
The poetry of Zhang Lei, the four bachelors of Sumen, is revealed! Seven unique 4 songs are stunning in late spring and early summer, fresh and mellow

author:The fire cloud of original poetry

Zhang Lei (lěi) (1054-1114), known as Mr. Wanqiu, was a native of Qiaoxian County, Bozhou (now Bozhou City, Anhui), and later moved to Chuzhou (now Huai'an District, Huai'an City, Jiangsu). He was a minister and literary scholar in the Northern Song Dynasty, one of the four scholars of Sumen (Qin Guan, Huang Tingjian, Zhang Lei, and Chao Buzhi), and he was also the person who died the latest and was most deeply influenced by Tang Yin.

Zhang Lei's poetry is learned from Bai Juyi and Zhang Ji, and the poetry style is easy and comfortable, not yet carved, but often lost in rough and sloppy. His works of writing scenes and expressions are really mellow and natural, fresh and mellow, intriguing, and open up the atmosphere for Southern Song Dynasty poets to learn Tang tunes.

The poetry of Zhang Lei, the four bachelors of Sumen, is revealed! Seven unique 4 songs are stunning in late spring and early summer, fresh and mellow

Seven absolutes. Late Spring and Early Summer Part 1 Northern Song Dynasty · ZHANG Lei

The overcast summer scenery changes to spring, and the garden is not dusty.

Every day, the east wind bullies the weak willows, and the goose yellow blows all the green clouds.

The first sentence "The cloudy summer scene changes to the rest of the spring": The beginning of this poem points out the change of seasons, from late spring to early summer. The word "yin" vividly depicts the early summer when the weather gradually warms up and the trees are densely shaded, giving people a sense of shade. "Summer becomes more than spring" directly illustrates the change of seasons, spring is coming to an end, and summer is quietly coming.

The second sentence "there is no dust in the garden in the early morning": the garden in the early morning looks exceptionally fresh, without a trace of dust. "Qingxiao" refers to the early morning, when the air is fresh and the scenery in the garden is exceptionally clear. "No Dust" further emphasizes the cleanliness and tranquility of the garden, creating a fresh and refined atmosphere for the whole poem.

The third sentence "the east wind bullies the weak willows": the "east wind" here refers to the southeast wind in early summer, which blows the earth with a warm breath. "Bullying Willows" uses anthropomorphic techniques to vividly depict the east wind constantly blowing the weak willow trees, as if playing with them. This depiction not only expresses the softness and smoothness of the east wind, but also hints at the exuberance of early summer.

The last sentence "goose yellow blows all the green clouds": "goose yellow" refers to the tender yellow color of the willow buds in early spring, while "green clouds" refers to the dark green of the willow leaves in early summer. This poem expresses the process by which the leaves of the willow tree gradually change from tender yellow to dark green as the seasons progress. At the same time, the word "blow out" also conveys the inevitability of the change of seasons and the tenacity of the vitality of nature. The whole poem shows the unique charm of early summer with vivid images and vivid color contrasts.

The poetry of Zhang Lei, the four bachelors of Sumen, is revealed! Seven unique 4 songs are stunning in late spring and early summer, fresh and mellow

Seven absolutes. Late Spring and Early Summer II Northern Song Dynasty · ZHANG Lei

The wind in front of the Shaomuro Mountain, the water under the Wangsong Building is soluble.

Where the spring color returns, it is all in the elm pods in front of the car.

The first sentence "The wind of the day before the Shaomuro Mountain": The poet begins with the specific location of "Shaomuro Mountain", which points out the background of the poem. "Day and Day Wind" depicts the region's strong winds from late spring to early summer, giving it a fresh and slightly cool feeling.

The second sentence "Wangsong Tower" is another scenery of the poet's place, he stands upstairs and overlooks, only to see the sparkling water surface downstairs, a scene of "water dissolving". The word "dissolve" vividly depicts the softness and fluidity of the water surface, echoing the "wind" in the first sentence, creating a natural and harmonious picture.

The third sentence "Where does the volume return to spring": The poet turned his pen and began to express his feelings about the passing of spring. The word "juan general" vividly depicts the scene where the spring breeze seems to take the spring away, while "where to go" expresses the poet's questions and pursuit of the whereabouts of spring.

The last sentence "all in the elm pods in front of the car": In the process of searching for spring, the poet found that it did not disappear completely, but turned into an elm pod on the elm tree in front of the car. The word "all" emphasizes the ubiquity of spring, while "in the elm pod" specifically points out the new destination of spring. The poem uses vivid images and delicate observations to show the changes in nature and the continuation of life from late spring to early summer.

The poetry of Zhang Lei, the four bachelors of Sumen, is revealed! Seven unique 4 songs are stunning in late spring and early summer, fresh and mellow

Seven absolutes. Late Spring and Early Summer The Third Northern Song Dynasty · ZHANG Lei

Blowing all the peach and plum dust, rabbit sunflower oats are new.

Only the green jade should be extracted, and the frost knots are still acceptable.

The first sentence "blow all into peach and plum dust": the word "blow out" depicts the strength of the spring breeze, blowing off the remnants of spring flowers such as peach and plum and turning them into dust. "Chengqi" comes from "The Book of Songs, Zhaonan, Gantang", "Cover Gantang, don't write and don't cut down, call Bo to be smashed." Cover Gantang, don't note, don't lose, call the uncle. Cover Gantang, don't note, don't worship, call Bo said. It is borrowed here to describe the scene of peach and plum trees falling and falling all over the ground, suggesting the arrival of late spring.

The second sentence "Rabbit Kui Oats Ichibana Xin": "Rabbit Kui" and "Oats" are both wild plants that begin to flourish in late spring to early summer. "Ichibanzai" depicts the new life of these wild plants as the seasons change.

The third sentence "should only be extracted from the green jade": "Jiezhen" refers to the bamboo shoots to take off the shell, and "green jade" is a metaphor for the freshness and green of the bamboo shoots. The poem depicts the scene of bamboo shoots breaking through the ground in early summer, giving people a feeling of freshness and vitality.

The last sentence "frost festival is still pleasant": "frost festival" refers to the knots of bamboo, which symbolizes tenacity and clarity. "Prism" describes the appearance of distinct and prominent bamboo joints. "Shang Keren" expresses the poet's appreciation and love for this kind of perseverance, high and self-disciplined quality.

The poem vividly depicts the natural changes from late spring to early summer by depicting the falling flowers of peaches and plums, the flourishing of wild plants, the breaking of the ground by bamboo shoots, and the tenacity of bamboo, as well as the appreciation and pursuit of perseverance and self-control.

The poetry of Zhang Lei, the four bachelors of Sumen, is revealed! Seven unique 4 songs are stunning in late spring and early summer, fresh and mellow

Seven absolutes. Late Spring and Early Summer The Fourth Northern Song Dynasty · ZHANG Lei


The white head is lazy to stay in the spring, and leans on the building alone when he sleeps and moves.

The first sentence "Ancient willows are towering to the sky and pecking wood": "Ancient willows are towering to the sky" depicts ancient and tall willow trees, with lush branches and leaves, reaching into the sky. "Singing woodpecker" refers to the sound of a woodpecker pecking at a tree, a detail that adds life and movement to the picture.

The second sentence "green grass covers the ground and chirps doves": "green grass" refers to verdant grass, and "covered ground" describes the grass that is lush and covers the ground. "Turtle dove" refers to the turtle dove chirping under the grass, further enriching the sound and dynamics of the picture.

The third sentence "white-headed lazy to stay in the spring": "white-headed" usually refers to an old person, which may be the poet's self-reference. "Lazy Spring Planning" expresses the poet's helplessness and regret for the imminent passing of spring, and also reveals an attitude of being at ease with the situation and not forcing it.

The last sentence "Leaning on the building alone when you sleep": "When you go to sleep" depicts the period of time after the poet wakes up, he does not rush to get up, but spends it leisurely. "Leaning on the Tower" shows the poet leaning on the upper floor alone, quietly enjoying the scenery in front of him, enjoying the tranquility and leisure.

This poem vividly shows the tranquility and leisure from late spring to early summer by depicting natural scenes such as ancient willows, woodpeckers, green turnips, and singing doves, as well as the poet's own feelings and attitudes, and also contains the poet's indifferent and casual attitude towards life.
