
A woman who makes men can't forget is not beautiful, not in good shape, but in two things

author:Xia Qing

In the process of dating between men and women, there is such a type of woman, they usually make men forget, their beauty, figure and conversation will make men have a good impression of her.

They are often considered to be the most attractive of the many women.

However, in my opinion, the women who can make men remember are not those who are beautiful or have a good figure, but do the following two things.

A woman who makes men can't forget is not beautiful, not in good shape, but in two things
  1. Don't show off

In relationships, many women like to show off their men, but in my opinion, men don't really need those "showmanship".

After all, if a man really loves you, he won't show you how successful he is. Instead, he will show you his "ordinary".

Women who really know how to love themselves will know how to love themselves, instead of always comparing their men to others like some women.

Men who always love to show off themselves, they only make themselves less confident. On the contrary, those women who are able to keep a low profile in their relationship, they will make themselves more attractive and confident.

So, if you want a man to remember your words, the first thing to do is not always like to show off your man.

It's about learning how to love yourself and how to love others.

A woman who makes men can't forget is not beautiful, not in good shape, but in two things
  1. Be measured with feelings

In the process of dating between men and women, there is a kind of woman who is not beautiful or in good shape, but she can always attract the attention of men.

They are measured in their relationships, and they know what kind of distance they should keep when they are in a relationship with someone.

They also know that when getting along with someone, they must pay attention to certain principles, and only in this way will the man feel comfortable with her.

They never cross the thunder pool, nor do they deliberately do something to hurt a man in order to please him.

So such women usually make men miss because men feel comfortable with them.

A woman who makes men can't forget is not beautiful, not in good shape, but in two things
  1. Know how to be independent

Independent women will always give people a unique charm, and men will feel that they have a lot of face when they are with such women, because they have their own life, rather than being attached to men like other women.

In fact, most of the women who really make men miss are independent. They never feel that a man loves her by providing them with material conditions.

Instead, they will work hard to improve their abilities and knowledge to make themselves better. Make yourself more attractive, and let yourself have more capital to find love.

Independent women are always growing because they know that only by constantly improving themselves can they keep up with men.

Such women will not become the forgotten ones wherever they go, but will make men miss them.

A woman who makes men can't forget is not beautiful, not in good shape, but in two things
  1. 学会倾听

A woman who knows how to listen will make men feel valued and needed.

Men are self-esteemed, and they want to be a strong, responsible, and trustworthy person in front of women.

So, in life, don't just talk about it, learn to listen to men and understand what men really need.

Everyone needs to be respected and understood. A woman who learns to listen can give a man enough security and presence.

In emotion, many women are not good at listening to each other.

So at this time, learn to listen to the other person. Listen carefully to what he has to say, don't interrupt him, and don't impose your ideas on the other person.

If you can do the above, you can become a woman who will make men unforgettable.