
If you can't afford a single-family house, buy two apartments with your parents and live door to door!

author:Interior designers have a knack

Wouldn't it be nice to have three generations of families with no money to buy a single-family house, so they can buy two door-to-door houses to live in?

If you can't afford a single-family house, buy two apartments with your parents and live door to door!

Let's hear what netizens have to say

Netizen @老苏 said that living with my in-laws is face-to-face, and my in-laws can open the door to enter our house at any time, I feel that this is no different from living together.

And if my own parents come to visit me, it is also very inconvenient, although the advantage is that you can go to the door to eat, and my parents help me, but the disadvantage is that it is very unfree, which will cause my husband to become a shopkeeper and overly dependent on his parents, and if I encounter conflicts, my husband and in-laws deal with me together, I am too insecure, and I want to sell this house and live in other communities.

If you can't afford a single-family house, buy two apartments with your parents and live door to door!

Netizen @阿璇sister said that they all said not to get too close to their in-laws, but I think it's really good to live opposite the door with my in-laws.

There is an independent space, do not disturb each other, live a day of food to open your mouth and clothes to stretch your hands, water and electricity bills, property fees do not need to pay, all living expenses such as firewood, rice, oil and salt do not have to be paid by themselves, the salary is completely spent by themselves, and every weekend the mother-in-law will give good food, so happy.

If you can't afford a single-family house, buy two apartments with your parents and live door to door!

Netizen @hou Xiaohou said that after getting married, he lived with his parents and was not his in-laws, so my family has an arbitrary door to happiness.

There are many ordinary and moving moments in life, such as cooling down, someone helping you thicken the quilt in advance, the refrigerator will be filled with fruit and yogurt, dumplings and wontons, and there will be a small restaurant that never closes when you get home from overtime.

Opening this door, I am a child in the eyes of my parents, closing the door, an independent family, and also having the responsibilities of a new family.

If you can't afford a single-family house, buy two apartments with your parents and live door to door!

Regarding the issue of three generations living together, some people buy villas, which have a large space, and can be three generations one by one, each with its own independent space, which has both privacy and family fun.

If you can't afford a single-family house, buy two apartments with your parents and live door to door!

However, many villas are in the suburbs, and commuting is a problem in the first place, not in traffic jams for one hour, traffic jams for two hours, and children going to school are not easy to solve.

Moreover, the occupancy rate of villas in the suburbs is not high, and the darkness is scary at night.

If you can't afford a single-family house, buy two apartments with your parents and live door to door!

So, some people think of living door-to-door with their parents, buying the kind of house with one ladder and two households, and their own house and their parents' house facing the door, so it is very perfect.

If you can't afford a single-family house, buy two apartments with your parents and live door to door!

Both parents have reached retirement age and can help with housework and childcare, and many parents cook very deliciously, thinking of ways to cook a table of dishes every day, and have a hot meal to eat whenever they come home.

If you eat well and have all the necessities of life, the quality of life will be much higher.

If you can't afford a single-family house, buy two apartments with your parents and live door to door!

Children don't have to worry about eating, drinking, and Lazar by themselves, children don't need to be brought by you, someone can help you take them, and young people have more free time to do what they like, or go to work and work hard to make money.

However, most people feel that living in the opposite door with their parents is too close, not ideal, and there will be many conflicts in life for a long time, and living in the opposite door is no different from living together.

If you can't afford a single-family house, buy two apartments with your parents and live door to door!

As netizen @Xiaodan said, my in-laws and I will definitely not buy door-to-door, I have a quarrel here, and his parents immediately rushed over from the opposite door, if it is just to persuade the fight, it is better to say, what if this becomes a group fight?

Two buildings in a community is the best, and don't be able to see each other's windows, otherwise go out in the middle of the night and come back, the next day you have to report your whereabouts, don't fire to cook, don't have to be trained to raise cats and dogs, don't have children, or don't buy a community, the next door community is safer.

If you can't afford a single-family house, buy two apartments with your parents and live door to door!

Living far away, although you can't rub the rice, you have to take care of the baby by yourself, and you are tired and hard, but your heart is relaxed, after all, the two generations have the lifestyle of the two generations, living separately, which side is good, and there is a sense of relaxation for each other.

If you can't afford a single-family house, buy two apartments with your parents and live door to door!

What is the best distance to live with your parents?

In fact, most people think that living in the same neighborhood as their parents, not in the same building, is good for a few minutes walking.

A phone call can be reached during meals, which not only produces beauty from distance, but also makes it convenient for the elderly to take care of their children, and it is also convenient for young people to take care of the elderly.

If you can't afford a single-family house, buy two apartments with your parents and live door to door!

Netizen @ doesn't care to say that living in the same community with your parents is the distance of a building next door and a bowl of soup.

On the weekend, I slept lazily in the morning and walked over to eat as a family of three, went home in the afternoon to play with my mobile phone, and went over to eat in the evening.

If you can't afford a single-family house, buy two apartments with your parents and live door to door!

Netizen @ running Han Han said, the most ideal distance between me and my parents is the next building, from their own dining room can see their living room window, go home late will first see if their lights are still on, sometimes overtime home just turn on the lights Dad's phone came, go home, see you lights on.

Living next door to my parents made me feel at ease, they were 10 meters away when they needed me, and they would send a WeChat message in advance every time they came to my house, which kept the sense of boundary that I needed so much.

If you can't afford a single-family house, buy two apartments with your parents and live door to door!

When I wake up in the morning, I will receive a message from my father, asking if I want to come to dinner at noon? When you don't want to cook, you can also walk over to eat, and when you encounter interesting ingredients, you will call them to come over and try them together.

As long as I get off work not too late, I am used to not going home directly and going to the next building to chat, and the distance from my parents is just right, comfortable and natural, intimate and boundary.

Occasionally looking up at each other's windows, even though they can't quite see what each other is doing, it is a moment of peace of mind and happiness.

If you can't afford a single-family house, buy two apartments with your parents and live door to door!

So, what's the best way for you to live with three generations? How far away is it most comfortable to keep from your parents?