
Memories stay in the summer, time has you - Gaoxian Luochang Town Kindergarten held a graduation ceremony for the large class

author:Sichuan people's livelihood information

Kindergarten is the first stop for children to start their life journey, three years of time have passed in a hurry, and now the children are about to graduate and leave the kindergarten to start a new journey of life, in order to leave good memories for the children, on June 28, 2024, Gaoxian Luochang Town Kindergarten held a graduation ceremony for the large class in the Jianshe Road Branch, this activity was presided over by Teacher Luo Zhen and Teacher Yuan Xiaoyu, and all teachers and students of the large class grade group participated.

Memories stay in the summer, time has you - Gaoxian Luochang Town Kindergarten held a graduation ceremony for the large class

The activity is divided into five sub-sections: the principal's message, the program performance, watching the movie, sharing the food, and flying the dream (paper airplane). At the beginning of the activity, the children left their names on the graduation signature wall, and then entered the venue and took their seats, and the activity officially began.

Memories stay in the summer, time has you - Gaoxian Luochang Town Kindergarten held a graduation ceremony for the large class

First of all, Principal Xiong brought a graduation message to the children, and sent parting blessings with tears in his eyes. I wish the children to be able to stride forward, thrive, and create infinite possibilities, and every word is full of reluctance and expectation for the children.

Memories stay in the summer, time has you - Gaoxian Luochang Town Kindergarten held a graduation ceremony for the large class

Immediately afterwards, the children showed their charm on the stage, showed their growth style, and wrote a wonderful last chapter for the three-year kindergarten life.

Memories stay in the summer, time has you - Gaoxian Luochang Town Kindergarten held a graduation ceremony for the large class

After the wonderful program, the children calmed down their excitement and reluctance, sat down together to watch the movie "Nezha's Demon Boy in the Sea", and tasted the fruits, popcorn and other delicious foods prepared by the kindergarten for everyone.

Memories stay in the summer, time has you - Gaoxian Luochang Town Kindergarten held a graduation ceremony for the large class

Finally, under the leadership of the kindergarten teacher in Luochang Town, Gao County, the children folded the paper airplane and flew it together, let go of their own dreams, let themselves follow the direction of the paper airplane, fight for their dreams to the end, and never give up.

Memories stay in the summer, time has you - Gaoxian Luochang Town Kindergarten held a graduation ceremony for the large class

Summer is graduation season, but also parting season. The friendship between teachers and students in the past three years will not disappear because of separation, but will only last because they are treasured.

Memories stay in the summer, time has you - Gaoxian Luochang Town Kindergarten held a graduation ceremony for the large class

I wish the children to face the wind, go to the next journey, chase the wind, ride the wind and waves, and walk towards the distance with confidence and courage firmly. (Gong Min, Zhu Yu, Wang Rong Source: Gaoxian Luochang Town Kindergarten)

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