
He was a classmate of Rong Yiren, who was classified as a "rightist" at the age of 45, and died at the age of 98 at the age of 75

author:Xiao Luo biographical story

Among the modern scientists in the mainland, there are three outstanding physicists, these three are Qian Xuesen, Qian Sanqiang and Qian Weichang, also known as the "three money" in the Chinese scientific community, and the person we are going to talk about today is one of the "three money", his name is Qian Weichang.

He was a classmate of Rong Yiren, who was classified as a "rightist" at the age of 45, and died at the age of 98 at the age of 75

Become like-minded friends with Rong Yiren

Qian Weichang was born in 1912 in Wuxi, Jiangsu Province, to a family of intellectuals, under the guidance of his father and fourth uncle, he received a traditional enlightenment education, and studied Confucian classics such as the Analects and the Book of Songs. Because he has an amazing memory that he will never forget, he remembers some complicated things about Chinese language and history very well, and his academic performance is very good.

In 1925, Qian Weichang entered the public welfare school run by the Rong family in Rongxiang, Wuxi, and it was during this school that he and Rong Yiren became classmates. At first, although the two studied under the same roof, they did not have much intersection because of their introverted personalities or because they were busy with their studies. Their names may be read together during the roll call, but during recess or after-school time, they are often immersed in a sea of books or a small gathering with friends.

However, fate can always weave the most moving chapters inadvertently. In 1937, with the full-scale outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japan, the country fell into an unprecedented crisis, and the entire land of China was shrouded in the shadow of war. In such a context, the fate of the individual is closely linked to the fate of the country, and Qian Weichang and Rong Yiren are no exception.

He was a classmate of Rong Yiren, who was classified as a "rightist" at the age of 45, and died at the age of 98 at the age of 75

By chance, the two had an in-depth exchange because of their participation in the school's anti-Japanese rescue activities. It was a heated discussion meeting, and the students expressed their opinions on the theme of "how should young students contribute to the anti-Japanese struggle and national salvation".

Qian Weichang won the admiration of Rong Yiren with his keen insight and profound insights; Rong Yiren showed the responsibility and courage of young students with his family's influence and practical actions. In the face of common ideals and beliefs, the two found that they were so close to each other.

"Brother Wei, your insights are really unique, and I have benefited a lot." After a discussion, Rong Yiren took the initiative to express his respect to Qian Weichang.

Qian Weichang responded with a smile: "Brother Yiren is too famous, I just said what I thought in my heart." As sons and daughters of China, we should do our part for the future of our country. ”

Since then, Qian Weichang and Rong Yiren have not only become study partners, but also like-minded friends. They participated in anti-Japanese propaganda activities together, discussed the future and destiny of the country together, encouraged each other, and grew together.

With the sponsorship of the fourth uncle, he was able to complete his studies

In 1928, Qian Weichang went to Suzhou to study high school, and soon after, his father died of illness, and the family changed. In this way, with the financial support of the fourth uncle, Qian Weichang entered high school to continue his studies.

He was a classmate of Rong Yiren, who was classified as a "rightist" at the age of 45, and died at the age of 98 at the age of 75

The high school curriculum is rich and colorful, including Bahasa Malaysia, Geometry, Algebra, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, ...... Each discipline is like a door to a new world. For Qian Weichang, Chinese language and history are fields that he has long been familiar with, and his talent has been vividly displayed in these courses, and his excellent results have been praised by teachers and students.

However, science has become a mountain in front of him, and those complex formulas and abstract concepts are both strange and challenging to him. But Qian Weichang has never had the idea of giving up, he is well aware of his own shortcomings, and he understands that only through unremitting efforts can these gaps be bridged.

During the three years of high school, he devoted almost all of his spare time to science studies. The library became his second home, and he immersed himself in the sea of books, struggling with problems and challenging himself. In the dead of night, he can always be seen reading hard in the lights of the dormitory.

In 1931, Qian Weichang ushered in an important turning point in his life. He confidently applied to a number of universities, and with his unremitting efforts and outstanding performance, he received acceptance letters from all the colleges he applied to.

Faced with these tempting choices, he was a little hesitant. At this moment, his uncle's advice was like a bright light that illuminated his way. My uncle is well aware of the academic status of Tsinghua University in China and even in the world, and believes that it can provide Qian Weichang with a broader stage and a deeper knowledge base. So, with the encouragement of his uncle, Qian Weichang finally decided to step into the gate of Tsinghua University.

Qian Weichang's grades in Chinese language and history were full marks, but his grades in science were very poor, and he was originally going to study liberal arts, but the outbreak of the 918 incident prompted Qian Weichang to turn to physics in order to serve the country in the future.

He was a classmate of Rong Yiren, who was classified as a "rightist" at the age of 45, and died at the age of 98 at the age of 75

However, the road is far more rugged than expected. The physics textbooks of Tsinghua University are like a book in heaven to him, and the dense English words are like an insurmountable gap, but he has not flinched or given up. In the dead of night, he lit a dim lamp, kept a heavy English dictionary in his hand, and read the obscure physical texts word by word. His eyes flashed with firmness and persistence, as if he was engaged in a silent contest with fate.

Fortunately, Qian Weichang was not alone, as the head of the Department of Physics, Professor Wu Youxun, a well-known scholar in the academic world, noticed the diligent student who was plagued by language barriers.

He was moved by Qian Weichang's determination and perseverance and decided to lend a hand. Professor Wu personally translated the physics textbook for Qian Weichang, transforming those cold English into warm and familiar Chinese, clearing the biggest obstacle on his learning path.

The dissertation won the favor and trust of Professor von Kármen

After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, Qian Weichang successively went to Tianjin and Kunming to teach, in 1939, he was admitted to the government-funded international student, and in 1940 went to Canada to study, specializing in elastic mechanics

During his years of study in Canada, Qian Weichang was like a sponge, greedily absorbing the nectar of knowledge. He immersed himself in the sea of books and laboratories day and night, struggling with difficult problems and challenging himself. Eventually, he received his master's and doctorate degrees with honors, and his talent and efforts have won wide recognition in the international academic community.

Later, Qian Weichang embarked on a journey to the California Institute of Technology in the United States, where the world's top scientists and engineers gathered at that time. Under the guidance of Prof. von Kármen, he devoted himself to the challenging and exciting field of aerospace. The publication of his research "Perturbation Theory of Supersonic Symmetric Cone Flow" and other papers won him the favor and trust of Professor von Kármen, and became his right-hand man and collaborator.

In 1946, Qian Weichang returned to the embrace of the motherland with deep affection and expectation for the motherland, and devoted himself to the education of Tsinghua University. He serves as Provost and Vice President, and is committed to improving the quality of teaching and research at the university.

He was a classmate of Rong Yiren, who was classified as a "rightist" at the age of 45, and died at the age of 98 at the age of 75

At the same time, he also personally established the Institute of Mechanics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, which laid a solid foundation for the development of the discipline of mechanics in the mainland. He has made a breakthrough in the research of "large deflection of round thin plates" and won the second prize of the National Science Award.

However, the storm of 1957 ruthlessly swept Qian Weichang into the whirlpool of "rightists", and he was wrongly criticized and suppressed for daring to speak out against the shortcomings of the Soviet education system, his work was suspended, his name was discredited, and his life fell into unprecedented difficulties.

However, Qian Weichang did not give in to this, and in his days of working in the countryside, he still maintained his love and pursuit of academics, and he used all the available time and resources to continue his research work, and did his best to impart scientific knowledge to the workers. His tenacity and perseverance are like an oasis in the desert, giving people hope and strength.

In 1972, Qian Weichang's situation improved, and in 1979, the relevant authorities restored all his reputation, after which he continued to engage in scientific research, and in 1983 became the president of Shanghai University of Technology.

In 1987, during the fifth session of the Sixth National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, 75-year-old Qian Weichang was co-opted as vice chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) and became a deputy state-level cadre.