
After the executive was killed, insiders revealed the details of the kidnapping, and the ticket was still torn up after paying a ransom of 3 million

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After the executive was killed, insiders revealed the details of the kidnapping, and the ticket was still torn up after paying a ransom of 3 million


Recently, a shocking news came from overseas, two executives of a Chinese medical device company on a business trip to the Philippines were still brutally killed after paying a huge ransom of 3 million yuan. This incident not only shook the society at home and abroad, but also aroused widespread concern about the safety of international business travel.

After the executive was killed, insiders revealed the details of the kidnapping, and the ticket was still torn up after paying a ransom of 3 million

Tragedy strikes

It is reported that these two executives belong to different companies and are middle and senior managers of their respective companies. They arrived in the Philippines on June 20 to explore the local market and explore the possibility of expanding their business there. However, when they started this overseas journey with great anticipation, they did not expect that it would be a point of no return.

After the executive was killed, insiders revealed the details of the kidnapping, and the ticket was still torn up after paying a ransom of 3 million

Background of the Victim

One of the victims, Xia, worked as an international marketing director at a well-known medical device listed company in China. He graduated from Hunan City University and was awarded the Outstanding Graduate of the School of Materials and Chemical Engineering for nearly 15 years for his outstanding performance. This talented young man, who was supposed to have a bright future, died in this accident. Xia's family also has elderly parents and relatives, who only know that their son was kidnapped in the Philippines, but they do not know the bad news that he has been killed. The situation of the other victim, Sun, is equally staggering.

After the executive was killed, insiders revealed the details of the kidnapping, and the ticket was still torn up after paying a ransom of 3 million

Overseas environments are not safe

These two executives originally thought that they would be safe after paying the money, but who knew that these kidnappers were ruthless and took the money and still poisoned them. You say, how ruthless can this person do this? It's chilling to listen to. Why is this happening? First of all, transnational crime is not isolated, it is organized and premeditated. These criminals, they are targeting those who have money and status. Why? Because I think these people can afford to pay a high price.

Some insiders speculate that the kidnapping of the two people has a lot to do with the Philippine agent.

After the executive was killed, insiders revealed the details of the kidnapping, and the ticket was still torn up after paying a ransom of 3 million

International business travel may sound big, but it's actually risky. Especially in some places where law and order are complicated, you may become a target if you are not careful. An incident like this one is a warning: when you go out, safety comes first.

Hot comments from netizens

This matter can't just be over, otherwise the consequences are unimaginable, the Philippines is too arrogant, and it is not enough to catch the criminals to be angry!

After the executive was killed, insiders revealed the details of the kidnapping, and the ticket was still torn up after paying a ransom of 3 million

What about our consulate, why didn't we hear it?

After the executive was killed, insiders revealed the details of the kidnapping, and the ticket was still torn up after paying a ransom of 3 million

Support China's public security to enforce the law in the Philippines and avenge the murdered compatriots

After the executive was killed, insiders revealed the details of the kidnapping, and the ticket was still torn up after paying a ransom of 3 million

The Philippine government acquiesced in the harm to Chinese...... His heart can be punished, and heaven is intolerable

After the executive was killed, insiders revealed the details of the kidnapping, and the ticket was still torn up after paying a ransom of 3 million

A family member paid a ransom of 3 million yuan to the Filipino kidnappers, but the kidnappers still tore up the ticket!! Compromise can only make matters worse, and it must be repaid in blood

After the executive was killed, insiders revealed the details of the kidnapping, and the ticket was still torn up after paying a ransom of 3 million

Write at the end

This is also a wake-up call for us. In this era of globalization, security issues are becoming increasingly important. Everyone should enhance their awareness of self-protection, and at the same time, all sectors of society should work together to promote the formation of a more effective international security mechanism to make the world a safer place.

After the executive was killed, insiders revealed the details of the kidnapping, and the ticket was still torn up after paying a ransom of 3 million
What is your take on this incident? What do you think can be done to improve the safety of international business travel? Feel free to leave a message in the comment area to share your views and experiences, and let us work together to protect the safety of overseas workers.