
If China had chosen a side, World War III might have broken out long ago, but why is China an important cornerstone of peace?

author:Horses and chariots

Recently, the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence Forum was held in Beijing, and Zheng Yongnian, a well-known expert and scholar representing Hong Kong, China, said in his speech that if China chooses to take sides, whether it supports either side of the United States and Russia, it will let the third world war break out!

China has always been an important force in maintaining world peace and stability, and if it loses this force, world stability will be greatly challenged.

If China had chosen a side, World War III might have broken out long ago, but why is China an important cornerstone of peace?

China needs a peaceful and stable development situation, so whether it is the Russia-Ukraine conflict or the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, China adheres to the attitude of armistice and peace, rather than taking sides to provide them with weapons and ammunition, because China knows that weapons can only make the war more intense, and it is never weapons but peace talks that bring the two sides of the war back to peace!

So why has China maintained its neutrality for so many years? What kind of attitude does China's non-alignment and non-alignment represent?

Why does China keep maintaining peace?

We all know that China's modern history is a stormy "history of shame", China has been in the middle of land reparations for the invasion of foreign enemies in the past 100 years, and the weak and incompetent Qing government and the chaotic warlords have left countless wounds and blood and tears on the land of China!

Although after the founding of New China, the Chinese people began to gradually stay away from suffering and bullying, but the history of China's suffering for nearly a hundred years is engraved in the bones of every Chinese!

If China had chosen a side, World War III might have broken out long ago, but why is China an important cornerstone of peace?

Just as every Chinese is a hawk today, we support China in strengthening national defense science and technology and supporting the motherland in spending a lot of money to build an advanced and powerful army, because every Chinese knows a truth: backwardness is beaten and weak is equivalent to being bullied!

There is a saying in the mouths of Chinese smokers, if the military budget is not used to build the army, should it be used to cede land and pay compensation? This is the lesson that every Chinese has summed up from the history of shame for more than 200 years!

If China had chosen a side, World War III might have broken out long ago, but why is China an important cornerstone of peace?

The Chinese nation is a kind nation, but also a nation with empathy, it is precisely because we have experienced the era of bullying, so we have an instinctive rejection and disgust for the war, and also have natural compassion for the displaced people and innocent people in the war!

So the Chinese are belligerent, and when there is no way to avoid it, everyone will stand up and defend their country. But the Chinese are also extremely peace-loving, when a meaningless war breaks out, the Chinese will always stand up at the first time to call for the end of the war and start peace talks, which is also the kindness brought to the Chinese people by a hundred years of humiliation!

If China had chosen a side, World War III might have broken out long ago, but why is China an important cornerstone of peace?

Of course, in addition to the various revelations brought by history, China's current situation also requires the world to maintain peace, and today's China is about to usher in the great rejuvenation of the country, and every Chinese and every Chinese are waiting for this moment!

As long as the world remains peaceful and China maintains its current trend of peaceful development, we will be able to take off again! Peace is especially precious to the Chinese who started with trade and traveled the world through trading!

Why is China an important cornerstone of world peace?

Although the United States has been the world hegemon for decades, to be honest, they don't know how to be a world boss or how to be a world leader!

Perhaps everyone thinks that China is not qualified to say such a thing, but in fact, China has been on top of the world and leading the world for much more time than the United States!

Whether it is the Sui and Han dynasties or the Tang dynasty, whether it is the Song and Yuan dynasties or the Ming and Qing dynasties, in fact, a large part of the time China's national strength and influence are at the top of the world.

If China had chosen a side, World War III might have broken out long ago, but why is China an important cornerstone of peace?

What did the United States do after becoming a world hegemon? The first is to establish your own alliance system, and then use the hegemony of your own dollar to start harvesting the world, suppressing competitors and constantly launching wars around the world to grab resources, which is completely the posture of a world bully!

This kind of behavior is completely undesirable after the United States becomes the world hegemon, which will make the whole world complain about the United States, and no one may dare to speak when you are strong, but once the United States falls into recession, then the whole world will become the enemy of the United States!

On the other hand, when China's national strength was strong, it still adhered to the attitude of Chinese civilization to treat people with courtesy and rule the country by law, and never carried out oppression and cunning robbery! As many countries in Southeast Asia say, they have lived peacefully with China for thousands of years, but when the Western bandits came, they all destroyed the country!

China's development is now at a very critical juncture, and we have always adhered to the attitude of not taking sides and not aligning with each other in the international community, which is the guarantee that China has made to the people of the world that China will work for world peace at any time, and no matter how strong China develops, we will not take the initiative to provoke war because of our own interests!

If China had chosen a side, World War III might have broken out long ago, but why is China an important cornerstone of peace?

The Chinese government and people have always thought so, and they have done the same! In fact, in today's turbulent international situation and extremely unstable geopolitics, as long as China chooses to take sides or is a little sober and irrational, then a world war may occur at any time under the instigation of the United States and the counterattack of Russia!

However, as long as China still maintains its sanity and is still working hard to persuade and promote peace talks, the world can still be saved, and this is the demeanor that a big country should have, and it is also the responsibility and responsibility that China should have as a big country!

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