
The gradual "blackening" of France has completely shattered Macron's dreams!

author:Speaker: Plath
The gradual "blackening" of France has completely shattered Macron's dreams!

When I woke up, there was another march and riot in Paris, France.

Yes, it's France again, and it's mass marching riots again.

Why are there so many riots in France all year round?

This time, there was a riot in Paris because the first round of voting in the French parliamentary election was released, and the far-right ruling party won the vote, which caused a lot of opposition, so that there were large-scale demonstrations and riots.

The gradual "blackening" of France has completely shattered Macron's dreams!

On the left are reformers, on the right are conservatives. The so-called extreme right is the extreme right-winger. To put it bluntly, they are extreme conservatives.

In France, and in Europe as a whole, if the far right is elected, it will be a big problem!

Because France is a country full of immigrants, the population is made up of blacks, Albanians (Algerians), and indigenous Gauls.

When I went to France before, I met an Arabsian, why do they have French nationality and are often dissatisfied with the French government?

He said solemnly: In the past, France invaded our country and robbed us of our resources, and now we have emigrated here in order to consume France's national strength and completely destroy France.

The gradual "blackening" of France has completely shattered Macron's dreams!

It can be seen that in France, whether black or Argentine, they immigrated to France not to really integrate into France, but to "take revenge"!

What a chilling thing this is!

It also made me suddenly understand what it means: those who are not of my race will have different hearts!

For so many years, France has pursued an excessively liberal immigration policy, believing that, like the United States, it will make France strong by constantly accepting people from other countries.

A very simple example, the French football team in the World Cup, 9 out of 10 people are black......

The gradual "blackening" of France has completely shattered Macron's dreams!

As a result, it is precisely because of this flood of "Our Lady's Heart" that France is completely "blackened".

To this day, every riot and march in the United States is basically the work of immigrants.

This time, the French far-right votes were in the lead, which made these blacks and Albanians extremely worried, fearing that they would be fully inclined to the Gallic natives, so they marched against it.

Even the natives of Gaul were tired of mass illegal immigration, so they had to stand up and march against it.

In this way, two waves of opposing people staged demonstrations, and there would be large-scale riots.

This is also due to the fact that during the ten years of Macron's administration, he has continuously implemented a relaxed immigration policy. In Macron's view, as long as the population receives enough, France can regain its former strength.

The gradual "blackening" of France has completely shattered Macron's dreams!

In particular, some time ago, Macron dissolved the National Assembly and held early parliamentary elections, thinking that this would reunite France, but this is a very risky decision.

This will lead to a situation of infighting in France for a long time.

Because whether it is black, Arab, or Gallic natives, the underlying logic of the struggle between them is racial contradictions.

Just like in the United States, the confrontation between black and white police officers is also caused by the intensification of racial tensions.

If a country is permeated with a strong atmosphere of "racial discrimination", it is easy to make a noise at the slightest disturbance.

Therefore, the current France is being torn apart by the increasingly intensified racial contradictions.

Similarly, the invincible United States is also being deeply corroded by this racial contradiction.

Therefore, how can the "national unity" that Macron fantasizes about be realized?

It is impossible for immigrants and Gallic natives to respect each other at all, let alone that their immigration to France is a "feud"!

You know, today's black French people dare to shout openly: "White people out of France!" ”

The gradual "blackening" of France has completely shattered Macron's dreams!

What is even more tragic is that as the population ratio between the native people and immigrants continues to decline, the dismal low fertility rate of the Gauls is even more of a joke in front of the blacks and Argentines!

Because many black and Albanian families do not have serious jobs, but rely on having six or seven or eight children to obtain the government's high maternity benefits, and then sit back and enjoy the benefits.

Such descendants continue to perpetuate the ideas of the previous generation, and over time France will naturally run out of talent.

Those blacks and Afghans have been reduced to street gangsters, so the French government is naturally powerless to deal with the riots and demonstrations of the blacks.

Although this kind of genetic game is not visible, the tragedy behind it is no less than that of real guns!

All in all, today's France is the epitome of European and American countries.

When their indigenous population is constantly being eaten away by immigrants through strong reproductive ability, it will be followed by more and more turmoil in the country, and the voice of the indigenous people will become weaker and weaker, and finally the land will become a place for foreigners.

Today's France, Macron still does not seem to be aware of this, this invisible "population struggle", France has lost very completely, if no changes are made, then the Gauls will be completely defeated in the future, and France will be completely occupied by blacks and Argentans.

That is why we want to emphasize today that a country must have its own cultural heritage and a nation must be full of pride.

Because we know very well that the Chinese nation has not been broken after more than 5,000 years, relying on the "blood red" in our hearts.

Yellow skin and black eyes tell us that this is the certification of the descendants of Yan and Huang, and it is the background color of defending Chinese civilization!

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