
Most women will still like this kind of man

author:Dreamy and enthusiastic bean curd

The picture comes from the Internet, and the picture and text have nothing to do with it

Most women will still like this kind of man

You find that no, most women nowadays still like a little chubby men.

Feel more grounded.

They don't like men who are too skinny, or too strong.

It's a little chubby, but it's not obvious, and it looks just right.

Most women will still like this kind of man

With this kind of man, you have a sense of security, and you feel that the other party can protect you.

Women really don't care much about how men look.

At least don't be too ugly, you can't see people.

For the rest, she really didn't mind so much.

They care more about whether the two of them get along well or not.

Whether you understand each other's cute love, whether you know how to be considerate and caring, and whether you have a sense of responsibility.

That's what they really care about.

Most women will still like this kind of man

Something on the outside, fleeting.

The face is easy to age, and the inner charm is like wine, the longer it lasts.

Cultivate your heart more and improve your inner self more, this is the wealth that others can't take away.

Becoming a better you will naturally attract better women to appear around you.