
Law Popularization Classroom | High-interest usury pie? Bloody Trap! The prosecutor will take you to uncover the illegal fundraising routines

author:Anyue Procuratorate

"We have an annual income of 30% on this project, and we will get cash back every month"

"If you miss this presentation, the investment opportunity will be gone"

This "good thing"

Is it a "pie" falling from the sky?

Or is it a "trap" created by scammers?

It coincides with the Xinhui District to carry out the publicity month of preventing illegal fundraising

The prosecutor will take everyone to explain the illegal fundraising routines one by one!

Illegal fundraising

Illegal fundraising is an illegal act expressly prohibited by the state, which refers to the act of soliciting funds from unspecified targets by promising to repay principal and interest or giving other investment returns without the permission of the financial management department of the State Council in accordance with the law or in violation of the state's financial management regulations.

Illegal fundraising must have four characteristic elements at the same time: illegality, openness, inducement and sociality, specifically:

First, without the approval of the relevant departments in accordance with the law or in the form of legal business to absorb funds;

the second is to publicize to the public through the media, promotion meetings, leaflets, mobile phone text messages and other channels;

the third is to promise to repay the principal and interest or pay the return in the form of money, in-kind, equity and other means within a certain period of time;

Fourth, it is necessary to absorb funds from unspecified targets in society.

A common means of illegal fundraising

01 Promise high returns

Fabricate stories of getting rich overnight and promise investors high returns. In the initial stage of fundraising, the promised principal and interest are usually paid on time and in full, and when the fundraising reaches a certain size, the funds are secretly transferred or absconded with the money.

Law Popularization Classroom | High-interest usury pie? Bloody Trap! The prosecutor will take you to uncover the illegal fundraising routines

02 Fabricating false projects

Criminals deceive the trust of the public by registering legitimate companies or enterprises under the guise of responding to national policies.

03 Decorate the company's façade

To create a false impression of strength, criminals often set up companies, go through industrial and commercial licenses, tax registration and other procedures, and create a false impression of strength, which seems to be legitimate, but in fact has no financial qualifications.

04 Use new terms to confuse the public

Some lawbreakers deliberately confuse the concept of investment and financial management in the name of entrusted wealth management, and use new terms such as electronic gold, investment funds, online foreign exchange speculation, and e-commerce to confuse the public, promising stable and high returns.

Law Popularization Classroom | High-interest usury pie? Bloody Trap! The prosecutor will take you to uncover the illegal fundraising routines

05 Overseas wealth management

Under the guise of investing in overseas equities, options, foreign exchange, precious metals, etc., taking advantage of people's blind trust in overseas investment, illegal fundraising.

06 Invest in retirement

For the elderly, under the guise of investing in the pension industry to obtain high returns or "free" pensions, they promise high returns or provide free pension services to attract investment.

Law Popularization Classroom | High-interest usury pie? Bloody Trap! The prosecutor will take you to uncover the illegal fundraising routines

The prosecutor reminded

From high-return regular financial management, to investment in the elderly, to overseas financial management, criminals often set up illegal fund-raising routines according to social hotspots and investors' eagerness to achieve results, but they are inseparable from the bait of high interest and high interest.

It is easy to return the investment, and it is difficult for the participants of illegal fundraising activities to recover their funds, and once they participate in it, they will suffer huge economic losses.

Therefore, investors must fully understand the investment field in the process of financial investment, reflect on whether they conform to market rules when facing high-yield investment projects, and report suspected illegal fundraising in a timely manner. (Source: Xinhui Procuratorate)

Source: Guangdong Procuratorate