
After Guo Jing's death, why didn't Guo Xiang go to Guo Fu? You see whose slave Guo Fu later became

author:Erdong Literature and History

Jin Yong will always let the story end at the right time, such as "The Condor Heroes", when Yang Guo and Guo Jing talked about "whether Xiangyang City can be kept", it is not difficult for readers to guess that it is a matter of time before Xiangyang City is broken, but Jin Yong gave Guo Jing and Yang Guo a decent ending, so that they can keep Xiangyang at the end of the story.

But sooner or later, it will come, "Heaven and Dragon Slayer" mentioned the ending of Guo Jing's family who later died in Xiangyang, of course, saying that "Guo Jing's family" is actually not very rigorous, after all, from the bright side, only Guo Jing and their youngest son Guo Poyu are clearly mentioned in the book, so Guo Fu and Guo Xiang are still alive.

After Guo Jing's death, why didn't Guo Xiang go to Guo Fu? You see whose slave Guo Fu later became

(Guo Jing, Huang Rong stills)

And this is also an intriguing place, these two sisters can be said to be each other's only relatives in this world, and later Guo Xiang became a generation of grandmasters, but why did they never think about looking for their sister?

1. The news of the destruction of Xiangyang City

Although "Heaven and Dragon Slayer" is often regarded by readers as a sequel to "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" and the end of the "Condor Trilogy", the main plot of this work actually takes place decades after the end of the previous work.

Of course, here is a skipped story about the first two episodes of the original book about "Guo Xiang's Breakthrough in Shaolin", that plot just plays a role in connecting the previous and the next, but strictly speaking, Jin Yong still left a lot of mysteries, such as how Guo Xiang founded the sect, it was not explained clearly, and the battle situation of the last Xiangyang War was only mentioned by the mouth of the descendants of the Emei faction.

The book reads: "On the day of the destruction of Xiangyang City, Guo Daxia and his wife were martyred at the same time as Guo Gongpo, and the whereabouts of the dragon slayer knife are unknown. Patriarch Guo was in Xichuan at the time, and he wanted to save his parents and relatives, but it was too late. ”

You see, it is clear that Guo Jing and his wife and Guo Poyu died in battle, Jin Yong did not mention Guo Fu's whereabouts at this time, Guo Xiang was in Xichuan at this time, and she was naturally hearsay about everything that happened in Xiangyang City, so that one thing can be determined, that is, "Guo Fu must not have died in Xiangyang", otherwise when the descendants of the Emei faction mentioned this past, they would definitely include Guo Fu's name in the "list of the dead".

After Guo Jing's death, why didn't Guo Xiang go to Guo Fu? You see whose slave Guo Fu later became

(Guo Fu holding a sword stills)

So the question is, since Guo Fu and Guo Xiang are not dead, and they are each other's only relatives in this world, why didn't the sisters look for each other?

After all, Guo Xiang's experience is only mentioned in the follow-up story, so this question should be answered from Guo Xiang's perspective, what is the reason why she didn't go to her sister?

2. Guo Xiang, who became a grandmaster

Guo Xiang was indeed just a little girl who was in love, and all she thought about was "looking for Yang Guo", but when she heard the news that her parents were killed in battle, she should be most concerned about two things at this time, one is to find the lost dragon slaying knife, and the other is to find out the whereabouts of her sister Guo Fu.

She is indeed painstakingly looking for the whereabouts of the dragon slaying knife, after all, there is such a sentence mentioned in the book: "In the past hundred years, there have been many turmoil in the martial arts, and the pair of swords has changed owners several times. Later generations only know that the Dragon Slaying Treasure Sword is the supreme martial arts, and only the Heavenly Sword can match it, but no one knows why it is the supreme. Guo Gong broke the young man and martyred the country, and there was no heir, it was the secret in the sword, and only the ancestor Guo of the original faction passed it down. She had tried her best to find the Dragon Slayer Treasure Knife before her death, but she never succeeded, and when she died, she passed on this secret to my mentor Fengling Shitai. ”

Not only did she find the sword herself, but she also informed her disciples of the mystery of the sword, passing on this mission.

In fact, this is not reasonable, it stands to reason that the "Heaven and Dragon Slaying Plan" left by her parents has been declared a failure after Guo Poyu died in battle, after all, the treasure knife has been lost, and it is important to find the treasure knife again, but at this time she should also find her sister to find the treasure knife together, after all, she is a person that Guo Xiang can trust.

After Guo Jing's death, why didn't Guo Xiang go to Guo Fu? You see whose slave Guo Fu later became

(Guo Fu, Guo Xiang stills)

At the same time, there is another important reason, that is, Guo Fu is Yeluqi's wife, and there is also the support of the beggar gang behind her, and the treasure knife has been lost, so it is not confidential to talk about not reporting it, Guo Xiang has every reason to unite with his sister and mobilize the power of the beggar gang to find the treasure knife.

With Guo Xiang's ingenuity, it is impossible not to think of this.

But not only did she not do this, but she also said slanderous words to her disciples, such as Zhou Zhiruo, who mentioned this: "After Guo Daxia and his wife forged a sword and a sword, they gave the sword to their son Guo Gong Po, and the sword was passed on to Patriarch Guo of this faction." Patriarch Guo had another sister named Guo Fu, but she was reckless and irritable by nature, so Guo Daxia and his wife did not pass the sword to her. ”

This is of course an objective fact, but his parents didn't even let his sister participate in this plan, Guo Xiang doesn't need to mention Guo Fu, so it seems that Guo Xiang has some prejudices against Guo Fu.

And the reason for this prejudice may be very simple, Guo Fu has changed, and later she stood on a different position from Guo Xiang.

To put it more bluntly, she may have become a slave of Kublai Khan.

3. Guo Fu's tragic ending

First of all, one thing that can be determined is that Guo Fu has always stayed with his parents even after marrying Yeluqi, and Yeluqi has a bit of a son-in-law.

After Guo Jing's death, why didn't Guo Xiang go to Guo Fu? You see whose slave Guo Fu later became

(Kublai Khan stills)

So when Guo Jing and his wife died in battle, Guo Fu should have died in Xiangyang together, but she didn't die, so there is only one explanation, she was captured by the Mongols.

Don't say that there is no such possibility, although Kublai Khan is a generation of heroes, he is also a person who loves beauty, for example, when Yang Guo and Xiaolongnu were in the Mongolian military camp, he looked at Xiaolongnu with the obvious meaning of "like".

The book only says: "Kublai Khan glanced at the little dragon girl twice, and was secretly shocked in his heart: 'There is such a beautiful woman in the world. Seeing her and Yang Guo hand in hand, with an intimate expression, Yang Guo asked, "Who is this girl?" Yang said: "This dragon girl is the master of the villain, and now she is also the villain's wife." ’”

If it weren't for Yang Guo saying that Xiaolongnu was his wife, I was afraid that Kublai Khan would inevitably let Yang Guo be a matchmaker.

After Guo Jing's death, why didn't Guo Xiang go to Guo Fu? You see whose slave Guo Fu later became

(Guo Fu stills)

So how could Kublai Khan, who had a love for beauty, let go of Guo Fu, he was bound to include Guo Fu in his harem, even if Guo Fu didn't obey, she couldn't help her, and over time, she accepted the reality.

Most of the news will reach Guo Xiang's ears, so she has a reason to slander her sister in front of her disciples, not so much because she is unwilling to find her sister's whereabouts, but because she is disheartened with her sister, which caused the two Guo sisters to forget about each other.