
F22 and F35 were dispatched together, and the US military aircraft in the South China Sea exercise hit the target, and the operation was gorgeous.

author:Horses and chariots

Recently, the U.S. Naval Institute News Network reported a report on the joint military exercise conducted by the United States and the Philippines at Scarborough Shoal, in which it recounted an air tactical exercise conducted by the United States and the Philippines near Scarborough Shoal in the South China Sea!

The two militaries placed their targets 230 nautical miles near Scarborough Shoal, and apparently their imaginary enemy was the Chinese Navy's coast guard vessels!

The content of the U.S. Navy and Air Force exercise is that four U.S. F35B vertical take-off and landing fighters launch precision-guided missiles to carry out precision strikes on targets in the waters near Scarborough Shoal! The Philippines played an important role in this exercise!

F22 and F35 were dispatched together, and the US military aircraft in the South China Sea exercise hit the target, and the operation was gorgeous.

What is the purpose of this joint military exercise between the United States and the Philippines? Will such an outcome of the US-Philippine exercises occur on Chinese naval vessels? Once the situation in the South China Sea gets out of control, will the United States really use fighter jets as it did during the exercises?

What is the effect of the US-Philippines exercise dispatching a large number of advanced fighters?

The United States has not only dispatched four F35B multi-functional fighters, but also dispatched F22 to escort this operation! Even the United States used a C130 modified command aircraft to provide relay guidance for four F35Bs for bombs!

The whole process of the exercise is roughly as follows: First, the United States and the Philippines conducted a drill in which the Philippine Navy was attacked by the Chinese Navy in the South China Sea, and then the Philippine side dispatched drones to reconnoiter the position of the Chinese ship.

F22 and F35 were dispatched together, and the US military aircraft in the South China Sea exercise hit the target, and the operation was gorgeous.

After discovering the location of the Chinese Navy, the Philippine UAV immediately sent the intelligence to the C130 command aircraft, which ordered the F35B to take off and prepare for combat, and then the US military sent F22 to escort the US military in the air operation! Beware of the J-10 and J-16 fighters deployed by China in the South China Sea to rush to support, once the Chinese support fighters are spotted, the F22 will use its stealth to use air-to-air missiles to shoot down the Chinese fighters!

After the four F35Bs arrived at the predetermined airspace, under the guidance of the command aircraft, they launched 7 GBU-32 precision-guided missiles at the target, and finally the missiles successfully hit the target, and the US air combat team successfully completed the anti-ship combat mission, and then returned to the base on the spot!

The Philippines plays such a role in the whole plan as reconnaissance and harassment, attracting firepower and attention, and obviously it does not play a very big role in the so-called anti-ship combat mission of the entire US military, but more to let them attract the attention of the Chinese side in order to facilitate the US Air Force to launch a surprise attack!

F22 and F35 were dispatched together, and the US military aircraft in the South China Sea exercise hit the target, and the operation was gorgeous.

If it really attacks PLA warships or coast guard ships according to the US plan, China is likely to be attacked due to lack of preparation, of course, this premise is that it is the Philippines or the United States that initiates the first shot of the Sino-Philippine conflict!

Such a method can only be used to fire the first shot of a conflict in the South China Sea, and once the Chinese coast guard and navy ships are prepared, the US action will not succeed again!

As for the various operations in the US Air Force's exercise plan, in our common words, it is a fierce operation, and the result is as sharp as a tiger!

F22 and F35 were dispatched together, and the US military aircraft in the South China Sea exercise hit the target, and the operation was gorgeous.

In fact, people with a little military common sense know that this seemingly gorgeous attack of the United States, except for deceiving laymen like the Philippines, is full of loopholes in the eyes of people with a little military common sense!

Why are the US-Philippine exercises full of loopholes?

First of all, let's take a look at the US Air Force's precision-guided missile GBU-32 used to attack targets, we don't care about the range and speed of this missile, from the perspective of missile type, this precision-guided missile is not a pure anti-ship missile!

Although the United States introduced that it could attack slow-moving targets at sea, in fact, as long as the ship was at full power or carried out continuous maneuvering evasion, the hit rate of this missile was very worrying!

F22 and F35 were dispatched together, and the US military aircraft in the South China Sea exercise hit the target, and the operation was gorgeous.

Even if the GBU-32 has the ability to attack large mobile targets at sea, the maximum speed of this missile is only about Mach 2, unless the United States uses it to attack the ships of the Chinese Coast Guard, the Chinese Navy ships can shoot it down if they have air defense capabilities!

The most nonsense thing about this GBU-32 is that its range is only 32 kilometers, and at this range, the American F35B fighter may be locked by the Chinese Navy ship anti-aircraft missile before it gets close!

The United States imagines that their F35B can deceive the radar with its stealth performance, which is impossible to achieve in China, which has an anti-stealth radar, after all, our anti-stealth radar has been tested in real combat, even if the F22 has nothing to hide in front of our radar!

F22 and F35 were dispatched together, and the US military aircraft in the South China Sea exercise hit the target, and the operation was gorgeous.

Of course, there are also people here who say that the United States has other missiles with a longer range, but these missiles are extremely chicken for F35B, after all, F35B as a vertical take-off and landing aircraft has a combat radius of only 400 kilometers, if the missile range is more than 400 kilometers, and the Chinese warship is within the range of 400 kilometers, then what do you need F35B for?

In fact, the U.S. F35B fighter is not suitable for anti-ship operations against the Chinese Navy at all, and the reason why the United States will use so many F35Bs and advanced F22s is actually to make a show in the South China Sea, so that the Philippines can realize that the United States attaches great importance to them, and at the same time take out so many advanced weapons and fighters to give the Philippines courage, but as long as the Philippines thinks about it a little, it will know that the U.S. exercise combat plan is simply full of loopholes!