
A missile speedboat brigade of the Navy carried out a big discussion on the "Concept of Struggle in the New Era".

author:Chinese military horn

Source: China Military Network-People's Liberation Army Daily

"Hero Boat" forges ahead on a new journey

-- A missile speedboat brigade of the Navy carried out a big discussion on the "Concept of Struggle in the New Era".

Zhang Qiang, Lin Yahong, Su Xing Photo report

A missile speedboat brigade of the Navy carried out a big discussion on the "Concept of Struggle in the New Era".

On the eve of "July 1st", the party members of the "Sea Hero Boat" reviewed the oath of joining the party.

"The book "Heroes of the Sea", which describes the 'Iron Warrior' Mai Xiande, was shocking after reading it, and inspired me to move forward bravely in my training work......" On June 27, in the auditorium of a missile speedboat brigade of the Navy, a reading sharing meeting was being held. A number of officers and men took to the podium to share their reading experiences and talk freely about how to draw strength from good books.

A missile speedboat brigade of the Navy carried out a big discussion on the "Concept of Struggle in the New Era".

Officers and soldiers held a reading and sharing meeting.

Cohesion and responsibility. Since the launch of the great discussion on the "concept of struggle in the new era," this brigade has held many activities such as reading and sharing meetings and story meetings on strengthening the army while doing a good job in theoretical study, and has adopted the forms of personal speeches, interviews and exchanges, sitcoms, and cross talk performances to guide officers and men to actively participate in discussions and exchanges, and strive to be strivers in the new era who bravely shoulder heavy responsibilities and advance in pursuit of dreams.

A missile speedboat brigade of the Navy carried out a big discussion on the "Concept of Struggle in the New Era".

Officers and soldiers visited the military history corridor and learned the battle stories of their ancestors.

On a summer evening, there is a cool breeze. On the deck of the "Sea Hero Boat" of the brigade, officers and men sat together and held a story meeting on strengthening the army. A cheerful sergeant spoke eloquently, and his eloquent speech won bursts of applause. His name is Lan Jinshan, and in the eight years since he joined the army, he has been rated as an outstanding soldier of the "four haves" three times, and has won the first place in the brigade's professional competitions many times. It is understood that 15 people have shared their personal growth stories at the recent meeting on strengthening the army held on the boat, creating a strong atmosphere of struggle and responsibility, and encouraging officers and men to base themselves on their posts and make contributions to the sea.

A missile speedboat brigade of the Navy carried out a big discussion on the "Concept of Struggle in the New Era".

At the strong army story meeting, Sergeant Lan Jinshan's personal growth story won applause from his comrades.

"Melt into the sea, I am a wave. Sprinkled into the night sky, I am a star. The years are quiet, and I am the background color. Clear love, dedicated to my motherland......" Recently, before the brigade performed a certain task, the sonorous song of "Strong Army Has Me" sounded in the military port. The morale of the officers and men was high, and they set out to fight against the rising sun and waves.

A missile speedboat brigade of the Navy carried out a big discussion on the "Concept of Struggle in the New Era".

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