
Unrepentant! After it was released, the uncle who harassed the girl shouted: There is no reason! The family members were angry with netizens

author:Xiao Nian chats about entertainment

Previously, because on the subway, the girl did not give up her seat to the uncle in Beijing, and was harassed by the uncle, and pulled the girl's neck, and used crutches to try to open the girl's thigh, even if the seat was vacant next to him, the uncle was still angry, and forced the girl to give way.

Unrepentant! After it was released, the uncle who harassed the girl shouted: There is no reason! The family members were angry with netizens

What's even more infuriating is that the uncle who pulled the girl on the subway was still unconvinced after the police came out, and what's more, he kept harassing the girl and verbally abusing him, and even clamored to pull the girl to the police station together, counting on the police uncle to support him.

Unrepentant! After it was released, the uncle who harassed the girl shouted: There is no reason! The family members were angry with netizens
Unrepentant! After it was released, the uncle who harassed the girl shouted: There is no reason! The family members were angry with netizens

In the end, Uncle Metro was not surprised to be detained, and he was detained for 7 days, although it was not a long time, but at least it taught the old man a lesson.

Unrepentant! After it was released, the uncle who harassed the girl shouted: There is no reason! The family members were angry with netizens

However, after 7 days passed, as soon as the old man came out of the detention center, he posted a video angrily complaining about injustice, shouting: There is no heavenly reason!

Unrepentant! After it was released, the uncle who harassed the girl shouted: There is no reason! The family members were angry with netizens
Unrepentant! After it was released, the uncle who harassed the girl shouted: There is no reason! The family members were angry with netizens
Unrepentant! After it was released, the uncle who harassed the girl shouted: There is no reason! The family members were angry with netizens

Immediately afterwards, the old man continued to be angry: I was punished like this after just two pulls, and all respect for the old and love for the young is fake, because I am not wrong at all!

When he spoke, the old man's eyes widened angrily, and he was very angry at first glance, he was still emphasizing "respecting the old and loving the young", complaining about unfair punishment, and even calling out that there was no heavenly reason, and emphasizing that he was not wrong.

Unrepentant! After it was released, the uncle who harassed the girl shouted: There is no reason! The family members were angry with netizens
Unrepentant! After it was released, the uncle who harassed the girl shouted: There is no reason! The family members were angry with netizens
Unrepentant! After it was released, the uncle who harassed the girl shouted: There is no reason! The family members were angry with netizens

Obviously, the seven-day detention did not make the old man repent, on the contrary, he felt that he had been greatly wronged.

In addition, the uncle's daughter also stood up, and complained about the grievances suffered by her father, and even scolded netizens.

Unrepentant! After it was released, the uncle who harassed the girl shouted: There is no reason! The family members were angry with netizens
Unrepentant! After it was released, the uncle who harassed the girl shouted: There is no reason! The family members were angry with netizens

The uncle's daughter complained: It's been seven days, and it's finally come out, so you're happy now.

Do you know how our family came over these 7 days?

Father finally came out, 7 days of detention is too short for you, this is a bit too much, there is no love for the elderly, just because of a seat.

Unrepentant! After it was released, the uncle who harassed the girl shouted: There is no reason! The family members were angry with netizens
Unrepentant! After it was released, the uncle who harassed the girl shouted: There is no reason! The family members were angry with netizens

The daughter's remarks obviously inherited the uncle's remarks, and she still felt that the uncle was not wrong, and even complained that netizens had no love for the elderly, and even felt that 7 days was short, and finally, the reason for the uncle's detention was attributed to a seat, obviously, harassing subway girls, this is a big deal.

Unrepentant! After it was released, the uncle who harassed the girl shouted: There is no reason! The family members were angry with netizens

This is that they haven't realized their mistakes yet, netizens are not used to it, for the subway uncle's remarks, netizens have started to complain, shouting:

There is no remorse, and it seems that the detention period is still short.

The action against the girl is completely hooliganism, why not convict of hooliganism? It's arrogant to let it out······

Unrepentant! After it was released, the uncle who harassed the girl shouted: There is no reason! The family members were angry with netizens
Unrepentant! After it was released, the uncle who harassed the girl shouted: There is no reason! The family members were angry with netizens

It seems that there is not enough detention and is still provoking here.

It would be too evil to continue to detain

7 days is so little.

It's really not a matter of seats, it's a matter of character, it's a matter of illegality.


Netizens are not used to the uncle, after all, in everyone's opinion, the uncle's behavior is completely relying on the old and selling the old, and everyone respects the old and loves the young, and it will definitely not be an old man like the uncle, the uncle should say a few words and repent seriously, after all, from beginning to end, it is the uncle's fault.

What do you think?
