
【Excellence Zaozhong】Zao Middle School students walked into Jiao Yulu's spiritual exhibition room

author:Jujube strong publicity
【Excellence Zaozhong】Zao Middle School students walked into Jiao Yulu's spiritual exhibition room

On the occasion of the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the Youth League and County Committee and Zaoqiang Middle School organized and carried out the activity of "Doing Not Slacking Off on the Original Intention, Working Hard, and Starting Again", and more than 50 student representatives from Zaoqiang Middle School walked into the Jiao Yulu Spirit Exhibition Room to receive party spirit education.

【Excellence Zaozhong】Zao Middle School students walked into Jiao Yulu's spiritual exhibition room

Everyone followed the footsteps of the commentator to gain an in-depth understanding of Comrade Jiao Yulu's advanced deeds of caring for the masses, visiting the poor and asking about the suffering, and leading the masses to fight against natural disasters.

After the visit, the students watched a documentary on Jiao Yulu's life.

【Excellence Zaozhong】Zao Middle School students walked into Jiao Yulu's spiritual exhibition room

Gao Yunqing, a student, said: "I have heard the story of Mr. Jiao Yulu many times, and after coming here today and listening to the teacher's explanation, I have a deeper understanding of Mr. Jiao Yulu's spirit. I want to study hard and, like Mr. Jiao Yulu, strive to contribute my own strength to the motherland. ”

(Source: Zaoqiang Rong Media)