
Alive, but cause and effect (profound)

author:Xia Qing

The Diamond Sutra says, "The mind cannot be attained in the past, and the mind cannot be attained in the future." ”

The Buddha said, "The past, the present, and the future are one." ”

There is a saying in the Book of Changes: "One yin and one yang is the Tao." ”

Everything in the world has two sides, yin and yang, and everything is caused by the cycle of cause and effect.

No accumulation of steps, no thousands of miles; If you don't accumulate small streams, you can't become rivers and seas.

To be a human being, only by doing good deeds and planting good causes can we get good results.

People live a lifetime, and only by living up to this life can they get the fulfillment of life.

In this life, there is no afterlife to cultivate, and there is no afterlife to wait.

The so-called cause and effect is nothing but a process of reincarnation.

Alive, but cause and effect (profound)
  1. Sow good causes, reap good results

There is a saying in the Book of Shang: "Good is rewarded with good, and evil is rewarded with evil." ”

Good people will always get good rewards, while evil people will only get bad rewards.

In this world, there is no love for no reason, and there is no hate for no reason.

Some people appear just to make you a better version of yourself, not to make you hurt others.

The Buddha said, "Everything in the world is a cycle of cause and effect. ”

The causal cycle doesn't change because you're a good or bad person, it only decides based on what you've done.

In this life, only those who have done good deeds will receive good rewards, and those who have done evil will receive evil rewards.

Good and evil are rewarded, not that they are not rewarded, but that the time has not yet come.

To be a man, kindness is the greatest capital, don't worry about a little thing;

Kindness is the best feng shui, stop doing whatever it takes for a little profit.

Alive, but cause and effect (profound)
  1. Good heart, good fortune

To be a man, you must have a good heart, do good deeds, and have good results.

In this life, people do not seek to be rich and rich, but to be free from disasters and difficulties.

Only by being kind can you gain the respect of others;

In this life, if a person does good deeds, sow good causes, accumulate many virtues, and do many good deeds, he will be rewarded.

Be a kind person and will not do bad things. Because they believe in the cycle of cause and effect, and that good and evil are rewarded.

To live, good-heartedness is fundamental. Do more good deeds, accumulate yin virtue, and you will be blessed with life.

Alive, but cause and effect (profound)
  1. Know your mistakes and correct them

When people live, what they are most afraid of is that they will suffer from themselves and will not change their mistakes.

Some people don't realize their mistakes and even think that it's someone else's problem. When others point out his mistakes, he contradicts them. What's more, they will do extreme things to punish others.

In life, it is impossible not to make mistakes. But if you don't change your mistakes, you're asking for trouble.

A person's biggest mistake is not knowing that they are wrong. In life, there is not so much time to waste and regret for you. There is also not so much time for forgiveness and relief.

Now that you know that you are wrong, you need to make amends, rather than perpetuating your mistakes over and over again.

In this life, only knowing mistakes can be changed, and good is great!

People live for a lifetime, we must understand the truth that mistakes can be corrected, in order to make ourselves go further and better!

Alive, but cause and effect (profound)
  1. Suffer, let go

As the saying goes, "Suffering is a blessing." ”

In this world, if people want to live well, they must know how to suffer.

If you care about everything, everything, then you will lose a lot of opportunities, and you will be exhausted by life.

If you take advantage of everything, then you will be looked down upon by others, and even framed by others in some cases.

Those who are too calculating about everything will only gain more than they lose in the end.

To be a man, we must learn to "give up".

is willing to cut his whole body, and dares to pull the emperor off the horse. Sacrifice small profits to get great gains, give up small evils to get great good, give up small goodness and get great good......

The Diamond Sutra says: "Everything has a way, like a dream bubble." If dew is like electricity, it should be viewed as such. ”

Everything in the world is empty, and if we want to truly have a good life and good fortune, we must learn to let go.

Life is impermanent, and no one can predict the future; Cause and effect cycle, no one can escape the shackles of cause and effect.