
80-year-old national first-class actor, full of children and grandchildren in the play, no children and no daughters outside the play, and no children for life due to his career

author:Have fun watching entertainment

Some time ago, the broadcast of "Celebrating More Than Years 2" caused another wave of topical heat.

In the play, in addition to the protagonists Zhang Ruoyun, Li Qin and other popular stars, there are also many old actors who are very old, and their performance is also very good.

80-year-old national first-class actor, full of children and grandchildren in the play, no children and no daughters outside the play, and no children for life due to his career

Among them, there is an inconspicuous villain - "Mrs. Fan", don't look at her as very bad in the play, but this old lady is amiable outside the play.

80-year-old national first-class actor, full of children and grandchildren in the play, no children and no daughters outside the play, and no children for life due to his career

And since she started her career, she has played many roles of "mother, grandmother", and she can be said to be full of children and grandchildren on the screen.

However, what is embarrassing is that in real life, she sacrificed her family for her career and did not raise children for life.

80-year-old national first-class actor, full of children and grandchildren in the play, no children and no daughters outside the play, and no children for life due to his career

Such a strong woman who works hard for her career, when she reaches the age of Chenghuan under her knees, she sees that her side is empty and there is no child, will she regret it?

Let's take a look at this legendary old lady - Cao Cuifen.

80-year-old national first-class actor, full of children and grandchildren in the play, no children and no daughters outside the play, and no children for life due to his career

A childhood full of literature and art

Cao Cuifen, born in 1944, is now 80 years old, but she is still active on the screen, making cameo roles such as grandma or grandmother in major hit TV series.

80-year-old national first-class actor, full of children and grandchildren in the play, no children and no daughters outside the play, and no children for life due to his career

Are you saying she's here to make money? At this age, she must not be short of money, and what prompted Cao Cuifen to film conscientiously was her love born in her bones.

80-year-old national first-class actor, full of children and grandchildren in the play, no children and no daughters outside the play, and no children for life due to his career

In 1944, Cao Cuifen was born in an ordinary family in Shanghai, and her parents were top literature and art lovers.

It's a pity that the parents didn't get into the literary and artistic world as they wished, so they pinned all their hopes on their daughter.

80-year-old national first-class actor, full of children and grandchildren in the play, no children and no daughters outside the play, and no children for life due to his career

In today's terms, the pair of parents have a "star-making dream", which seems to others to be a fool's dream, not very practical.

However, the parents used practical actions to tell bystanders: they really can.

In order to make their daughter fall in love with literature and art, they took Cao Cuifen to watch various opera performances when she was young.

even moved his family from Shanghai to Beijing, just to get closer to the entertainment industry.

80-year-old national first-class actor, full of children and grandchildren in the play, no children and no daughters outside the play, and no children for life due to his career

Although it looks ridiculous, this kind of action comparable to the "three migrations of Meng's mother" really worked.

Cao Cuifen, who has been immersed in "art water" since she was a child, has also obediently grown into a "literary girl".

It seems that the ears and eyes are imperceptibly imperceptible also have a certain effect.

During the school day, Cao Cuifen was present on the large and small stages of the school. Be a host, perform sketches, and perform cabaret performances...... She's doing everything.

80-year-old national first-class actor, full of children and grandchildren in the play, no children and no daughters outside the play, and no children for life due to his career

Some people may wonder: with so much time invested in theatrical performances, learning will definitely be affected, right?

However, Cao Cuifen is not only full of talent, but also very good at learning.

At the age of 16, she graduated from junior high school and was awarded the title of "Outstanding Graduate" by the school.

Moreover, with Cao Cuifen's high school entrance examination results, it is not a problem to enter any key high school in Beijing.

80-year-old national first-class actor, full of children and grandchildren in the play, no children and no daughters outside the play, and no children for life due to his career

But Cao Cuifen is a stubborn and assertive girl, in the face of the invitation of a key high school, Cao Cuifen turned a blind eye, and she directly chose the preparatory class of Beijing Film Academy.

This is also equivalent to a kind of juvenile class escort. Of course, she reads acting.

80-year-old national first-class actor, full of children and grandchildren in the play, no children and no daughters outside the play, and no children for life due to his career

Be diligent in making up for deficiencies

Cao Cuifen, who was illuminated by the stage flash lights all day long and enjoyed flowers and applause when she was a teenager, has been a very confident character since she was a child.

But as soon as Nortel came, he instantly poured a basin of cold water on her head.

Why? Because in Nortel, not only are there beauties, but also powerful people.

She Cao Cuifen is nothing here, and it is at this time that she realizes for the first time that her appearance is not outstanding.

80-year-old national first-class actor, full of children and grandchildren in the play, no children and no daughters outside the play, and no children for life due to his career

If you want to say that Cao Cuifen is ugly, it really doesn't count. But there are really no bright spots on the screen, and it is as plain as water.

In her later acting career, Cao Cuifen also received many unfair treatments because of her appearance.

In 1990, when Zhang Yimou's movie "The Red Lantern Hangs High" was selected as an actress, Zhang Yimou sharply pointed out as soon as he saw Cao Cuifen: "You look too ordinary, not suitable to be an actor." ”

80-year-old national first-class actor, full of children and grandchildren in the play, no children and no daughters outside the play, and no children for life due to his career

As we all know, Zhang Yimou's vision for choosing actresses is very sharp.

Gong Li and Zhang Ziyi back then, and now Ni Ni and Liu Haocun. "Mou Girl" will always be a high-end movie face with bright eyes and bright teeth.

Therefore, in the face of Cao Cuifen, it is not surprising that Zhang Yimou said such words.

80-year-old national first-class actor, full of children and grandchildren in the play, no children and no daughters outside the play, and no children for life due to his career

Although Cao Cuifen had long known that her face had no advantage, she didn't expect Zhang Yimou to be so direct.

With Cao Cuifen's temperament, such a sentence could not make her back down.

What if the appearance is not good? I can conquer you with strength.

80-year-old national first-class actor, full of children and grandchildren in the play, no children and no daughters outside the play, and no children for life due to his career

In fact, Cao Cuifen had already understood this truth when she was still at Beijing Film Academy.

In school, everyone is more beautiful than her, so she must work harder than others to make up for her congenital shortcomings.

One look and one movement, she practiced 100 times when others practiced fifty times, she memorized all the lines of the performance early, and the rolling melons she memorized during the rehearsal were ripe, and she never got stuck.

80-year-old national first-class actor, full of children and grandchildren in the play, no children and no daughters outside the play, and no children for life due to his career

In school, among classmates, there is no one who does not admire Cao Cuifen's hard work.

However, the reason why she works so hard is not only because she wants to fight for breath, but also because she loves acting from the bottom of her heart.

It is said that interest is the best teacher, there is love in the heart, coupled with hard work, Cao Cuifen will naturally not be bad.

By the time she graduated, Cao Cuifen was no longer the immature and ignorant little girl she was back then, and even her teachers praised her acting skills again and again.

80-year-old national first-class actor, full of children and grandchildren in the play, no children and no daughters outside the play, and no children for life due to his career

However, Cao Cuifen, who had just graduated, encountered a big hurdle on the road of life.

In the 60s, when the national policy advocated that young people go to the mountains and go to the countryside, Cao Cuifen, who had just graduated, could not enter the big city to work hard, but was assigned to the army for re-education.

Even if I am helpless in my heart, I am helpless. But this time, four years have passed.

80-year-old national first-class actor, full of children and grandchildren in the play, no children and no daughters outside the play, and no children for life due to his career

Four years in her twenties is a golden and precious time for a female artist.

When four years passed, when she returned, Cao Cuifen was already 29 years old.

At such an age when she is about to run for the third year, how can Cao Cuifen's career develop? Cao Cuifen herself was worried.

80-year-old national first-class actor, full of children and grandchildren in the play, no children and no daughters outside the play, and no children for life due to his career

late bloomer

Whether you succeed or not, you must always take the first step first, which is Cao Cuifen's choice.

In 1973, Cao Cuifen joined the Actors Troupe of Beijing Film Factory, and starred in her first movie "Southern Expedition and Northern War" in this year.

In the following years, she had movies released almost every year, but Cao Cuifen still failed to gain much fame.

80-year-old national first-class actor, full of children and grandchildren in the play, no children and no daughters outside the play, and no children for life due to his career

It wasn't until 1987 that Cao Cuifen starred in the feature film "Pollution Report in a Women's Country", which received a great response.

This movie is adapted from Chu Liang's novel of the same name, and the movie "Pollution Report in Women's Country" is based on Chu Liang's novel of the same name.

Through the modern state of life and life consciousness, the film reflects the remnants of feudal ideology in people's souls and thus the bondage of people.

80-year-old national first-class actor, full of children and grandchildren in the play, no children and no daughters outside the play, and no children for life due to his career

As soon as it was released, it attracted widespread attention and had a huge impact on people's ideology.

Cao Cuifen, who played the role of "ancestral sister-in-law" in the film, has also been recognized by the public.

With this film, Cao Cuifen successfully won the nomination for the Chinese Film Golden Rooster Award.

80-year-old national first-class actor, full of children and grandchildren in the play, no children and no daughters outside the play, and no children for life due to his career

After that, it was the period when he starred in Zhang Yimou's movie "The Red Lantern Hangs High" in 1990.

Although Cao Cuifen's appearance failed to satisfy Zhang Yimou, so she missed the heroine, but she played another important role - the second aunt.

80-year-old national first-class actor, full of children and grandchildren in the play, no children and no daughters outside the play, and no children for life due to his career

This is a kind and kind-eyed character who seems to be gentle and kind, but in fact he is ruthless and vicious.

This role is perfect for Cao Cuifen to play, because Cao Cuifen looks like a gentle and kind person.

Coupled with her superb acting skills, she will definitely be able to perform the second aunt's inconsistencies and ruthlessness.

80-year-old national first-class actor, full of children and grandchildren in the play, no children and no daughters outside the play, and no children for life due to his career

In the end, Cao Cuifen also told Zhang Yimou with actions that he did not choose the wrong person.

There are very few detailed descriptions of the second aunt in the script, and many plots need to be studied by the actors themselves.

Cao Cuifen accurately grasped the characteristics of this woman who had no children, and at the right time, she added a sentence to herself: "Master, I want to give you a son." ”

80-year-old national first-class actor, full of children and grandchildren in the play, no children and no daughters outside the play, and no children for life due to his career

This sentence alone makes the whole character more full and vivid.

Faced with the actor's sudden addition, Zhang Yimou not only did not blame Cao Cuifen, but also clapped his hands and shouted that he acted well.

It can be seen that Cao Cuifen has truly convinced people with her acting skills.

80-year-old national first-class actor, full of children and grandchildren in the play, no children and no daughters outside the play, and no children for life due to his career

Shen Xian

After becoming famous, Cao Cuifen is in her forties, but she has not given birth yet.

Although she also had the idea of having children, but her husband resolutely rejected it, what happened?

80-year-old national first-class actor, full of children and grandchildren in the play, no children and no daughters outside the play, and no children for life due to his career

Cao Cuifen and her husband Tan Tianqian are a fairy couple, and the two met at Beijing Film Academy.

Tan Tianqian is very outstanding, heroic, and in the wind, and is the dream lover of many girls in the school.

But he took a fancy to the inconspicuous Cao Cuifen at a glance, and the two also staged a youthful love story at school.

And as soon as he graduated, he got a marriage certificate, let's say, who doesn't envy such a love?

80-year-old national first-class actor, full of children and grandchildren in the play, no children and no daughters outside the play, and no children for life due to his career

After graduating, the two worked in different places, but they still kept in touch and had a solid relationship.

In the movie "Women's Country Pollution Report", the two also co-starred.

However, due to their busy work, the two were not ready to have children at first, and when Cao Cuifen wanted children, Tan Tianqian resolutely refused.

Because the risk of advanced maternal age is too great, Tan Tianqian does not want his wife to take such a risk. In the end, they also failed to welcome a new life for their family.

80-year-old national first-class actor, full of children and grandchildren in the play, no children and no daughters outside the play, and no children for life due to his career

Perhaps because there is no fetters of children, Cao Cuifen after the age of fifty has also ushered in the peak of acting, which can be said to be a continuous reservation throughout the year.

She has also starred in many popular big IP dramas, such as the costume drama "Do You Know If You Should Be Green, Fat, Red and Thin", "Celebrating More Than Years", urban dramas "Hi, Shichahai", "Happiness Knocks on the Door", etc.

Because of her outstanding performance, she also won the Chinese TV Drama Feitian Award, the Chinese Film Huabiao Award, the Chinese Film Golden Phoenix Award and other awards. Now as a national first-class actor, she can be regarded as the "pillar" of elderly actors.

80-year-old national first-class actor, full of children and grandchildren in the play, no children and no daughters outside the play, and no children for life due to his career


Looking back on Cao Cuifen's life, she is indeed a real strong woman, even if she is now in her eighties, she has not stopped her acting career, which is really admirable.

80-year-old national first-class actor, full of children and grandchildren in the play, no children and no daughters outside the play, and no children for life due to his career

In fact, there is no perfect thing in the world, and there will always be some shortcomings in anyone's life. Perhaps the unhappiness in the family is Cao Cuifen's regret, but she is fortunate to have a husband who loves her and a successful career.

80-year-old national first-class actor, full of children and grandchildren in the play, no children and no daughters outside the play, and no children for life due to his career

Although she has no children and no daughters, Cao Cuifen in her later years can continue the career she loves in the company of family and friends, how is this not another perfect life? What do you say?

80-year-old national first-class actor, full of children and grandchildren in the play, no children and no daughters outside the play, and no children for life due to his career

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