
Championship Player Individual Tour: Li Xiaoxu, the first tough guy in Liao Basketball, the most respectable veteran!

author:Little handsome Kanqiu

CBA championship player personal tour, today let's talk about our second brother Li Xiaoxu, he is not the offensive core of the Liaoning team, nor is he the defensive leader of the Liaoning team, he is not the soul of the Liaoning team, nor is he the leader of the locker room of the Liaoning team. In the Liaoning team, you can't see Li Xiaoxu's shadow when you need to take the lead, but such a player is the most indispensable player for the Liaoning team from the first championship to the third consecutive championship!

Championship Player Individual Tour: Li Xiaoxu, the first tough guy in Liao Basketball, the most respectable veteran!

After two major injuries that are enough to ruin the athlete's career, he can help the team win three consecutive championships with one of the most indispensable players, which is not a medical miracle, nor is it a miracle in the history of basketball injuries, the recovery of injuries depends not only on medical treatment, but also on willpower, and it is this willpower that allows the second brother not only to return to the game, but also to maintain a very good competitive state, helping the Liaoning team to achieve the great cause of the dynasty that only belongs to the Liaoning people!

Championship Player Individual Tour: Li Xiaoxu, the first tough guy in Liao Basketball, the most respectable veteran!

The semi-finals were injured without confrontation, whether it was the fans on the scene or the audience in front of the TV, they all sweated for the second brother, at this time everyone had an idea, even if the championship was gone, I didn't want the second brother to be seriously injured again, even if the second brother ended his career, he didn't want it to end with an injury. Therefore, the club's official announcement was just an ordinary broken foot, and the hearts of the fans were put down, but when Zhao Jiwei said that Li Xiaoxu's ligament ruptured and he was still insisting on the game after winning the championship, many people were in tears!

Championship Player Individual Tour: Li Xiaoxu, the first tough guy in Liao Basketball, the most respectable veteran!

In fact, with Yang Ming's protective attitude towards injured players, Li Xiaoxu will not have the opportunity to appear again this season, I think at that moment the second brother will definitely take retirement as a threat, and will definitely say that he does not want to leave regrets, and will definitely say that even if he retires due to injury, as long as he can still play, he must insist on playing the game, at this moment I think Yang Ming has nothing to say, for players who still have a long career, after injury, protection and prevention must be the main thing, but for veterans, no regrets are the most important thing!

Championship Player Individual Tour: Li Xiaoxu, the first tough guy in Liao Basketball, the most respectable veteran!

After winning the championship, Li Xiaoxu burst into tears on the spot, this iron-clad tough guy also has a tender side, along the way, from hating the finals many times, to the first championship in team history, to the creation of a dynasty, from Achilles tendon rupture to cruciate ligament rupture, only he knows the mixed tastes, but he must persevere, he must let himself return to the field, he knows very well that the team needs him, he also wants to contribute to the team, and get the long-awaited championship for the hometown fans, if he really can't help anything, he will also quit silently, As long as you don't let yourself have regrets!

Championship Player Individual Tour: Li Xiaoxu, the first tough guy in Liao Basketball, the most respectable veteran!

Today's second brother has become a benchmark for young players, injuries are not so terrible, what is terrible is whether you dare to face it, as long as you are strong enough, there will always be a place for you on the basketball court. Since the age of fifteen began his career, it has been nearly 20 years now, if the second brother enters the CBA two years later, and polishes his skills and tactics in the youth team for another two years, his achievements must be far more than that, with his physical talent, he can completely impact the NBA, but nothing ifs, fortunately, God favors him, so that he has a perfect career in the Liaoning team!

Championship Player Individual Tour: Li Xiaoxu, the first tough guy in Liao Basketball, the most respectable veteran!

The second brother in the new season will start the twentieth season of his career, although there are two seasons of reimbursement, but this does not hinder Li Xiaoxu's greatness, for me personally, I hope that the second brother in the new season can really put down the burden and enjoy the basketball game, but this seems to be difficult for him, because there are four consecutive championships after three consecutive championships, for the second brother, as long as he plays, there is no reason not to fight, playing soy sauce and paddling, it is not the style of a tough guy!

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