
The Soviet expert said frankly: Falling out with China was a short-sighted move by the Soviet Union and the biggest failure in Soviet diplomatic history

author:Read Shi Mingjian

Historically, Sino-Soviet relations were close but eventually broke down over political and diplomatic differences. Soviet experts once frankly admitted that falling out with China was a short-sighted move by the Soviet Union and was considered the biggest failure in the history of Soviet diplomacy.

The Soviet expert said frankly: Falling out with China was a short-sighted move by the Soviet Union and the biggest failure in Soviet diplomatic history

The evolution of Sino-Soviet relations

At first, Sino-Soviet relations warmed up rapidly after the founding of the People's Republic of China. The two countries had a high degree of ideological and political convergence in terms of ideological and political goals, and signed the Sino-Soviet Treaty of Friendship, Alliance and Mutual Assistance. However, as time went on, the differences between the two sides gradually emerged. Especially after the 20th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union in 1956, the Soviet Union began to criticize Stalin, which caused dissatisfaction in China. Relations between China and the Soviet Union began to deteriorate from then on.

The Soviet expert said frankly: Falling out with China was a short-sighted move by the Soviet Union and the biggest failure in Soviet diplomatic history

The reason for the hostility between China and the Soviet Union

The reasons for the hostility between China and the Soviet Union can be summed up in many ways. The great-power chauvinism of the Soviet Union came into serious conflict with China's quest for equality. The Soviet Union often referred to itself as the "big brother" and demanded that China be subordinate to its strategy militarily and diplomatically, which provoked strong resentment in China.

The Soviet expert said frankly: Falling out with China was a short-sighted move by the Soviet Union and the biggest failure in Soviet diplomatic history

One of the most emblematic events was the abrupt withdrawal of experts from China by the Soviet Union in 1959. This move has stalled many of China's important construction projects, leading to huge economic losses and technical difficulties.

In addition, the 1969 Zhenbao Island incident was also a turning point in the relationship between the two countries. The Soviet Union launched a military provocation in the Sino-Soviet border area, and the two sides exchanged fierce fire on Zhenbao Island on the Ussuri River, killing and wounding many people. The incident pushed Sino-Soviet relations to a freezing point, and the two countries have since entered a decades-long state of hostility.

The Soviet expert said frankly: Falling out with China was a short-sighted move by the Soviet Union and the biggest failure in Soviet diplomatic history

Reflection and evaluation by experts

In hindsight, many Soviet experts considered the Soviet Union's falling out with China a short-sighted move. They noted that the Soviet Union was too tough in its relations with China and failed to fully recognize the importance of China. This miscalculation led to a major diplomatic defeat for the Soviet Union, which greatly weakened its strategic position in Asia.

The Soviet expert said frankly: Falling out with China was a short-sighted move by the Soviet Union and the biggest failure in Soviet diplomatic history

Some experts believe that if the Soviet Union had adopted a more flexible and pragmatic policy at that time, relations between the two countries might not have reached the point of rupture. This also provided a valuable historical reference for the subsequent development of Sino-Russian relations.

The Soviet expert said frankly: Falling out with China was a short-sighted move by the Soviet Union and the biggest failure in Soviet diplomatic history

The hostility between China and the Soviet Union not only changed the pattern of major power relations during the Cold War, but also had a far-reaching impact on the development paths of the two countries. The reflections of Soviet experts provide valuable historical lessons for posterity. Now, after going through ups and downs, China-Russia relations have gradually moved towards new cooperation and win-win results, and we should draw wisdom from history to avoid repeating the mistakes of the past. #头条首发大赛#

The Soviet expert said frankly: Falling out with China was a short-sighted move by the Soviet Union and the biggest failure in Soviet diplomatic history
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