
Hot search No. 1: Station B has a short downtime


Whip Bull Shi reported on July 2 that the Weibo topic #B station collapsed# suddenly rushed to the hot search, according to the feedback of netizens, station B was down again, and all plates could not be displayed.

According to the Whip Bulls, only the "live broadcast" section of the B station APP cannot be loaded, and the other recovery sections are normal.

Hot search No. 1: Station B has a short downtime
Hot search No. 1: Station B has a short downtime
Hot search No. 1: Station B has a short downtime

After a brief period of anomalies, the "live" section has now returned to normal. According to statistics, Station B will collapse 3 times in 2023, and in the first half of this year, it has also been on the hot search on Weibo many times due to its collapse.

Hot search No. 1: Station B has a short downtime