
Boils! Smart government concept stocks broke out the tide of price limit! A list of smart government concept stocks

author:Finance and economics

Smart government refers to the use of modern information technology, especially the Internet of Things, cloud computing, big data analysis, mobile Internet and artificial intelligence and other technologies, to improve the intelligent level of government office, service, supervision and decision-making, and form a new government operation model that is efficient, agile, open and convenient for the people. The concept of smart government is a relatively large concept plate, with a large number of stocks in this sector and a large number of industries. What exactly are they? Let's take a look.

Boils! Smart government concept stocks broke out the tide of price limit! A list of smart government concept stocks

Smart Government Concept Stocks are mainly distributed in {'Communication Equipment', 'Software Development', 'Tourism & Hospitality', 'Special Equipment', 'Power Grid Equipment', 'Real Estate', 'Other Social Services', 'Building Decoration', 'IT Services III.', 'Consumer Electronics Components & Assembly', 'Games', 'Packaging & Printing', 'Vertical Application Software', 'Household Products', 'Culture & Media', 'Chemicals', 'General Equipment', 'Rail Transit Equipment', 'Communication Services', 'Environmental Governance', ' IT Services', 'Auto Parts', 'Computer Equipment', 'Optics & Optoelectronics', 'Consumer Electronics'} are listed under the following ticker symbols:

1. Communication equipment: Chutianlong (SZ003040), Hanbao (SZ002104), Datang Telecom (SH600198), Fiberhome Communication (SH600498)

2. Software development: Pulian Software (SZ300996), Kechuang Information (SZ300730), Ren Zixing (SZ300311), Digital Authentication (SZ300579), Hengfeng Information (SZ300605), Jiuqi Software (SZ002279), Huayu Software (SZ300271), Tongdahai (SZ301378), Boss Software (SZ300525), Geer Software (SH603232), Beixinyuan ( SZ300352), Xindian Software (SH688232), Dongfang Tong (SZ300379), Warburg Pincus (SZ300074), Jin Hyundai (SZ300830), Creative Information (SZ300366), Zhiyuan Internet (SH688369), Shanda Diwei (SH688579), Zhongke Jiangnan (SZ301153), Wangda Software (SH603189), Daily Interactive (SZ300766), Science and Technology Innovation ( SZ300520), Nantian Information (SZ000948), Sitech (SZ300608), Yanhua Intelligent (SZ002178), Hanwang Technology (SZ002362), Zhongke Tongda (SH688038), Tianyuan Dike (SZ300047), Digital Government Communication (SZ300075), Tianrongxin (SZ002212), Tors (SZ300229), Zhizhen Technology (SZ003007), DP Technology ( SZ300768), Yunsai Zhilian (SH600602), Jida Zhengyuan (SZ003029), Tuowei Information (SZ002261), Sichuan University Zhisheng (SZ002253), Supermap Software (SZ300036), Zhongchuang Co., Ltd. (SH688695), Information Development (SZ300469)

3. Tourism and hotel: Mount Emei A (SZ000888)

4. Special equipment: Nanxing shares (SZ002757)

5. Power grid equipment: CLP Xingfa (SZ002298), Sunfly Technology (SZ300423), Jinzhi Technology (SZ002090)

6. Real estate: ST data source (SZ000909), special services (SZ300917)

7. Other social services: Zero Point (SZ301169), Foreign Service Holdings (SH600662)

8. Architectural decoration: Shensanda A (SZ000032), high-tech development (SZ000628), Shenshui Planning Institute (SZ301038), Shenchengjiao (SZ301091)

9.IT Service III.: Hanxin Technology (BZ837092)

10. Consumer Electronics Components & Assembly: Hewlett & Wisdom (BZ832876)

11. Game: Shenzhou Taiyue (SZ300002)

12. Packaging and printing: Donggang shares (SZ002117)

13. Vertical application software: Zhongcheng Technology (BZ835207)

14. Household Products: Qixin Group (SZ002301)


16. Chemicals: Cathay Pacific Group (SH603977)

17. General equipment: Jincai Internet (SZ002530), Oriental Zhongke (SZ002819)

18. Rail transit equipment: Zhonghe Technology (SZ000925)

19. Communication services: NOVA Technology (SZ300921), Jiahuan Technology (SH603206), *ST Gaosheng (SZ000971)

20. Environmental governance: Fulongma (SH603686)

21.IT服务:宏景科技(SZ301396)、金桥信息(SH603918)、税友股份(SH603171)、浪潮软件(SH600756)、航天信息(SH600271)、飞利信(SZ300287)、ST易联众(SZ300096)、易华录(SZ300212)、华是科技(SZ301218)、天玑科技(SZ300245)、榕基软件(SZ002474)、华胜天成(SH600410)、中科金财(SZ002657)、天亿马(SZ301178)、润和软件(SZ300339)、万达信息(SZ300168)、初灵信息(SZ300250)、南威软件(SH603636)、新开普(SZ300248)、*ST银江(SZ300020)、东方国信(SZ300166)、荣联科技(SZ002642)、杰创智能(SZ301248)、ST证通(SZ002197)、 中科信息(SZ300678)、优刻得-W(SH688158)、浙大网新(SH600797)、湘邮科技(SH600476)、*ST迪威(SZ300167)、久远银海( SZ002777)、 天阳科技(SZ300872)、云天励飞-U(SH688343)、德生科技(SZ002908)、开普云(SH688228)、荣科科技(SZ300290)、太极股份(SZ002368)、常山 北明(SZ000158)、格灵深瞳(SH688207)、亚康股份(SZ301085)、彩讯股份(SZ300634)、东软集团(SH600718)、汇纳科技(SZ300609)、慧辰股份(SH688500)

22. Auto parts: Kotei Information (SZ301221)


24. Optics and Optoelectronics: Alto Electronics (SZ002587)

25. Consumer Electronics: Guoguang Electric (SZ002045)

The above is the stock information of the concept of smart government affairs, pay attention to the selection of funds to intervene or stocks with good stock trends to operate, and pay attention to chasing high risks. Note that the stocks involved are not recommended and are bought and sold at your own risk. Finance Haoran, continue to update hot spots and sector stock information, please like, collect, share and follow me! Hope every article is helpful to you! #图文动态同步大赛#