
Happy Birthday, Peng Pai Tribute!

author:Pengzhou release
Happy Birthday, Peng Pai Tribute!

The party flag flutters and sings in the prosperous era, and does not forget the original intention to praise the party. Today is the 103rd anniversary of the Communist Party of China, in order to create a strong festive atmosphere and inspire the enthusiasm of the majority of party members to start a business, on the eve of "July 1st", Pengzhou has carried out a wide range of celebrations with rich content and various forms, remembering the glorious history of the party, eulogizing the great achievements of the party, inheriting the glorious tradition of the party, carrying forward the party's fine style, and showing the demeanor and responsibility of the majority of party members to boost their spirits, show a new atmosphere, and strive to open a new bureau.

Happy Birthday, Peng Pai Tribute!

The theme party day activities have a strong "party flavor".

On June 28, Pengzhou City held a party day event with the theme of "carrying forward the great spirit of party building and condensing the strength of Pengpai to forge ahead" to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China.

Happy Birthday, Peng Pai Tribute!

The activity is divided into three chapters: "setting sail and chasing the waves", "striving to be the first to break the waves" and "bravely standing at the head of the tide and stepping on the waves", highlighting the red theme and highlighting the characteristics of Pengzhou, and carrying forward the great spirit of party building through sincere and positive literary performances, showing the spirit of struggle of Pengzhou party members and cadres in the new era under the strong leadership of the party, continuing the red blood, overcoming difficulties, and working hard to build the city of Pengpai.

Happy Birthday, Peng Pai Tribute!

On the day of the event, the 50th anniversary medal of the party was also awarded to the representatives of the old party members, and a group of party workers, party member representatives and party organization representatives of Pengzhou City were commended, and the party members and party organizations who won the "two excellent and one first" in Sichuan Province and Chengdu City were awarded, and the majority of party members and cadres in the city were guided to always maintain a high-spirited attitude of walking in the front and setting an example, and to accelerate the construction of "six Pengzhou" and contribute to the comprehensive construction of a three-dimensional landscape Pengpai city.

Happy Birthday, Peng Pai Tribute!

The theme of the art exhibition and performance activities is inspiring

On June 30, Pengzhou City celebrated the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and held a theme art exhibition in the Guanqu Agricultural Ecological Cultural Corridor.

Happy Birthday, Peng Pai Tribute!

In the melodious melody, beautiful singing, and progressive dancing, the literary and artistic workers used the most appropriate artistic way of life to tell and excavate the Pengzhou imprint in the spiritual pedigree of the Chinese Communists with programs such as "Be My Sun", "A Letter to Home" and "My Motherland", showing the high fighting spirit of Pengzhou youth to inspire youth with an enterprising attitude and strive to be a Pengpai youth in the new era. During the event, all party members collectively reviewed the oath of joining the party, and the Municipal Youth Federation made a public welfare donation to the "Building Dreams with Love, Youth Walking" care project for young people in difficulty.

Happy Birthday, Peng Pai Tribute!

The purpose of the activity is to present the party's 103rd birthday in the form of literary and artistic performances, convey the party's warm care, show the demeanor and vitality of the party members and cadres, praise the party's glorious struggle and great achievements, and encourage the majority of Pengzhou youth and Pengzhou students to praise the party's grace and take on the mission.

Happy Birthday, Peng Pai Tribute!

In addition to the city's large-scale celebrations, grassroots party organizations at all levels in Pengzhou have also carried out a series of activities to inherit the city's party history with special party classes, knowledge competitions, keynote speeches, etc

Further educate and guide the system

Party members, cadres, and workers

Relive the glorious history of the Communist Party of China in the past 103 years

Understand and master the basic knowledge of Party history

Happy Birthday, Peng Pai Tribute!

The "multi-form party class" made July 1st ignite

In order to guide party members and cadres to transform the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China into a powerful force to guide practice and promote work, grassroots party organizations at all levels in Pengzhou have carried out a series of "July 1" activities to guide party members and cadres to relive the eventful years, continue the red gene, and contribute to building a three-dimensional landscape Pengpai city in an all-round way.

Happy Birthday, Peng Pai Tribute!

In the activity, through theoretical knowledge learning, on-site immersive experience, watching red movies, etc., a strong atmosphere of hierarchical and stratified, top-down, and everyone's participation was formed in each system, which further encouraged party members and cadres to continue to forge ahead in the future work and make new contributions based on their posts.

Commend advanced tree models

In the past few days, the grassroots party organizations at all levels in Pengzhou have held the "July 1st" theme party day activities, commended a group of outstanding communist party members, outstanding party workers and advanced grassroots party organizations in the system, and awarded commemorative medals to the representatives of old party members who won the commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party".

Happy Birthday, Peng Pai Tribute!

"I volunteer to join the Communist Party of China, support the party's program, abide by the party's constitution, fulfill the obligations of party members, and implement the party's decisions......" In the review of the oath of joining the party, every party member remained solemn and recited the oath, serious and solemn. All party members and cadres reviewed the determination and belief of the year, once again declared their solemn commitment to the party with a solemn oath, and swore an unswerving political belief and a strong determination to struggle.

Happy Birthday, Peng Pai Tribute!

Relive the spirit of historical heritage

At the Jianchuan Museum in Chengdu and the former residence of Li Yilu in Pengzhou, everyone deeply felt the revolutionary spirit of the Communist Party of China that is not afraid of hardships and dangers and has the courage to sacrifice by viewing precious historical relics and feeling the great achievements and spiritual demeanor of the older generation of revolutionaries.

Happy Birthday, Peng Pai Tribute!

At the same time, they also gained an in-depth understanding of the development process of the Communist Party of China and the challenges and brilliant achievements of the Party in different historical periods. Party members have expressed that they will always remember the glorious course and great spirit of the party, strengthen their ideals and beliefs, and continue to struggle in their respective fields of work.

High-level talents join hands to "celebrate July 1st"

A few days ago, Pengzhou and Xindu District jointly held the theme activity of "Celebrating July 1st" for high-level talents of "Promoting the Spirit of Patriotic Struggle and Contributing to the New Era", and more than 40 high-level talents from the two places gathered at the Sichuan Aviation Science and Technology Museum to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China.

Happy Birthday, Peng Pai Tribute!

Sichuan Aviation Science and Technology Museum is located in Lichun Aviation Power Town, which is composed of an outdoor equipment display area and an indoor exhibition area. "J-20 is the mainland's fifth-generation fighter ......", under the narrator's passionate teaching, we visited the Sichuan Aviation Science and Technology Museum, and learned in detail about the process of military and civil aviation technology development "from scratch" and the historical story of the Air Force operation, and said that they will always keep their original intentions and bravely undertake the mission on the new journey, and contribute talents to the construction of a modern socialist country.

Happy Birthday, Peng Pai Tribute!

"The Strongest Brain" competition

Strong party spirit, fine work style, and strict discipline are the distinctive characteristics of the Communist Party of China. Recently, a series of keynote speeches and knowledge competitions have been carried out in various grassroots party organizations to further educate and guide the majority of party members and cadres to learn regulations and understand party discipline.

Happy Birthday, Peng Pai Tribute!

In the keynote speech competition, the contestants closely focused on the theme of "learning regulations and abiding by party discipline", closely linked to the actual work, told the things around them with the people around them, based on their respective positions, and showed the excellent style of loyal performance and courage to take responsibility. The knowledge competition covers the history of the party, party discipline and other related content, and during the competition, the participating teams are united and cooperative, and cooperate tacitly, which fully demonstrates the spirit of the contestants who work hard and are high-spirited.

Happy Birthday, Peng Pai Tribute!

The development of each activity is guiding the majority of party members and cadres to learn and use the history of the party well, draw wisdom and strength from the history of the party, and achieve the goal of learning history to understand reason, increase trust, respect morality, and practice history, inherit the red gene, continue the red blood, and gather majestic strength.

The red show celebrates the party's grace

dance "Loyal to the Country", performance "Sichuan Opera Changing Face", solo "The Motherland Will Not Forget", ...... In the Runlin Community of Longfeng Street, party members and the masses from the community literary and artistic volunteer service team and the Municipal Volunteer Association gathered together to sing a happy and beautiful life and thank the hard-won happiness with performances.

Happy Birthday, Peng Pai Tribute!

In the Q&A session on party history knowledge, the audience actively participated and answered questions enthusiastically, and in the question and answer, everyone further deepened their understanding of party history.

Happy Birthday, Peng Pai Tribute!

Finally, in the song "Without the Communist Party, there would be no New China" sung by the audience, the event came to a successful end. This event not only brought a colorful cultural feast to the community residents, but also promoted the study and education of party history to go deep into the grassroots and the hearts of the people, and injected a strong impetus into the construction of spiritual civilization at the grassroots level.

This year is the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, let us review the glorious history of the Party with great reverence, remember the great achievements of the martyrs, remember the original intention and mission of the Party, and contribute to the continuous promotion of the high-quality development of Pengzhou

Text: Dai Chengyu, Huang Jian, all relevant units

Editor: Dai Chengyu

Editor-in-charge: Liu Kangqi

Editor: Ye Tao

Producer: Pengzhou Rong Media Center

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Happy Birthday, Peng Pai Tribute!
Happy Birthday, Peng Pai Tribute!
Happy Birthday, Peng Pai Tribute!
Happy Birthday, Peng Pai Tribute!