly caught a glimpse of Yun Yi - Yun Yi's eyes were also looking at the statue directly, and he seemed to be stupid.

  In an instant, Yun Jiuxiao felt a tremor in his heartstrings, and his blood rushed to his head, but he suddenly forgot everything, just staring directly at the statue.

  The Yi Ming brothers and sisters looked at their strange expressions, and they didn't even feel a strange omen in their hearts, as if something amazing was about to happen......

  The heavy moss was finally wiped clean, revealing the face of the idol.

  It was a mighty, resolute and brave face, and between the eyebrows, it was full of indomitable fighting spirit and strong will that could not be turned back.

  Yi Ting glanced at it, and his heart jumped, he only felt that this face was so familiar, as if he had seen it just a moment ago.

  Yi Ming couldn't help but blurt out: "This ...... Isn't this the Yun senior......"

  The words were paused, and I saw that Yun Yi and Yun Jiuxiao had fallen to their knees.

  At this moment, the changes in the expressions on the faces of the two of them were really indescribable—it seemed to be surprised, joyful, sad, and excited......

  Tears were already flowing down Yun Tingting's face.

  She gritted her teeth and wiped the moss marks from the face of the idol, and was about to jump down, but her knees weakened, and the whole person fell on the huge god table.

  Sun Xiaojiao was dumbfounded, quietly went up to Yi Ming's side, and whispered, "What's going on?" ”

  Yi Ming shook his head and said, "I don't know either." ”

  In fact, she had vaguely guessed what was going on in her heart, but she didn't dare to conclude for a while...... She couldn't believe that there was such a chance in the world.

  The disciples of Daqi had all turned over and knelt down, their faces full of tears.

  Yun Tingting said in a trembling voice: "Sure enough...... Sure enough, yes......"

  Yun Jiuxiao said with tears in his eyes: "Yes...... Yes......"

  Sun Xiaojiao couldn't help but say, "What it?"

  Before he could speak, he suddenly heard Yun Yi looking up to the sky and hissing sadly: "The sky, the sky...... The disciple really never dreamed of seeing the remains of the two ancestors here and now, and the day of revenge and shame had really arrived. ”

  Sun Xiaojiao's heart was shocked, and she was shocked: "This ...... Isn't this the two predecessors of the Great Banner Founding Sect? ”

  At this time, everyone had already realized that the face of the statue of a god on the left was really six points similar to Yun Yi, the head of the banner who was kneeling on the ground at this moment."

  Yi Ming and Yi Ting have also knelt down.

  Sheng Cunxiao's face changed miserably, and he muttered, "Providence...... Providence. ”

  Yun Tingting struggled to get up from the stone table, and suddenly exclaimed, "Daddy, there is still handwriting carved on this table." ”

  Yun Yi said: "What are you talking about?" ”

  Yun Tingting wiped her clothes while reading: "I wish Yun and Tie two benevolent fathers, descendants for all generations, and a prosperous family lineage......."

  Yun Yi smiled and said: "Descendants for all generations, the family will be forever prosperous......"

  He looked around at the withering of his disciples, and the old tears couldn't help but fall even more.

  I only heard Yun Tingting tremble and continued: "The name here is ...... It's ......" Her voice was suddenly full of resentment and resentment, and she hissed: "Sheng, Lei, Leng, Bai, Black, and Situ worship together!" ”

  These words were about to come out, and Sheng Cunxiao couldn't help but shudder.

  Yun Yi had already looked up to the sky and laughed miserably: "A good six surnames worship together, a good descendant of all generations, your six surnames really wish that the descendants of my Yun and Tie families died cleanly." ”

  In the midst of the miserable laughter, he jumped up, grabbed the grand lady, and hissed: "Providence, providence told you to come here today and see with your own eyes the words left by your ancestors, you ...... What else do you have to say now? ”

  Mrs. Sheng closed her eyes tightly and gritted her teeth and said nothing.

  Yun Yi shouted: "Sheng Cun filial piety, since you are called a filial son, do you know that if you are filial to your mother today, you are not filial to your ancestors?" ”

  Sheng Cunxiao said gloomily: "Junior...... Juniors, alas! There's really nothing to say. ”

  Yun Yi said sharply: "Since there is nothing to say...... Okay, Aunt Shan, the old man will look at your son's face and give you another chance. A palm shook the acupoint of the grand lady, and shouted angrily: "Get up and fight to the death with the old man!" ”

  He took two steps back, turned around to face the two towering statues, and said in a trembling voice: "The two ancestors are above, and the disciple Yunyi is going to settle the grievances of the Great Banner Gate in front of the two old men today, and the younger brother will use the blood of the enemy to sacrifice the heroic souls of the two old men in the sky!" ”

  He shook his arms before he turned around—

  Suddenly, a voice came from the stone statue.

  The voice was ethereal and mysterious, like a ghost.

  This voice said word by word: "Yunyi, Yunyi, you are wrong, how can the grievances of Daqimen be so easy to settle, even if you kill Sheng Da Niang, what is the use?" ”

  The voice suddenly rose, everyone was shocked, in the mysterious temple, behind the ancient statues, there was a sudden human voice, how not to make people frightened.

  Yun Yi's body trembled, staggered back, and said in a trembling voice: "You...... You ......"

  He was shocked, and where could he still speak.

  The voice has continued: "The grievances and grievances of the Great Banner Gate are entangled, and the people involved in it are really unimaginable, but fortunately, the people involved in it have all come here today." ”

  Yun Yi plucked up his courage and hissed, "How do you know? ”

  The voice said, "How could I not know, what is in the world that I do not know?" ”

  Yun Jiuxiao suddenly shouted, "Who are you?" ”

  But now he realized that this voice came from behind the stone statue, and in the midst of the loud shouting, his figure suddenly rose and threw himself behind the stone statue.

  Unexpectedly, his figure was still here, and suddenly a wind sound struck out behind the stone statue, although the wind was not strong, but it had already shook Yun Jiuxiao into the air and turned over, and he staggered to the ground.

  Yun Yi was shocked and angry, and shouted to himself: "Who are you?" ”

  The voice chuckled, "I just saved your life, have you forgotten now?" ”

  Yun Yi was shocked: "Zhuo Sanniang! ”

  The voice said: "Yes, I am Zhuo Sanniang, since I saved your life, I know that I will never harm you at this moment, how can you not listen to my good words?" ”

  Yun Yi said: "You...... What do you want me to do? ”

  Zhuo Sanniang said: "If you really want to settle the grievances of Daqimen, come with me." ”

  As he spoke, a figure swept out from behind the stone statue, like a dragon flying, like an electric shock, flashing in front of everyone's eyes, and then disappeared again.

  But in just a flash, most of the people have discovered that among the two stone statues, there is a secret passage, and Zhuo Sanniang obviously came out of there.

  There may be a greater danger hidden behind this secret passage, but Yun Yi and the others really have no choice at this time, even if they fight for their lives, they have to break through.

  Yunyi people snorted and said, "Come with me under the banner." ”

  Where the arms vibrate, sweep away first.

  Yun Jiuxiao turned his head to look at Aunt Sheng and said in a deep voice, "Do you still want to ......?"

  Aunt Sheng sneered and said, "Don't bother with it, it's come to this, will I still leave?" Wei Yi hesitated, turned around and took his beloved son, and followed Yunyi away.

  There is another secret passage after the stone statue.

  This road is naturally more tortuous, and it is even more gloomy, and Yun Yi and the others walked in this secret road, and the excitement was more prosperous than Fang Cai.

  Zhuo Sanniang's figure has long since disappeared, but the sound of laughter has come from the darkness in front from time to time, as if it is guiding the way for this pedestrian.

  Everyone felt that the chill on their bodies was getting heavier and heavier. After walking for a long time, I suddenly heard the sound of shouting and screaming on the road ahead, and the sharp sound seemed to come from the poisonous god Leng Yifeng.

  Then, I heard Zhuo Sanniang say from afar: "It's time to get the courage to come over!" ”

  Then, in front of the road, you can faintly see the light of day.

  At this time, no one spoke, only the sound of the heart beating louder and louder, and the pace of everyone couldn't help but get faster and faster-

  Suddenly, there was a sudden brightness in front of me.

  A heavy portal, even taller.

  The inside of the door is extremely bright, it is also a heavy hall, built more majestic than the front, it is even more magnificent, there are also two more huge statues of gods on the shrine, although the faces have been covered by moss, but the strange thing is that this statue seems to be two women, what is even more strange is that such a majestic hall, the left side has collapsed, the stones are scattered, the stones are scattered, the sky light shines directly in, illuminates the whole temple.

  However, all of them had no intention of looking at these strange things, except that there was something amazing in the temple that attracted their attention.

  The deafening roar, the shrill roar, and the sound of a stirring wind filled the palace-like temple.

  The two figures, the rabbits and the falcons, were fighting viciously, and all the voices came from these two vicious figures.

  One of these two people was whistling endlessly, jumping like a ghost zombie, and everyone didn't need to see him clearly to know that he was the god of poison.

  The other man was endless, wielding a huge axe in his palm, the shadow of the axe was like a mountain, and the wind was howling, so that the cloud wings and clothes that were several feet away floated for it.

  This figure seemed to have an endless divine power in his body, and he danced the giant axe, which was as big as a wheel, through the wind and rain.

  The poison god was enraged, but the two poisonous claws no longer wanted to touch the man's body, and he roared violently, circling around the figure until the axe shadow showed a little gap, but the figure seemed to be forever tired, and it seemed that he could swing the giant axe from now until eternity.

  Everyone had seen such a terrifying battle before, and they were all stunned.

  Yi Ming suddenly said: "It turns out that this is the 'thing' in Feng Jiuyou's mouth, but who is this person?" How could he have such divine power, he ...... Isn't he human? ”

  When he turned his eyes, he saw Yun Yi's eyes staring directly at this figure, and his eyes seemed to fall out. He didn't look at it for a moment, and suddenly shouted loudly: "Brother! This is my brother! ”

  Yun Jiuxiao had already shouted, "Brother, why are you here?" ”

  The two of them were excited and were ready to rush forward, but suddenly there was a flower in front of them, and Zhuo Sanniang had stretched out her hands to block their way.

  I only heard her say in a deep voice: "Yes, this is your brother, and he is also the only person in the world who can stop the poison god, I brought him here to fight the poison god." ”

  Yun Yi said: "But what brother is he...... He seems ......"

  Zhuo Sanniang smiled: "Yes, his mind seems to be a little wrong, just because his soul has been lost, it is no longer appropriate for him to fight with the poison god." ”

  Yun Yi hissed: "The old man is the head of the banner, how can he see him suffering so much, how can he see him fighting alone, even if the old man fights for his life, he has to ......"

  Zhuo Sanniang said with a smile: "His soul has been lost, how can he suffer, how can he know that he is suffering, not to mention, he has already denied his six relatives at the moment, if you go to intervene, he will hurt you by mistake." ”

  Yun Yi said: "But ...... But ......"

  Zhuo Sanniang said: "You must know that after his soul is lost, he can use all the potential in his body, and at this moment he is already one of the most powerful people among the disciples of Daqi, and the poisonous god Leng Yifeng is undoubtedly the strongest master in the Wufu Alliance at this moment, and the two of them are fighting this time, which is tantamount to a key battle between the Daqimen and the Wufu Alliance, why not?" Use your martial arts to intervene...... Wouldn't that be an extra move? ”

  Although her words "one more move" are very polite, the implication is to say: "If you go to intervene, will it not be in vain to give your life." ”

  Yun Yi was stunned for a long time, sighed for a long time, and did not speak again.

  At this time, everyone's eyes finally moved away from the poison god and the barefoot man.

  Yi Ming turned his head to look around, only to see that on the god case, under the stone statue, three zhang apart, there were two people sitting cross-legged, and one person sitting on the left side, it was actually Feng Jiuyou, he thought that it was because of the huge wear and tear in Fang Cai's body, he was closing his eyes and pranayama at the moment, and the one sitting on the right was the master of poison, his red face had a slight gray color, and he was obviously injured.

  After looking at the stone case again, the flash shrank to reveal three heads, staring at Yun Yi fiercely, but it was Hei Xingtian, Bai Xingwu and Situ Xiao.

  Yi Ming glanced at it, and couldn't help but say to himself in surprise: "It's strange, the three of them are also here, but how can Hua Erniang ......?"

  I only heard Zhuo Sanniang smile and said, "Hua Erniang went to find her daughter." ”

  Yi Ming said: "That...... What about Miss Wen? ”

  Zhuo Sanniang said: "Wen Daidai is already in Situ Xiao's hands. ”

  Yi Ming lost his voice and said, "Oops! How is this good! ”

  Zhuo Sanniang smiled slightly and said, "Wen Daidai was originally Situ Xiao's person, and it is a matter of course to return to Situ Xiao's side at this moment, but why do you want to worry about her?" ”

  Yi Ming was also stunned for a moment, and sighed lightly, and didn't speak anymore - the matter has come to this, what else does she have to say?

  Yun Jiuxiao turned his eyes around, but he was a little happy in his heart.

  At this moment, Hua Erniang has gone, Feng Jiuyou, Fang Poison was injured, and the remaining masters were left with only Zhuo Sanniang, but Zhuo Sanniang seemed to have no ill will towards Daqimen.

  Looking at the situation between the enemy and us, the enemy Sheng Da Niang has fallen into her own hands, Sheng Cunxiao can no longer fight, and does not want to fight, the remaining Hei Xingtian, Bai Xingwu, Situ Xiao three, there is no need to worry, as long as the barefoot man is undefeated, the blood feud of Daqimen will be retributed today.

  At the thought of this, the corners of Yun Jiuxiao's mouth couldn't help but smile a little.

  He didn't wait for the smile to disappear, gently pulled Yunyi's coat, and said in a deep voice: "Great opportunity, fleeting, don't do it yet, when will it wait?" ”

  Yun Yi's spirit was shocked, and he said, "Exactly!" ”

  waved his hand and continued: "Qingshu, Tingting to Bai Xingwu, I will take Situ Smile, Hei Xingtian is the third brother yours!" Before the sound of life was over, the figure had risen by itself.

  The axe wind and the figure occupied almost the entire hall, and Yun Yi only walked along the wall, and Yun Jiuxiao, Tie Qingshu and Yun Tingting followed in a hurry.

  These four people are all enthusiastic and murderous, even Yun Tingting, her eyebrows are full of murderous aura, and the blood that is eager to kill is poured out of the anger in her chest.

  Zhuo Sanniang looked at their backs, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and she smiled and said, "Okay, good, it should be like this, it should be like this......"

  With a turn of his eyes, his smile suddenly narrowed, and he continued in a deep voice: "But this is the grievance between Daqimen and the Wufu Alliance itself, except for you parties, no one will interfere much, you know?" ”

  Aunt Sheng sneered: "But I can do it." ”

  Fang waited to put down Sheng Cunxiao, his body suddenly shook, and in the exclamation, he turned over and fell, it turned out that Sheng Cunxiao did his best and clicked on his mother's acupoint.

  The mother and son both rolled to the ground.

  Mrs. Sheng was shocked and angry, and hissed: "Filial piety!" Be...... It's you? ”

  Sheng Cunxiao burst into tears and said, "The child should be killed, but ...... But the child ......"

  Aunt Sheng scolded angrily: "Livestock! You unfilial beast! ”

  Zhuo Sanniang smiled: "Don't scold him, your son is for your own good, if you don't do it at the moment, no matter who wins or loses on both sides in the future, you can stay out of it, why don't you do it?" ”

  Hearing an angry shout, Yunyi's iron fist had already hit Situ Xiao's chest.

  Situ Xiao laughed wildly: "Okay, surnamed Yun, are you really afraid of you just because I Situ Xiao?" Since he had to fight, he had to muster up the courage to fight back with all his might.

  Over there, Black Xingtian and Yun Jiuxiao have each attacked seven moves, and Tie Qingshu and Yun Tingting have both entangled Bai Xingwu!

  The grudges that have accumulated in their chests for decades, once they can vent them at this moment, the fox poison of the moves is fierce, needless to say, they can also be imagined.

  Bai Xingwu and the three of them also knew that today's battle, if they didn't distinguish between life and death, they would never stop, and they had no other choice but to fight hard.

  For a while, but seeing the shadow of the fist wind, roaring and surging, murderous, and imminent, Yi Ming, who was dozens of zhang away, could feel the existence of such a murderous aura.

  Although these people's martial arts are not top masters, just this murderous aura is enough to make people thrilling, and Yi Ming is even more heartbeat, and he doesn't stop secretly cheering for Tie Qingshu.

  Zhuo Sanniang glanced at her with a smile, and suddenly smiled: "Although you are not a disciple of Daqi, it seems that you must be helping Daqimen." ”

  Yi Ming said: "The teacher of justice, everyone can be helped." ”

  Zhuo Sanniang smiled: "What a righteous teacher, it's a pity...... Alas! ”

  She deliberately paused to speak, and Yi Ming couldn't help but ask, "What's the pity?" ”

  Zhuo Sanniang said slowly: "It's a pity that this righteous army is afraid that the whole army has been wiped out today." ”

  Yi Ming's face changed, but he immediately shook his head and smiled: "Just with Hei Xingtian, Situ Xiao and the other three people, how can they be their opponents?" is about to be wiped out, I'm afraid it's the Wufu Alliance! ”

  Zhuo Sanniang said: "Oh...... What about the god of poison? ”

  Yi Ming said: "Isn't the poison god already resisted? ”

  Zhuo Sanniang smiled and said: "Yes, the poison god has been resisted, but the barefoot man can resist the poison god, and he has done his best, but he can't get rid of it, not to mention ...... A person's potential is always limited, and after half an hour at most, he will no longer be able to resist it. ”

  Yi Ming lost color and said: "That...... So what? ”

  Zhuo Sanniang said: "At that time, the righteous army will be wiped out. ”

  Yi Ming gritted his teeth and said: "At that time, I have to think of a way to ...... the poison god."

  Zhuo Sanniang's face suddenly sank, and said: "As a person in charge, no one is allowed to interfere, have you forgotten this?" ”

  Yi Ming changed color and said, "Could it be that you ...... Can you bear to see them die? ”

  Zhuo Sanniang said: "I act fairly, neither allow others to help the Wufu Alliance, nor allow people to help the banner, if anyone dares to take action, they must first pass my Zhuo Sanniang pass." ”

  Yi Ming was stunned for a long time, and hissed: "You knew that Daqimen was going to be poisoned, so you said such a thing, you are obviously partial, and what do you say to act fairly, you ...... You...... You're just ......."

  Zhuo Sanniang snorted sharply and said, "Such a bold woman, speaking in front of Sanniang, dare to be so rude, could it be that you only say that Sanniang has no means to seal your mouth?" ”

  Yi Ming was stunned again, turned his head, and his cheeks were full of tears, falling like rain.

  Yi Tingzi was also full of anger, but in front of this top martial arts master, what could the two of them do except endure it? Can't you still send it to death?

  After a while, I only heard Zhuo Sanniang say: "The matter has come to this, what are you crying about, let's take a look over there!" ”

  Yi Ming couldn't help but look back, only to see that although the Yunyi move was fierce, Situ Xiao flashed and moved with a small body, and he would not be defeated for a while.

  Although Yun Jiuxiao has the upper hand, it is not easy to get it, only Bai Xingwu ......

  Bai Xingwu was attacked by two small sandwiches, but he was already left and right, and he was embarrassed.

  Yun Tingting and Tie Qingshu are newborn calves who are not afraid of tigers, no matter what moves Bai Xingwu cast, the two of them actually fought him back.

  Bai Xingwu was sweating profusely, and slapped out with one palm, and his left flank was unexpectedly exposed.

  How could Tie Qingshu be willing to spare people, the tiger roared, and bullied himself.

  Who knew that although Bai Xing's force was inferior to the two of them, but he had a lot of experience in fighting, but he didn't know how much stronger he was than the two of them.

  Tie Qingshu's figure was bullied, Bai Xingwu's left palm broke through, and he slapped it with one palm, Tie Qingshu's moves were already old, where could he dodge.

  Yi Ming lost his voice and said: "Ah! Not good. ”

  The call was over, and Tie Qingshu was shocked by this palm and flew out.

  Although this palm hit Tie Qingshu, it was like hitting Yi Ming's heart. She was so heartbroken that she almost rushed to it.

  But seeing Tie Qingshu rolling on the ground twice, he jumped up again, it turned out that although Bai Xingwu had just hit it with one palm, he was finally restrained by Yun Tingting, and one palm could not use all his strength.

  Yun Yi looked around and shouted, "Good boy, go up again!" ”

  Tie Qingshu hissed, "Yes! Sure enough, he pounced on himself again, although his face had changed color in pain and his head was covered with cold sweat, but his strong aura had not weakened slightly.

  Yi Ming looked distressed and relieved - girls all over the world, who doesn't want their sweetheart to be an iron man!

  Zhuo Sanniang smiled: "It seems that you are not bad to that young man." ”

  Yi Ming said: "Hmph! Turning his head to ignore her, he turned his gaze, but suddenly found that there were two people missing behind him - Sun Xiaojiao actually hugged Shen Xingbai and slipped quietly in the chaos.

  But at this time, she had no time to take care of Sun Xiaojiao's affairs, because at this moment, Feng Jiuyou, who was sitting cross-legged, suddenly grew up.

  Yi Ming, Yi Ting, were not surprised.

  Yi Ming said: "Feng Jiuyou is not a party either, and you can't let him make a move." ”

  Zhuo Sanniang smiled slightly: "Don't worry, he won't make a move." ”

  Feng Jiuyou really didn't look at the battle situation, but just walked slowly in front of the poison master, and Yi Ming breathed a sigh of relief.

  But seeing Zhuo Sanniang's eyes, a mysterious and smug smile flashed. It seems that Feng Jiuyou has already calculated that he will definitely do something amazing.

  Feng Jiuyou walked in front of the poison, and the poison was already a miserable change, showing that if Feng Jiuyou made a move at this moment, the poison was still powerless to resist.

  The strange thing is that Feng Jiuyou didn't make a move.

  He just smiled slyly, stared at the poison, and said slowly, "Raise your head." ”

  The poison master said, "You...... What do you want? ”

  Feng Jiuyou said slowly: "Look at me." ”

  The poison master's gaze involuntarily lifted upward, and he came into contact with Feng Jiuyou's eyes full of mysterious and strange meanings.

  He secretly said in his heart: "It's not good. "But if you want to dodge again, it's too late.

  Feng Jiuyou said: "The last time you fought with me, although I was poisoned by you, you were also fascinated by me, but at that time your heart was still strong, and the middle was not deep, enough to support, but you were a little crazy, although others could see it, you yourself would not be aware of it at all." ”

  His voice suddenly became indescribably kind and gentle, as if he was a kind elder talking to his beloved children.

  The poison master looked at him, and he was also listening obediently, as if he was an obedient child, listening to the lessons of his elders.

  Feng Jiuyou said: "But you have been injured by Hua Erniang's secret weapon at the moment, you are good at using poison all your life, but you can't solve the poison of Hua Erniang's secret weapon...... Do you say yes? ”

  The poison master couldn't help but nod his head.

  Feng Jiuyou said: "It's because you're wholeheartedly trying not to let that poisonous gas attack your heart at this moment, and because your will to protect your soul has weakened, you can no longer resist me." ”

  The Poison Master sighed and nodded unconsciously.

  Feng Jiuyou said: "That's it, your mind is all under my control at the moment, you don't have the slightest idea yourself, you can only listen to me, right?" ”

  His voice became more and more gentle and gentle, and the poison master stared at him for a long time, and finally slowly lowered his eyelids, and said with his jaw bowed: "Yes." ”

  Feng Jiuyou said: "Now that you have only one master in this world, you can't disobey whatever he says...... Who is your master? DID YOU KNOW? ”

  The poison master dreamed: "The master is you." ”

  Feng Jiuyou said: "If you disobey your master, what should you do?" ”

  The poison master said: "Listen to the master's punishment." ”

  Feng Jiuyou said: "The poison in your body has been blocked by my divine power, and it will definitely not attack. ”

  To know that the ancient "art of heart-stirring" is the art of hypnosis today, which has the power to cure diseases, and today's doctors, in the face of hopeless diseases, if this technique is performed, every miracle effect.

  The poison master actually had a smile on his face and said, "Thank you." ”

  Feng Jiuyou said: "But if you disobey the master's order, this poison will attack immediately, and then no one in this world will be able to save you, you know?" ”

  The poison master smiled and lowered his head, "I know." ”

  Only then did Feng Jiuyou show a smug smile on his face, and said softly: "Okay, now you can call your poison god back, tell him who the disciples of the Great Banner are, and ask him to cut off all the disciples of the Great Banner, and everyone will be punished." ”

  The poison master said, "Obey." ”

  Feng Jiuyou suddenly turned around and shouted, "Where is the Divine Axe Force?" ”

  The poison master also shouted to himself: "Where is the poison god of this sect? ”

  With the sound of cheers, the figure of the axe wind disappeared suddenly, and the poisonous god swept to the side of the poisonous man like a swift wind, and the barefoot man also strode in front of the wind and nine shadows.

  Yi Ming and Yi Ting, who were in the distance, only saw the change in the expression on the face of the poison master, but they couldn't hear what Feng Jiuyou said, and they were already a little strange in their hearts.

  And at this moment, when I saw the poison god and the barefoot man being recalled, I couldn't help but be even more surprised, the two looked at each other, and no one could guess what was going on.

  If the two of them could hear what Feng Jiuyou said at this moment, they would be even more surprised, and what Feng Jiuyou said to the barefoot man at this moment was: "Barefoot man, you are originally a disciple of the Great Banner, do you know?" ”

  The barefoot man said, "Yes." ”

  Feng Jiuyou pointed his finger at Bai Xingwu, Hei Xingtian, and Situ Xiao—pointed over, and said: "These three people I finger at are your enemies, you go and take the lives of the three of them at this moment, there must be no mistake." ”

  The barefoot man said, "Yes." ”

  At this time, the poison god had already roared again, and a gust of wind swept to Yun Yi's side, and a pair of poisonous claws stretched out sharply and grabbed Yun Yi. , Yun Jiuxiao happened to see it, and he was frightened, and shouted wildly: "Big brother be careful." ”

  Yun Yi turned over, rolled on the spot, and rolled out of Zhangyu, but when he saw the body of the poison god, the pair of ghost claws had already grabbed Yun Jiuxiao.

  Yun Jiuxiao also tried his best to avoid it, and shouted: "Qingshu, Tingting, stop, retreat!" ”

  The four of them scattered and fled, but the poisonous god roared but was always behind them. Yi Ming, Yi Ting was shocked, Situ Xiao and others were overjoyed. ”

  But their laughter was still heard, and the god-like barefoot man was already galloping forward, and the great axe like a wheel, carrying the sound of the wind, struck down on the head.

  This giant axe is like the poisonous claws of the poison god, and it is by no means invincible to man.

  So Situ Xiao, Bai Xingwu, and Hei Xingtian only scattered and fled, and the sound of the giant axe's fierce wind never left their side.

  All of a sudden, in the hall, I saw eight or nine people rushing left and right, rushing back and forth, shouting, exclaiming, and howling, and it was endless.

  Feng Jiuyou clapped his hands and laughed: "It's fun, it's fun, it's wonderful." ”

  Situ Xiao exclaimed, "Senior Feng, you ...... How do you ......"

  Feng Jiuyou laughed and said: "The barefoot man is originally a disciple of the Great Banner, so he naturally wants to settle accounts with you, what do you call me to do?" ”

  Here Yi Ming said: "Zhuo ...... Senior Zhuo, how can you ......?"

  Zhuo Sanniang chuckled: "Leng Yifeng is originally from the Wufu Alliance, so he naturally wants to find a disciple of Daqi, what are you calling me to do?" You see, who is not the one who is entangled in grievances and grievances at this moment? Which outsider intervened? Are you Sanniang doing things fairly? ”

  Yi Ming was shocked and angry, and hissed: "You are so ruthless! You guys are so ruthless! Not only do you want the whole army of Daqimen to be wiped out, but you also want the Wufu Alliance to die cleanly, what are you doing this for? ”

  Zhuo Sanniang smiled slightly: "They are all dead, isn't the world very peaceful?" ”

  Yi Ming gasped, not knowing what to say anymore.

  Suddenly, outside the gap in the collapse of the temple, someone whispered, "What is this for?" Is it a rebellion? Stop it all! ”

  A figure, swept over, it was Hua Shuangshuang.

  Zhuo Sanniang immediately shouted: "Hua Erniang, you are not allowed to do too much, come here." ”

  In the midst of the cheers, he suddenly made a move, and the shot was like the wind, Yi Ming felt a flower in front of him, and before he could figure out what was going on, the water in his arms had been snatched by Zhuo Sanniang.

  Hua Shuangshuang's waist was slightly twisted, and the person had arrived in front of Zhuo Sanniang, and sneered: "Third girl, it's you, when will you become able to command me?" ”

  Zhuo Sanniang smiled slightly: "Hello second sister, look at who this is?" ”

  Hua Shuangshuang caught a glimpse of the water in her arms, and changed color: "My daughter...... Give me back, my daughter ......"

  Zhuo Sanniang's figure had already withdrawn from Zhangyu, and said with a smile: "As long as the second sister doesn't have much to do, the younger sister should give her both hands back." ”

  Hua Shuangshuang seemed to be about to pounce over, but finally stopped, and giggled: "Okay, three girls, I listen to you, you can't hurt my daughter at all." ”

  Zhuo Sanniang said with a smile: "This little baby is afraid that I don't love enough, how can I be willing to hurt her, second sister, you can calm down, look at how interesting their fight is." ”

  The poison god chased after the disciples of the big banner, except for the disciples of the big banner, he didn't look at anyone, and the barefoot man pressed Situ Xiao and the others, and didn't care about the lives of others.

  But the disciples of Daqi, Situ Xiao and others, in the process of running, if they bumped into each other, they would slap out a cold son from time to time in their busy schedules.

  This scene is truly indescribable chaos and indescribable horror.

  Suddenly, Bai Xingwu stumbled under his feet, and with a miserable scream, the barefoot man's giant axe was pulled down, and his body was split in two.

  Although Yi Ming didn't have a good impression of Bai Xingwu, he didn't feel creepy when he saw him die so tragically, but he felt a chill penetrate his back.

  The barefoot man had already picked up the bloody giant axe and pounced on the black star.

  Although Hei Xingtian was ruthless, when he saw the corpse of the brother who had lived and died together for decades falling, his eyes were not red, and he hissed sadly: "Second brother, you ......"

  Before he could speak, Bai Xingwu's blood on the giant axe had been splashed on his clothes, and then, the giant axe fell down from his head, and before he could let out a miserable scream, he was already in a different place.

  Situ Xiao was so frightened that he suddenly burst out laughing like crazy.

  The Wind Nine Ghost smiled, "Good laugh...... What a good smile......

  Seeing Situ Xiao running under his feet, suddenly, Situ Xiao jumped up and hugged Feng Jiuyou's feet tightly.

  Although his martial arts skills were ten times higher than Situ Xiao's, he was suddenly caught by someone with his feet, and his body could only roll off the stone case.

  The two rolled to the ground together, and Situ smiled and said, "If you want me to die, I want you to die......"

  Before he finished speaking, the giant axe was pulled down again, cutting off Situ Xiao's head, and with all his strength, he cut off a pair of long legs of Feng Jiuyou.

  Feng Jiuyou screamed miserably, fainted, and couldn't live anymore.

  This generation of heroes died at the hands of his own slaves.

  In this moment, four people died tragically, each of them was stronger than the other, and the death was also worse than the other.

  Yi Ming looked at the blood splashing around, and shuddered, although she had been walking for a long time, but such a tragic killing was the first time she had seen it today.

  But she felt that her legs were weak, and she collapsed.

  Even Zhuo Sanniang's face changed miserably, and she stomped her feet again and again: "Fourth! Fourth, you ...... You ......"

  For a moment, she was speechless.

  When the poison master saw Feng Jiuyou fall, his body suddenly shook and his mind seemed to have lost his mastery, and he stood up blankly.

  The barefoot man had already froze, stood on the ground, looked down at the blood dripping from the giant axe, and couldn't help but laugh stupidly.

  Yun Yi was surprised and happy to see that all his enemies had died at the hands of his brothers, but the poison god was still chasing after him, he gritted his teeth, and suddenly shouted: "Daqi disciples, all come here." ”

  Yun Jiuxiao, Yun Tingting, and Tie Qingshu rushed wildly.

  I only heard Yun Yi shouting: "The blood revenge of Daqimen has been avenged, Yun has no regrets in this life, and he can no longer be humiliated by being chased...... Leng Yifeng, come on! ”

  His steps abruptly stunted, his body turned around, and he faced the poison god.

  Yun Jiuxiao cried out in a lost voice: "Big brother! I can't do it. ”

  But at this time, the poisonous god and poisonous claw had already arrived in front of Yun Yi.

  Yun Yi laughed wildly: "This is the last enemy of the Great Banner Gate, I fought with him." Instead of avoiding it, he threw his arms over, hugged the poisonous god, and the two fell to the ground together.

  Everyone saw that their hands and feet were cold, and their souls flew by.

  The two men were tumbling on the ground, and suddenly neither of them moved.

  Yun Jiuxiao lost his voice and exclaimed, "Big brother...... Big Brother ......"

  Yun Tingting and Tie Qingshu cried even more.

  The three of them were about to rush towards Yun Yi's body, but when the body of the poison god flicked, he stood up straight again, and a pair of poisonous claws had been stretched out again.

  At this moment, all the cries suddenly fell silent, and even their breathing had stopped, and the poisonous hands of the poison god seemed to have choked their throats.

  At this moment, a soft laugh suddenly came from outside the door, and said, "I don't lie to you, there must be someone inside...... Good brother-in-law, come with me! Although the laughter is soft and pleasant, it seems to be full of mystery when it sounds here.

  In the laughter, four mermaids swept in, the first one was Leng Qingping, followed by Yun Keng in the regeneration grass house, Hai Dashao, who had not appeared for a long time, and the green girl Liu Lotus in the blacksmith village. The fact that these three people would come here together is even more undreamable.

  It turned out that Hai Dashao wandered the rivers and lakes, and met Yun Keng in the regeneration grassland, both of them were temperamental men, so they naturally fell in love at first sight, plus Hai Dashao mentioned Tie Zhongtang, and mentioned Tie Zhongtang's various heroic deeds, Hai Dashao, who was proud all his life, admired Tie Zhongtang so much that he threw himself to the ground, and Yun Keng's feelings for Tie Zhongtang were even more unknown, so the two of them toasted Tie Zhongtang again and again.

  So Yun Keng, who was a little less drunk, couldn't help but get drunk, and under the drunkenness, he actually told his secret with tears - so the arrogant Hai Da Shao scolded Yun Keng that he should not live in seclusion, and a manly husband, no matter what happens, he should also stand up - so Yun Keng abandoned the idea of life and death, walked out of the regeneration grass house where he had lived in seclusion for more than a year, and came out to break into the world with Hai Da Shao.

  The two walked together, this day through the blacksmith village, thunderstorms, lost the memory of the willow clothes, but a person standing under the tree, stupid.

  Suddenly, a scorched thunderbolt struck down and split the tree, and Liu Heyi was in a daze.

  Yun Keng and Hai Da Shao would not be rescued when they saw danger, and the two of them helped Liu Heyi, who was fortunate to not die, and woke her up with internal strength and elixir.

  Who knew that Liu Heyi was blessed by this shock, and suddenly regained her memory, she remembered that she was the beloved daughter of the fireworks and rain flower double frost, Hua Lingling, for the sake of the marriage could not be satisfied, escaped by night, one day it was also a thunderstorm, she stood under the tree and missed her sweetheart. Suddenly shocked by thunder and lightning, she didn't remember anything when she woke up, so from now on, every thunderstorm night, she couldn't help but run out and stand under the tree, as if looking forward to something, until today, until this moment, the thunder and lightning that took away her memory, and finally returned the memory to her - this is also a twists and turns and bizarre story, Yun Keng, Hai Dashao can't help but sigh for it.

  So Hua Lingling, whose memory was restored, could no longer live in the blacksmith village for a long time, and after saying goodbye to her brothers-in-law in tears, she also wandered with Hai Dashao.

  She still didn't want to go home, she just wanted to see Lei Xiaodiao, and when she approached here, she heard rumors that the old man of Lei Whip had appeared in the deep mountains.

  So the three of them entered the mountain together, but they couldn't find it for a long time, Fang Zai hesitated, but at this time, Sun Xiaojiao happened to escape from the secret mountain gap with Shen Xingbai in her arms.

  Hai Dashao grabbed Shen Xingbai, Sun Xiaojiao was a smart person, and immediately said everything, so the three of them entered the grassland, and met Leng Qingping who was wandering in the grassland.

  Leng Qingping naturally recognized Yun Keng, she was delirious, and hated Ben for forgetting that Yun Keng was dead, and only remembered that this was her brother-in-law, so Yun Keng asked her about the dynamics in the grassland.

  So she led them into this mysterious desolate shrine.

  As soon as he entered the desolate shrine, his eyes turned around, and Hua Lingling had already lost his voice and shouted: "Mom! ”

  Yun Fu's eyes were split, and he shouted, "Dad! ”

  Leng Qingping smiled and exclaimed, "Dad, you are here." ”

  The voices of the three were mixed, and the three of them rushed to their relatives.

  Hai Dashao was surprised, surprised, and happy, and Hua Shuangshuang was stunned at first, and then laughed loudly: "Ah! You're the Lingling, that's not ...... That's not ...... Lingling, my good daughter, Mom misses you to death. ”

  Yun Keng pounced on Yun Yi's corpse, and he had already cried bitterly.

  And what about Leng Qingping, who pounced on the poison god - where did Leng Yifeng still recognize his daughter, with a wave of his palm, Leng Qingping fell to the ground, and he actually killed his daughter with his own hands.

  When Leng Qingping was dying, she still smiled to herself: "Daddy! You kill your daughter...... You kill your own daughter...... It's fun, it's fun. "The crazy laughter is heartbreaking to hear.

  Blood is thicker than water, and the nature between father and daughter is stronger than everything after all.

  This crazy laughter actually made the already numb poison god tremble, and slowly turned around and stared directly at the poison master.

  As soon as the poison master's mind lost control, the poison immediately attacked, and as soon as the toxicity attacked, his mind immediately cleared, and suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed: "Okay, good, I'm going to die, and the poison god of this sect can't stay in the world to be used by others......" swept down from the stone case, the poison god was also walking over, and in a blink of an eye, the two were already entangled, a roll, a scuffle, a burst of laughter, and finally, the two of them finally stopped moving.

  This time it really doesn't move anymore, the good swimmer died in the water, and the poison master who made the poison all his life also died at the hands of the poison god, and the poisonous door that has plagued the rivers and lakes for many years has been cut off.

  In this moment, the turmoil, the chaos, the sorrow, the fear, the misery in the temple, even if all the words of the world were used, could not describe what was happening.

  Zhuo Sanniang had no trace of blood on her face, and suddenly walked towards the Daqimen people with a cruel smile, the Daqimen people were both sad about the tragic death of the head of the sect, and shocked by the resurrection of Yun Keng, coupled with all the sudden horrors, misery, or happy things that happened at that time, even if they were iron men, their spirits were about to collapse, and they were all stunned.

  Yi Ming lost his voice and said: "Be careful, Zhuo Sanniang wants to ......"

  Before he could finish speaking, he suddenly heard a "click" sound, and the two huge stone statues suddenly separated, and two people walked out from below.

  The first person, the white-haired dove-faced, turned out to be the old woman who ferried on Ivy Island, Yin Da Niang, and the person who followed her, holding her daughter in her arms, turned out to be Leng Qingshuang.

  Another shock, another chaos.

  Aunt Yin turned her eyes and looked around, seeing her unforgettable Yun Jiuxiao, seeing this tragic situation, the excitement in her heart, although she had reached the peak, there was no expression on her face, she just said softly: "Zhuo Sanniang, don't stop?" ”

  Zhuo Sanniang looked back and said with a miserable smile: "Okay, good, someone is finally here on Ivy Island...... "I was so weak that I also fell.

  Yin Da Niang said: "Although it has come, it is too late...... The grievances of Daqimen ended like this...... Listen to the children of the banner, are you aware of the grievances and grievances of your own family? ”

  Yun Jiuxiao endured his grief, stepped forward, bowed and said, "But please advise." ”

  Aunt Yin didn't dare to look at him, gritted her teeth and said: "This has to be said from the beginning......", it turns out that the two founding ancestors of the banner, Yun and Tie, have been chivalrous and blameless in their lives, but the two of them are ruthless to their wives.

  Mrs. Yun's surname is Zhu, Mrs. Tie's surname is Feng, these two ladies, not only are they extremely virtuous, but also have a body of martial arts, Mrs. Zhu has a strong nature, her husband is ruthless, she went overseas, founded Ivy Island, every abandoned wife of Daqimen, was led to this isolated island, Daqimen's martial arts essence is gradually lost, Changchun Island is becoming more and more prosperous, and another Mrs. Feng is weak by nature, and she was angry to death under the worry of the years.

  Seeing that his sister's situation was so miserable, Mrs. Feng's brother was angry and determined to take revenge, but he was related to Daqimen and couldn't come forward, so he instigated Sheng, Leng and other six surnamed disciples to rebel against Daqimen and form the Wufu Alliance.

  Although the ancestors of the Wufu Alliance received the grace of the cloud and iron, but the kindness of the two ladies to them was heavier, and when they built the Shrine of Retribution, they also built the temple of the lady more brilliantly, and because of this, the wind gate could be moved, but at that time, the banner gate was in full swing, with the strength of these people, it was not enough to destroy it, so the wind gate said that the most prestigious families at that time - the ancestors of the old man of the thunder whip, Zhuo Sanniang, Hua Shuangshuang, and the poison master were also among them - to the later generations, although these families no longer asked about the Daqimen, But they kept it a secret for the damper, because they weren't out of the world at the time.

  And the ancestors of the Night Emperor are the relatives of Mrs. Zhu - they have a grudge against the Great Banner Gate, which has actually implicated all the top masters in the martial arts, but the ancestors of the Great Banner Gate and the Wufu Alliance are afraid that the turmoil will be too huge, so they did not explain it to their descendants in detail.

  At this moment, Aunt Yin told the story of this incident in the simplest words, although she could not exhaust the mysterious twists and turns in this, but it was enough to make people listen to cold sweat.

  Yin Da Niang said: "Today's Ivy Island in the future, in the past is Yunyi's wife, she from the mouth of the Ivy Spring Saint who returned from a long trip, heard the wind and clouds here, although he does not know the details, but I think it must be related to the banner gate, yes, so I came to see the opportunity to resolve, how do you know...... Alas! The evolution of the matter was so rapid and fierce that although I came from the secret passage, I was still a step late. ”

  This ancestral hall is not only the ancestor of Changchun Island, but also the secret road under the ancestral hall, and it will naturally know in the future that Leng Qingshuang knew that this matter was related to the grievances of the Great Banner Gate, so she also begged Aunt Yin to bring her - these things are really bizarre and mysterious, and only because of its bizarre mystery - this story can be passed on to future generations.

  Yun Jiuxiao had already heard it with tears in his eyes, and suddenly said in a trembling voice: "Since Changchun Island has never asked about the affairs of the Great Banner Gate, why is it ...... at this moment?"

  Aunt Yin intercepted: "Just because she once made an oath in the future, as long as there is a disciple under the banner who is willing to die for his wife, she will ......."

  Before the words were finished, someone under the stone case had already cried loudly, and the person who cried was naturally Wen Daidai, who was restrained by Situ Xiao, Aunt Yin swept down, patted her acupoint, and said softly: "Good boy, don't cry, since you are Yun Zheng's biological mother in the future, maybe you can't bear to see his son really die, and under the cliff, maybe there is another savior." ”

  Wen Daidai said: "He...... He...... Is he alive or dead? ”

  Aunt Yin was silent for a long time, and Fang Zi said slowly: "Whether it is life or death, you can go and see for yourself!" He jumped on the stone case again and sighed, "Now that the matter is over, I should also go." ”

  Yun Jiuxiao endured his grief and said, "How ...... Thank you, Madame, for this trip, my lord, ......."

  Aunt Yin couldn't help but stare at him, as if she wanted to say something, but finally didn't say a word, suddenly turned her head, turned her head, and burst into tears.

  This woman full of bitterness finally cut off the love thread and left, Yun Jiuxiao no longer recognized her, why did she bother to be disturbed by love again, Xiao Lang has become a stranger since then, it is better to see each other than not to see each other, which instead leaves a trace of bitter aftertaste, empathy and thoughts.

  The stone statue is compounded, and the cold green frost rushes to Yun Keng.

  Everything that happens here and now, either with great sorrow or with great joy, is entangled with great sorrow and joy, and how can one bear it?

  Finally, all the excitement gradually calmed down, leaving only deep grief for the next day to chew, at this time, Hua Lingling begged everyone to find the father and son of the thunder whip, and sure enough, under the rocks, they and Liu Qiwu and Long Jianshi were found.

  The father and son crouched under a corner of the crumbling stone wall, and they were not seriously injured - the reunion of long-lost lovers is really difficult to describe.

  Waking up from a deep sleep, seeing the reunion of other people's husbands and wives, the reunion of lovers, the meeting of mother and daughter, and then looking at Yi Ming who followed Tie Qingshu, suddenly frowned, suddenly smiled, although sad, but full of hope, for a while, she felt sadness came from it, and could no longer bear it. Crying loudly: "Zhongtang...... Zhongtang ...... Tie Zhongtang, why did you die! ”

  Lei Xiaodiao suddenly said: "Tie Zhongtang is not dead. ”

  Shui Lingguang grabbed him and said, "You...... What did you say? ”

  Lei Xiaodiao said: "Just now, when I was lying underground, I heard someone talking from the ground, and an old man said: 'Tie Zhongtang, you are all affected by the old man, do you regret it?' The other person must have been Tie Zhongtang, and he said, "Life and death are fate." How can you blame your old man, Tie Zhongtang has been worthy of heaven and earth all his life, so why be afraid of death? ’”

  Shui Lingguang jumped up and said in a trembling voice: "Really...... It's true? ”

  Hai Dashao laughed and said: "It must be true, except for Tie Zhongtang, who has such a heroic tone?" Ha ha! Tie Zhongtang, Tie Zhongtang, I knew you wouldn't die, if you died, what kind of world would this become? Ha ha! Now that the tragic things have passed, and there are many joys in the world, he will definitely persuade the old man of Thunderbolt to return to the vulgar and follow me into the rivers and lakes, which is better than being a monk. ”

  The surprise of everyone is also difficult to express in words, so everyone temporarily put everything aside and started digging the ground, combining the strength of these many martial arts masters, and digging to the cave of the Night Emperor in less than a meal - but seeing that the underground gravel is like a grave, it seems that there are human traces, but what about people? But the man is gone. ”

  Everyone searched all over the underground, but they still couldn't find a single person - the Night Emperor, Tie Zhongtang, and those girls didn't know where they went.

  Under the joy, the blow came too fast, the disappointment was too huge, suddenly, the eyesight of the fireworks and rain flowers in the heavenly factory, found that after the pile of rocks, as if there was a gap, so everyone drilled into it together, this gap was connected to the mountain, everyone tied their waists with a long rope, held torches, and went to explore the road, in the belly of the mountain, the cave was a thousand twists and turns, like a mess.

  After several days of hard work, everyone finally walked through a road, but at the end was an ocean, but they saw white clouds and endless seas.

  What about Tie Zhongtang? Still nowhere to be found.

  Among these people, Yun Jiuxiao, Yun Tingting, Tie Qingshu, and Yun Keng are solid and Tie Zhongtang have a deep love for flesh and blood, Shui Lingguang is as deep as the sea with Tie Zhongtang, and Wen Dai Daigu is an unforgettable love for Tie Zhongtang, Hai Dashao, Leng Qingshuang, Hua Lingling, Sheng Cun Xiao...... Who hasn't received the favor of Tie Zhongtang? Who can forget this stoic, witty, and chivalrous boy?

  At this moment, these people are crying bitterly, even Yi Ming, Yi Ting, and Long Jianshi, who have never met Tie Zhongtang...... and others, remembering the demeanor of Tie Zhongtang, couldn't help but cry a few lines.

  Yi Ming shed tears and said: "I have no regrets in my life, I just hate not being able to see this iron begonia, I am really ......"

  Hai Dashao suddenly shouted: "Don't say it, Tie Zhongtang is not dead, you can still see him, he ...... He won't die, maybe...... He has now swam far away on the sea, and he is a god. ”

  Shui Lingguang cried bitterly: "Maybe he is still trapped in those caves at the moment, unable to find his way, and starving......"

  Yun Keng said: "Let's go, I'll stay here, I'll still look for it." ”

  Shui Lingguang, Wen Daidai, Yun Tingting, Tie Qingshu, Hai Dashao, and Leng Qingshuang all hissed: "I'll stay here too." ”

  Yun Jiuxiao said with tears on his face: "Okay, this is also your intention, only hate me...... I have something to attend to and cannot accompany you to look for it, but I hope that you will have three months, and in three months I will come again, and then you will ...... If you can't find it, you ...... It's just ......" choked up and couldn't say a word anymore.

  Is Tie Zhongtang alive or dead? Will they be able to find him for three months? No one can answer these questions at this moment.

  But in any case, this iron-blooded young man, if he lives, no matter where he lives, he will definitely live vigorously, and if he dies, he will die as a ghost male.

  The turbulent prairie finally returned to calm, leaving only the boundless falling moon reflecting an iron-blooded banner waving in the wind-

  (End of book)

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