
The monthly list of short dramas in June was released: the market fell by 10% month-on-month, and the theme of the college entrance examination was hot


New Wrist reports today

On July 2, it was reported that the new wrist and WETRUE jointly launched the monthly list of short dramas in June.

In-depth analysis of the specific performance of each short drama in the statistical period, combined with the correlation data of Douyin advertising, calculated by the model of the WETRUE Data R&D Center, in order to reflect its consumption in the media market, and output a number of different dimensions of data for your reference.

Let's take a look at the data analysis of micro-short dramas in June.

1. Summary of market data in June

The monthly list of short dramas in June was released: the market fell by 10% month-on-month, and the theme of the college entrance examination was hot

The total amount of WETRUE heat value in June

1.985 billion

Month-on-month decrease of about (10.31%)

Average daily heat value


Month-on-month decrease of about (7.32%)

The monthly list of short dramas in June was released: the market fell by 10% month-on-month, and the theme of the college entrance examination was hot

Figure: Heat value curve in June (data source: WETRUE data)

The skit that entered the WETRUE_Top20 list in June

225 parts

In June, WETRUE accumulated a short drama with a popularity value of more than 10 million

32 parts

2. Overview of material dimensions

In June, WETRUE dug into the material related to the short drama:

3823836 article

The monthly list of short dramas in June was released: the market fell by 10% month-on-month, and the theme of the college entrance examination was hot

Figure: TOP10 short dramas with the largest number of associated materials in June (data source: WETRUE data)

3. Overview of company dimensions

A total of 49 related parties entered the WETRUE_Top20 list in June

(At the end of June, the WETRUE list was announced to the TOP30, and the TOP20 is still calculated in this monthly report)

The monthly list of short dramas in June was released: the market fell by 10% month-on-month, and the theme of the college entrance examination was hot

Chart: More active affiliates in June (data source: WETRUE data)

Note: The display style of the illustration is random, and there is no concept of ranking

"Dragon Ascending"

The monthly list of short dramas in June was released: the market fell by 10% month-on-month, and the theme of the college entrance examination was hot

Launched on May 31, it has been on the list for 12 consecutive days from June 1 to 12, and has been on the list 18 times in June!

The monthly list of short dramas in June was released: the market fell by 10% month-on-month, and the theme of the college entrance examination was hot


Malt-related "Peerless Beauty"

The monthly list of short dramas in June was released: the market fell by 10% month-on-month, and the theme of the college entrance examination was hot

After being launched on June 23, it landed first on the list and dominated the list twice in a row. The WETRUE popularity value ranked in the top 30 of the monthly list in the first week of its launch, which can be said to be the best performance of the month.

The monthly list of short dramas in June was released: the market fell by 10% month-on-month, and the theme of the college entrance examination was hot


Fourth, a review of the subject dimension

Channel type dimension: female frequency, male frequency accounted for 62.5% and 37.5% respectively

(Among them, the proportion of female frequency increased by about 4.44% month-on-month)

The monthly list of short dramas in June was released: the market fell by 10% month-on-month, and the theme of the college entrance examination was hot

Figure: Distribution of channel types on the Top 20 list (data source: WETRUE data)

Theme type dimension: traditional themes such as urban, counterattack, emotion, and family still account for most of the market.

The monthly list of short dramas in June was released: the market fell by 10% month-on-month, and the theme of the college entrance examination was hot

Figure: Distribution of Top20 Topics (Data source: WETRUE data)

In June, the theme of the college entrance examination was frequently released, and all of them achieved good results: "The Title of the Gold List", "After the College Entrance Examination, I Became a Daughter", "Come on! College Entrance Examination Candidates", "The Mother of the Gold List Title is Expensive by Virtue of the Son" and many other short dramas as short dramas with the theme of the college entrance examination, gave quite good data feedback in the college entrance examination season in June.

A small wave of predictions: the summer theme in July, the start of school, and military training are likely to become popular themes of the month.

The monthly list of short dramas in June was released: the market fell by 10% month-on-month, and the theme of the college entrance examination was hot

Figure: The number of popular dramas on the college entrance examination in June (data source: WETRUE data)

5. Overview of audience dimensions

In the gender dimension of the audience in June:

Female audience (55%), male audience (45%)

According to the month-on-month data, the proportion of male viewers in the gender dimension of the audience in June increased by 3%.

The monthly list of short dramas in June was released: the market fell by 10% month-on-month, and the theme of the college entrance examination was hot

Chart: Gender distribution of visitors in June (data source: WETRUE data)

The age dimension of the audience in June: 24-40 years old is the mainstream audience group

Ages 18-23 (17%)

Audience aged 24-30 (31%)

Audience aged 31-40 (30%)

Audience aged 41-50 (12%)

Audience over 50 years old (10%)

According to the month-on-month data, in the audience age data in June, the proportion of viewers aged 18-23 increased by about 7%, which is speculated to be related to the fact that there are more short dramas on the theme of the college entrance examination this month.

The monthly list of short dramas in June was released: the market fell by 10% month-on-month, and the theme of the college entrance examination was hot

Chart: Age distribution of visitors in June (data source: WETRUE data)

Audience geography in June: Guangdong continued to have the largest distribution of audiences.

Guangdong (11.81%), Jiangsu (6.93%), Henan (6.87%), Sichuan (6.61%), Shandong (6.40%), Zhejiang (5.67%), Anhui (4.42%), Hunan (4.28%), Hebei (4.18%), Hubei (3.81%)

The monthly list of short dramas in June was released: the market fell by 10% month-on-month, and the theme of the college entrance examination was hot

Chart: Geographical distribution of visitors in June (data source: WETRUE data)

The monthly list of short dramas in June was released: the market fell by 10% month-on-month, and the theme of the college entrance examination was hot

Figure: Top 10 Visitors in June (Data source: WETRUE data) ————————————————————

To sum up, the micro-short drama market in June showed a variety of changes and trends. Whether it is in terms of material mining, company performance, subject types, or audience distribution, etc., it shows a wealth of industry dynamics.

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