
When the 43-year-old Gillian and the 41-year-old Asa stood together, I completely understood what the top bone phase was

author:Have fun watching entertainment

Maybe their singing skills are not good, maybe their love life was a mess, but in any case, the Twins group is still a youth memory for many people.

When the 43-year-old Gillian and the 41-year-old Asa stood together, I completely understood what the top bone phase was

20 years ago, Gillian Asa was young and beautiful, lively and cute, and now, although both of them are over forty years old, what is shocking is that this state is like eating preservatives? Let's just say, how different is this from 20 years ago?

When the 43-year-old Gillian and the 41-year-old Asa stood together, I completely understood what the top bone phase was

Especially Gillian, who is known as "Nuwa's Bishou", at last year's Huabiao Awards, Gillian amazed the audience with her own strength and overwhelmed countless actresses.

When the 43-year-old Gillian and the 41-year-old Asa stood together, I completely understood what the top bone phase was

This year has passed and reappeared, and now she is 43 years old, once again out of the circle with her superior bone beauty, and even feels more beautiful than when she was young. Especially after looking at the recent photos of Gillian Asa, I know what is the top bone phase.

When the 43-year-old Gillian and the 41-year-old Asa stood together, I completely understood what the top bone phase was

Recently, the Twins participated in a Gucci brand event. Ah Sa that day, wearing a black long skirt business suit, looked very elegant in a sassy and sassy manner; And Gillian is wearing a contrasting white suit, gentle and capable.

When the 43-year-old Gillian and the 41-year-old Asa stood together, I completely understood what the top bone phase was

In the retouched picture, the two are white-skinned and beautiful, and the temperament is outstanding, Gillian is delicate and atmospheric, and Asa is gentle and cute, and I feel that the gap in appearance is not too big. But when it comes to the raw picture, the contrast is obvious.

When the 43-year-old Gillian and the 41-year-old Asa stood together, I completely understood what the top bone phase was

It can be clearly seen in the photo that both of them have nasolabial folds on their faces, but Gillian, who has superior bones, does not look old, but has a little more mature charm. But Asa's state is worse.

When the 43-year-old Gillian and the 41-year-old Asa stood together, I completely understood what the top bone phase was

Looking at the following profile photo, although it is a distant look that does not show the facial features clearly, you can still see that Gillian's side face is very three-dimensional, and the skull is very round and stylish.

But Asa's side face is relatively flat, and the prominent chin has the feeling of a "shoehorn" face as Zhao Benshan said.

When the 43-year-old Gillian and the 41-year-old Asa stood together, I completely understood what the top bone phase was
When the 43-year-old Gillian and the 41-year-old Asa stood together, I completely understood what the top bone phase was

Although Gillian is 2 years older than Asa, but now the group photo looks younger than Asa, and she takes out her personal life picture, which is really amazing, and it feels similar to a retouched picture. It seems that in the past, everyone praised Gillian's appearance, which is really not a vain exaggeration.

When the 43-year-old Gillian and the 41-year-old Asa stood together, I completely understood what the top bone phase was
When the 43-year-old Gillian and the 41-year-old Asa stood together, I completely understood what the top bone phase was

In fact, when both of them were young, Ah Sa's popularity in the group was higher, because Ah Sa's style was sweet, which was very in line with the character of the Twins.

When the 43-year-old Gillian and the 41-year-old Asa stood together, I completely understood what the top bone phase was

Asa has a baby face, round and childish cheeks, plus a pair of "dog eyes", the inner corners of the eyes are round and blunt, the outer corners of the eyes are drooping, the eyes are clean and bright, and the slight smile is sweet, which makes people's eyes shine.

When the 43-year-old Gillian and the 41-year-old Asa stood together, I completely understood what the top bone phase was

In contrast, when Gillian was young, her facial features were very childish, she didn't grow, she was dark and thin, and she was not tall, so she was naturally not as popular as Asa with a sweet smile.

When the 43-year-old Gillian and the 41-year-old Asa stood together, I completely understood what the top bone phase was

However, I didn't expect that after more than 20 years, the feng shui between the two took turns. The skin-beautiful Asa gradually loses the advantage of being sweet and cute, but the skinny and beautiful Gillian is becoming more and more attractive.

When the 43-year-old Gillian and the 41-year-old Asa stood together, I completely understood what the top bone phase was

Just like the recent twins' concert in Hangzhou, although Ah Sa's condition is still as good as ever, compared to the "elephant legs" that were complained about by netizens before, Ah Sa is now slimming back to what he used to be, and his small waist is back.

When the 43-year-old Gillian and the 41-year-old Asa stood together, I completely understood what the top bone phase was

But even under the retouched picture, it can be seen that Asa has obvious traces of age compared with before, her face is slightly swollen, and the side photo of the whole person looks older.

When the 43-year-old Gillian and the 41-year-old Asa stood together, I completely understood what the top bone phase was

Especially when she is in the same frame with Gillian, the contrast is unusually obvious, even if she is 2 years younger than Gillian and is well maintained, now Asa's skin beauty is no match for Gillian's bone beauty.

When the 43-year-old Gillian and the 41-year-old Asa stood together, I completely understood what the top bone phase was

And when the 43-year-old Gillian goes to that station, it will make people feel different. Even if he is small, the momentum and beautiful appearance he exudes make people unable to take their eyes off it at all.

When the 43-year-old Gillian and the 41-year-old Asa stood together, I completely understood what the top bone phase was

Gillian's beauty is worthy of being praised by the majority of netizens as "Nuwa's graduation project", because she is really 360-degree beauty without dead ends, and even more beautiful without makeup than makeup.

When the 43-year-old Gillian and the 41-year-old Asa stood together, I completely understood what the top bone phase was

Compared with Ah Sa, who has a round face, Gillian's face shape is a very standard square face beauty, with three-dimensional contours, slightly raised cheekbones, deep eyebrows and eyes, and high eyebrow bones, which is very anti-aging. And the older you get, the more obvious the advantages.

When the 43-year-old Gillian and the 41-year-old Asa stood together, I completely understood what the top bone phase was

I don't know if I don't compare, Gillian's bone beauty not only occupies a great advantage among her peers, but even the actress who is younger than herself also has a firm advantage.

When the 43-year-old Gillian and the 41-year-old Asa stood together, I completely understood what the top bone phase was

Obviously it is the same event, under the birth picture, Ah Sa and Joey Yung's state is not as good as Gillian, and even the 35-year-old Lou Yixiao, who is 8 years younger than Gillian, neither skin nor state can compare to Gillian, Lou Yixiao's face is very uneven, excessive medical beauty and swelling into a steamed bun, and the whole person's state is very unnatural.

When the 43-year-old Gillian and the 41-year-old Asa stood together, I completely understood what the top bone phase was

And the 37-year-old Jiang Shuying, although her state is much better than Lou Yixiao, compared with Gillian who is 6 years older than herself, it seems to be separated by a layer of yuanbi: obvious nasolabial folds, old inner groove lines, uneven and sunken face, and many hard injuries that show aging.

When the 43-year-old Gillian and the 41-year-old Asa stood together, I completely understood what the top bone phase was

But when it comes to Gillian, there will be no such troubles at all, although Gillian has some dark circles under her eyes that stay up late, but the whole is almost flawless, and the raw picture directly beats actresses of all ages.

When the 43-year-old Gillian and the 41-year-old Asa stood together, I completely understood what the top bone phase was

Actresses who are older than themselves are not in good shape and there is no comparison: actresses who are younger than themselves either have insufficient temperament, or their faces are not flat enough, and they are very old with nasolabial folds.

When the 43-year-old Gillian and the 41-year-old Asa stood together, I completely understood what the top bone phase was

Of course, such a beautiful Gillian without dead ends is not without embarrassing times.

After experiencing a failed marriage, Gillian had a slow metabolism and overeating due to anxiety and poor mood, resulting in her weight "whooshing" like a rocket.

When the 43-year-old Gillian and the 41-year-old Asa stood together, I completely understood what the top bone phase was

But even so, the chubby Gillian not only did not deform and become ugly, but added a cuteness.

When the 43-year-old Gillian and the 41-year-old Asa stood together, I completely understood what the top bone phase was

Later, after she walked out of the shadow of divorce, coupled with quitting sweets and exercising, Gillian directly lost more than 30 pounds, and once again lost weight back to the peak of her appearance.

When the 43-year-old Gillian and the 41-year-old Asa stood together, I completely understood what the top bone phase was

In addition, Gillian and Ah Sa are already 40+, and they can still reduce their age so much, which has a lot to do with their usual mentality and lifestyle.

Although Gillian and Ah Sa have both experienced emotional trauma, they are spoiled as little princesses in their usual work and life.

When the 43-year-old Gillian and the 41-year-old Asa stood together, I completely understood what the top bone phase was

Huo Wenxi, the agent of the Twins, was nicknamed "Mom" by the sisters, and took care of them like a mother treats her daughter in her life, and even when she eats delicious food outside, she doesn't forget to pack a copy for the sisters.

When the 43-year-old Gillian and the 41-year-old Asa stood together, I completely understood what the top bone phase was

And the sisters' fellow brother Nicholas Tse loves the sisters to the end, Gillian and Ah Sa usually like to tease Nicholas Tse the most, and Nicholas Tse is helpless against the sisters.

When the 43-year-old Gillian and the 41-year-old Asa stood together, I completely understood what the top bone phase was

Although Gillian and Ah Sa's looks are enviable, what is even more enviable is the deep friendship between the two.

The two debuted together in 2001, and it has been 23 years now, and they are more like family than colleagues.

When the 43-year-old Gillian and the 41-year-old Asa stood together, I completely understood what the top bone phase was

And when Gillian has any gossip, Ah Sa also supports it directly, as was the case with the nude photos incident at the beginning, and the same was true when Zhong Xintong dated her ex-husband later.

When the 43-year-old Gillian and the 41-year-old Asa stood together, I completely understood what the top bone phase was

Nowadays, the well-known girl groups in the past should be disbanded, and the relationship has deteriorated, but the Twins have been attending various events together, and even seeing that both of them are 40+ years old, their private relationship is still so iron.

When the 43-year-old Gillian and the 41-year-old Asa stood together, I completely understood what the top bone phase was

The relationship between the two is even iron, they have long regarded each other as family, Gillian doesn't like to peel shrimp but loves to eat shrimp, Asa doesn't need words, and when she sees shrimp, she silently peels Gillian well.

When the 43-year-old Gillian and the 41-year-old Asa stood together, I completely understood what the top bone phase was

And Gillian also knows all of Ah Sa's preferences, and the two are more like sisters than colleagues.

It can be said that the two of them are already the most important people in their lives, and at the most important moment, they are there for each other, this is the real fairy friendship, compared to the girlish feeling of the two frozen age, netizens are more envious of the sincere feelings between the two.

When the 43-year-old Gillian and the 41-year-old Asa stood together, I completely understood what the top bone phase was

And soon, the second concert tour of the two will be held in Chongqing, and it seems that fans and netizens can look forward to another wave.