
Can't take the exam? 24-year intermediate candidates hurry up to self-check: have these 3 things been done!

author:It's the classroom

Urgent reminder! The 2024 Intermediate Accounting registration channel is about to close, pay special attention to:

1️⃣ Henan Province: The deadline for registration is 23:59 on July 1 (tonight)

2️⃣ Other regions: The deadline for registration is 12:00 on July 2

Can't take the exam? 24-year intermediate candidates hurry up to self-check: have these 3 things been done!

If you haven't signed up yet, be sure to hurry up! Students who have completed the registration must also seize the time to confirm these three things, if they do not complete the exam, they will not be able to take the exam!

Can't take the exam? 24-year intermediate candidates hurry up to self-check: have these 3 things been done!

24 years before the registration deadline for intermediate accounting

Be sure to confirm these 3 things!

Attention, attention! Complete the filling in of the intermediate accounting registration information ≠ complete the registration. If you want to take the exam smoothly, you need to confirm these three things before the registration deadline!

01. Confirm: whether the payment has been completed

Note! Payment is a very important part of the registration of intermediate accounting, and candidates must successfully pay the registration fee before they can confirm whether the registration is successful!

Those who have registered online but have not successfully paid the fee will be deemed to have given up the registration for the test. Before payment, candidates are requested to carefully check all their registration information, and the original registration information cannot be modified after the payment is successful.

↓ Take the Liaoning Provincial Notice as an example ↓

Can't take the exam? 24-year intermediate candidates hurry up to self-check: have these 3 things been done!
Can't take the exam? 24-year intermediate candidates hurry up to self-check: have these 3 things been done!
Can't take the exam? 24-year intermediate candidates hurry up to self-check: have these 3 things been done!

There is only one chance to register for the Intermediate Accounting Exam once a year, and students who have not yet registered and paid the fee must hurry up! Don't miss the allotted time and not be able to take the exam!

Official website of the National Accounting Qualification Evaluation Network:

02. Confirm: whether the registration status is successful

Guangdong, Guangxi, Chongqing, Hubei and other regions clearly stated in the registration brochure:

After the payment is completed, the applicant should log in to the registration website again to check and confirm his registration status, and get a similar prompt message like "Congratulations, successful registration" before the registration is successful.

↓ Take the Guangxi Provincial Notice as an example ↓

Can't take the exam? 24-year intermediate candidates hurry up to self-check: have these 3 things been done!
Can't take the exam? 24-year intermediate candidates hurry up to self-check: have these 3 things been done!
Can't take the exam? 24-year intermediate candidates hurry up to self-check: have these 3 things been done!

Students only need to log in to the "online reporting system" again, and the following figure will be displayed on the registration status page, which means that the intermediate registration has been successful!

↓ The screenshot of successful registration is as follows ↓

Can't take the exam? 24-year intermediate candidates hurry up to self-check: have these 3 things been done!

03. Confirm: whether to print the registration information form

According to the 2024 Intermediate Accounting Registration Requirements released by various regions, there are 6 regional requirements: Candidates must print the registration information form after completing the registration and payment.

The registration information form must be printed in the following areas: XPCC, Gansu, Tianjin, Ningxia, Guangxi and Jilin.

↓ Take the Gansu Provincial Notice as an example ↓

Can't take the exam? 24-year intermediate candidates hurry up to self-check: have these 3 things been done!
Can't take the exam? 24-year intermediate candidates hurry up to self-check: have these 3 things been done!
Can't take the exam? 24-year intermediate candidates hurry up to self-check: have these 3 things been done!


1️⃣ Due to the different requirements for intermediate accounting registration in different regions, candidates must carefully check the registration requirements of their location and confirm that they have completed the registration;

2️⃣ In order to avoid congestion in the online reporting system, it is recommended not to leave the registration items until the last 1 day, and it is safer to complete it as soon as possible!

Can't take the exam? 24-year intermediate candidates hurry up to self-check: have these 3 things been done!

There are only 2 months left until the Intermediate exam

Master these 3 points, and it is not difficult to prepare for the exam!

The 2024 Intermediate Accounting Exam is getting closer and closer, but Zhizhijun found that there are still many students who are

Haven't started learning yet.... I don't know how to learn it

There are a lot of knowledge points to learn, and it is easy to forget what I have learned, and I am about to close myself....

In fact, this is a situation that many students may appear in the preparation for the exam, in order to help everyone start learning quickly and find the state of preparation for the exam, you have prepared three tips~

01. Clarify the goal and disassemble it reasonably

For intermediate candidates to win the intermediate accounting title certificate must be the ultimate goal, then how to achieve the goal is particularly important, we need to disassemble the macro goal reasonably.

Like what

Judging from the intermediate registration brochure issued by the Ministry of Finance, candidates must pass the intermediate three subject examinations within two consecutive years to obtain the certificate.

Dismantling Step 1️⃣: Choose the subjects you want to apply for reasonably

Now there are only 68 days left before the Intermediate Accounting Exam, and it is recommended that students choose the subjects reasonably according to their actual situation (learning ability, study time, learning progress).

2️Step ⃣: Plan your preparation arrangements reasonably

Generally speaking, in order to pass the Intermediate Accounting exam, you need to complete at least three rounds of study (Basic-Intensive-Sprint).

It is recommended that students divide the specific learning content that needs to be completed each day according to the learning time and tasks of the three stages, so that they can better supervise themselves to complete the daily learning tasks.

02. Repeat the memory and review it in time to deepen the impression

Originally, the study time was very tight, but in the preparation for the exam, there was a situation of "forgetting while studying", and I felt more anxious...

In fact, forgetting while learning is the norm in exam preparation, and most of the "can't remember" is because you don't understand the knowledge points thoroughly, that is: you seem to understand, but you don't understand the deep logical relationship.

But the essence of learning is repetition, and the best way to avoid forgetting is repetition.

It is recommended that after learning each chapter of knowledge points, learn to refine the key points by yourself, make a mind map, and quickly find the key points and build a knowledge framework when reviewing!

03. Learn from systematic courses to relieve the pressure of exam preparation

Most of the intermediate candidates are "on-the-job/mothers", and the preparation time is relatively tight, if you feel pressured to study, it is recommended to follow the system courses as soon as possible, and let the teacher teach you!

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