
Reprint--Withstand voltage test of vacuum switch

author:Rainbow Power

Source: Electric Star Pen talks about electrical

Since we have talked about the withstand voltage test, this article will take the vacuum switch as an example and talk about the withstand voltage test of the vacuum switch.

Reprint--Withstand voltage test of vacuum switch

Whether it is industrial or civil, the most used should be the 10KV vacuum switch, no need to explain the reason, then, just introduce the 10KV vacuum switch.

When it comes to the withstand voltage test of vacuum switches, the word "fracture" will always naturally and unnaturally come to mind, so why is the word "fracture" so impressive? That's because the fracture has to bear the test of overvoltage without being broken down, and once the breakdown occurs, the consequences are very, very serious!

Therefore, for the withstand voltage test of vacuum switches, the first thing to consider is the withstand voltage of its fracture.

Reprint--Withstand voltage test of vacuum switch

For 10KV vacuum switch, the factory withstand voltage value of the fracture is 42KV, and the preventive test can be selected according to 38KV, the time is 1min, and the voltage test is carried out on the three-phase fracture of A, B and C respectively.

Usually in the process of the test, only the ABC-abc and the ground need to be tested, and the pressure can be applied once.

Reprint--Withstand voltage test of vacuum switch

In the process of the test, it is necessary to pay attention to the current change and listen to whether there is any noisy sound, the current is stable and there is no discharge sound, which can be regarded as qualified for the withstand voltage test.

In addition to the fracture withstand voltage test of vacuum switches, there are also relative and interphase withstand voltage tests. The pressurization test should be pressurized in the state of switch closing, according to the GB50150 regulations, the vacuum switch phase and relative test withstand voltage value is the same, through the test wiring can be completed through a withstand voltage, one phase pressurized, the other two short grounding.

For the 10KV system, it mostly belongs to the small current grounding system, and the test voltage and time are selected, and the fracture withstand voltage can be referenced.

Reprint--Withstand voltage test of vacuum switch

The voltage-resistant equipment of the vacuum switch can choose the power frequency or series resonance, which can be determined according to the actual situation of the site.

For the test process, it is usually in the state of switch closing, first do the relative ground and interphase withstand voltage, and then open the switch, change the test wiring, the upper contact three-phase short-circuit sequentially, the lower contact three-phase sequentially short-connected to the ground, the three-phase fracture withstand voltage test.

Finally, don't forget to record the trial data.

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