
"2024 College Entrance Examination: 3 Major Plans for Scoring More than 380 Points [Ensuring Progress]

author:Huaxia Qiumei Wu Jianhua

"2024 College Entrance Examination: 3 Major Plans for Scoring More than 380 Points [Ensuring Progress]

(⏳ Early Approval: Closed)

(⏳ Ordinary batch: 4 days countdown)

1. The first plan:

(1) Liberal arts: 480 points or more ➞ July 5 to ensure that the book is taken

(2) Science: 454 points or above (physics and chemistry must be selected) ➞ July 5 to ensure that the book is taken

2. The second plan:

(1) Liberal arts: 460-480 points ➞ July 24 to ensure that you go [3+2 counterpart through the segmented training of the college upgrade]

(2) Science: 444-454 points ➞ July 24 to ensure that you go [3+2 counterpart through the segmented training specialization]

3. The third plan:

(1) 380-460 points in liberal arts / 380-444 points in science ➞ July 24 to ensure that you go [the best 3 types of public colleges in the province]

(2) At the beginning of the freshman year: carry out "one-to-one" teaching affairs [online school + online courses + textbooks + teaching aids + learning materials + pre-exam tutoring] and other "one-stop" training to ensure that [3+2 general college upgrade]

(★ There is also a capital protection plan: South Korea's 3+1 special upgrade / Thailand's 3+2 special upgrade ➞ to ensure the capital)

㊙️ Ambiguity:

You can [join a group] to communicate

It can also be communicated with [WeChat voice].

㊗️ I wish the majority of candidates the title of the gold list

㊗️ Huaxia Qiumei [one-to-one college planning] will also help you with the title of the gold list

Autumn beauty in China

July 1, 2024

"2024 College Entrance Examination: 3 Major Plans for Scoring More than 380 Points [Ensuring Progress]
"2024 College Entrance Examination: 3 Major Plans for Scoring More than 380 Points [Ensuring Progress]
"2024 College Entrance Examination: 3 Major Plans for Scoring More than 380 Points [Ensuring Progress]

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