
In 2021, Wang Ping, the black boss who had been absconding for 18 years, was executed, and asked before the injection: drink a bottle of liquor

author:Half-Half History

In September 2018, Wang Ping was finally arrested by the police, and many people waited too long for this day to know the news of Wang Ping's execution.

Justice may be late, but it will never be absent.

So what kind of person is this Wang Ping, who makes so many people hate him to the core, but they are helpless against him? This can be seen from Wang Ping's childhood.


Wang Ping was born in Chongqing in an ordinary dual-income family, and his parents once placed great expectations on him, hoping that he could study well in school.

But Wang Ping has no interest in reading at all, and likes to fight in school, which makes the teacher very headache.

His parents also tried their best to discipline him, but they still couldn't suppress the violence in his bones.

At school, even if a classmate accidentally touched his shoulder, he asked the other party to kneel down and apologize, otherwise it would be a punch and kick.

In 2021, Wang Ping, the black boss who had been absconding for 18 years, was executed, and asked before the injection: drink a bottle of liquor

The classmates walked around from a distance when they saw him, but Wang Ping enjoyed this feeling of "self-respect", and also recruited a group of "little brothers" on campus, and took these people to swagger in the school all day long.

Before graduating from junior high school, Wang Ping was forcibly expelled from the school because of repeated teachings in fights.

Wang Ping, who doesn't have to attend classes at school, is now even more like a fish in water, and has completely become an idle person in society.

Those younger brothers who have followed him are also proud of him, and they will move out of Wang Ping's name when they encounter any trouble.

Wang Ping's reputation is also getting louder and louder, and he has his own principle of doing things, that is, everything that can be solved by force is absolutely not verbose.

But he lacked a source of income without a job, so he started stealing chickens and dogs, and when he had money, he would take a group of younger brothers to eat, drink and live.

It is said that it is inevitable that you will get your shoes wet when you walk by the river, and Wang Ping was soon caught by the police and sentenced to three years of re-education through labor for theft.

Three years later, Wang Ping, who was released from the labor camp, not only did not reform himself, but felt that he had seen some "world" and became more and more arrogant.

In addition, he also made some "cellmates" in prison for three years, and after he came out, he gathered these cellmates together and prepared to do a "big cause".

In 2021, Wang Ping, the black boss who had been absconding for 18 years, was executed, and asked before the injection: drink a bottle of liquor

The "big cause" that Wang Ping refers to is to take the gang of thugs under his command to help others fight in exchange for money, or directly collect some protection money.

Chongqing in the past nine years is catching up with the wave of real estate demolition and transformation, and many "nail households" have appeared.

This makes real estate developers even more headaches.

And the appearance of Wang Ping just solved their problem.

As long as Wang Ping took people to stand there, and used a little means, the demolition households who were originally difficult to speak had to sit down obediently and sign the agreement.


For a while, Wang Ping became a sweetheart, no matter who had a problem that could not be solved, he would go to the road to ask Wang Ping to come forward to help, as long as the money was spent in place, there was no problem that Wang Ping could not solve.

This can make Wang Pingzheng a lot of money.

Taking advantage of such an opportunity, he opened a company of his own.

The company is ostensibly a legal real estate company, but in fact, it is still doing illegal business to collect protection fees and underground casinos.

This way of accumulating money makes Wang Ping very satisfied, and it is also handy to do.

With his courage to fight, Wang Ping established a firm foothold in the underworld in Chongqing and became a figure calling for wind and rain at that time.

Despite his status and power, Wang Ping still felt a sense of instability.

After all, what I have done for so many years is some illegal hookups, although I have accumulated some wealth, but once I am targeted by the police one day, it will fall apart and come to naught.

For this reason, Wang Ping set his sights on Wei Qiang, a famous barrister at that time, to escort himself.

Wei Qiang also only recognizes money and not people, seeing Wang Ping's promise of a high remuneration, any bottomless requirements will meet Wang Ping.

Speaking of this, Wei Qiang does have some ability, there was an official whose career was on the rise, and he fought because of a quarrel with someone at KTV, which caused irreparable consequences.

In 2021, Wang Ping, the black boss who had been absconding for 18 years, was executed, and asked before the injection: drink a bottle of liquor

The official gave Wei Qiang a reward of 500,000 yuan for Wei Qiang to help him settle the matter, Wei Qiang accepted the money, and turned the case into a crime of negligence, and finally helped the official to make a big deal small.

Wei Qiang's fame in this battle made him unique in the lawyer industry for a while, and because of this, Wang Ping was accepted under Wang Ping to help him do things.

Wei Qiang did help Wang Ping settle a lot of things, and even used his clever words and eloquent skills to help him avoid prison several times, and naturally he was greatly valued by Wang Ping.

However, bad deeds will eventually be rewarded, and Wei Qiang was ambushed by an enemy on his way home from a drunken experience, and was stabbed to death in the street. And Wang Ping encountered an extremely difficult problem.


Wang Ping lost a capable commander all of a sudden, but he was not discouraged by this, but continued to look for the umbrella of the underworld forces for himself more actively.

At that time, there was another black boss Zhang Qiang (pseudonym) on the underworld, who was also a ruthless character.

He knew that Wang Ping's real estate company was a sheep's head and sold dog meat for a living, so he quietly collected evidence of his crime to blackmail Wang Ping.

The conditions are very simple, Zhang Qiang asked Wang Ping to hand over part of his illegal gains over the years to seal his mouth, otherwise he would be unable to eat and walk around.

Where has Wang Ping been threatened like this, and it is impossible for him to succumb to Zhang Qiang because of this, otherwise how can he be mixed up on the road in the future?

He turned his heart on it, found a few henchmen, and plotted an assassination plan specifically against Zhang Qiang.

That night, Zhang Qiang came out of the KTV in a dashing manner, with two bodyguards who never left him, and then got into his own car.

In 2021, Wang Ping, the black boss who had been absconding for 18 years, was executed, and asked before the injection: drink a bottle of liquor

After driving out of an intersection, the bodyguards noticed that their car was being followed and immediately told Zhang Qiang about the situation.

"Speed up and get rid of them!" Zhang Qiang also raised twelve points of vigilance, and he knew in his heart that the person who was following him was likely to be his sworn enemy Wang Ping.

But this time he was careless and fell into Wang Ping's trap.

A few minutes later, a black sedan suddenly appeared in front of Zhang Qiang's car, and before his people could react, a masked gunman got out of the black car and fired several shots at Zhang Qiang's head.

Zhang Qiang was killed on the spot, and the two cars quickly disappeared into the vast sea of people.

This case quickly attracted the attention of the Chongqing police, and many people knew that Zhang Qiang was killed by Wang Ping, so they were all waiting to see the results of the police investigation, thinking that Wang Ping would definitely be involved this time.


Just when everyone thought that Wang Ping would not escape this time, the result disappointed everyone, because Wen Qiang, deputy director of the Chongqing Municipal Public Security Bureau, was in charge of the investigation of this case.

And Wen Qiang has long been bought by Wang Ping and has become the umbrella of his underworld forces.

It is precisely because of this that Wang Ping will unscrupulously dare to kill Zhang Qiang on the street.

In 2001, the Ministry of Public Security of Chongqing carried out the first crackdown on the then triad criminals.

Wang Ping, who has been entrenched in the Chongqing underworld for many years, was listed as a Class A wanted criminal by the public security organs.

But before the operation began, Wang Ping received the news. Knowing that he would not be able to escape this time, Wang Ping immediately became vigilant, packed up his soft goods overnight, and fled abroad with a huge amount of money.

Even abroad, Wang Ping has never slackened, his sense of anti-investigation is very strong, constantly changing his residence, and even traveling between many countries, so that the police can not find out his whereabouts.

In 2018, Wang Ping was finally arrested in a small country in Southeast Asia, and was arrested by the police and returned to China to await the verdict.

In 2021, Wang Ping, the black boss who had been absconding for 18 years, was executed, and asked before the injection: drink a bottle of liquor

Various evidences show that Wang Ping organized and led underworld gangs during these years, engaged in various illegal activities, opened casinos, extortion and other crimes with clear facts and conclusive criminal evidence, and was sentenced to death for several crimes, and was executed in 2021.

The day before the execution, Wang Ping couldn't sleep all night, and for him, the stolen 18 years made him understand how good it is to be alive, so it may be to overcome his fear, and before leaving, he asked for a bottle of high-grade liquor, which can be regarded as a strong drink.

And Wen Qiang, deputy director of the Chongqing Municipal Public Security Bureau, who once served as Wang Ping's umbrella, was interviewed by the case investigation team.

actually claimed that he approached Wang Ping just to train him to be his informant and help him fight against underworld crimes.

However, such a ridiculous lie could not hide the fact that he and Wang Ping were in collusion with each other, and in the end he had to pay a heavy price for his actions.

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