
Can you make a phone call to achieve "daily income"? Beware of "mobile phone" scams!

author:Anyue Procuratorate

"At first, I thought it was just an ordinary part-time job, and I could get a few hundred yuan for something as simple as making a phone call, until the other party finally told me to throw away the mobile phone card and delete the chat history, which confirmed that it was a fraud. This work is highly profitable, so I continue to do it knowing that it is a scam. Faced with the prosecutor's interrogation, the suspect finally chose to plead guilty and accept punishment.

Recently, the People's Procuratorate of Maonan District, Maoming City, has handled a number of such cases involving "mobile phone port" fraud, in which the suspect met the fraudsters through a part-time job on the Internet, and then used the mobile phone card in his name to call the victim, and helped the fraudsters transfer the phone through QQ voice and other software to obtain the income of on-time billing. Fraudsters use the suspect's mobile phone to talk to the victim and commit fraud. With the deepening of the special work to crack down on new types of illegal crimes in telecommunication networks, fraudsters' deceptive tactics have continued to be renovated, and the concealment and technical methods of evading investigation have become stronger and stronger.

Can you make a phone call to achieve "daily income"? Beware of "mobile phone" scams!

The "mobile phone mouth" fraud involved in the above-mentioned cases has become a new type of fraud at present, and the criminals of telecommunications network fraud publish a large number of recruitment advertisements through domestic websites, social software and other Internet platforms, attracting students and young people to work part-time with the gimmick of "high salary, simple work, and no experience". This kind of part-time work seems to have a low threshold and quick money, but in essence, it is an accomplice of fraudsters.

The main means of "mobile phone port" fraud


One is to set up communication equipment such as GOIP and VOIP to convert overseas phone numbers into domestic communication numbers, so that the number received by the victim is displayed as a local number, so as to reduce vigilance and commit fraud.

Can you make a phone call to achieve "daily income"? Beware of "mobile phone" scams!


The other is to use two mobile phones, connect through audio cables, data cables or turn on the speaker at the same time, one mobile phone connects the fraudster through network software, and the other local mobile phone dials the victim's phone to achieve voice docking and disguise the location of the fraudulent call, so as to carry out fraud.

Can you make a phone call to achieve "daily income"? Beware of "mobile phone" scams!

The prosecutor reminded

Helping fraudsters set up communication equipment, making forwarding calls, and providing mobile phone cards and bank cards are all suspected of violating the law and committing crimes, and the procuratorates are strictly cracking down on telecommunications network fraud and related crimes in accordance with law.

The broad masses of the people should keep their eyes sharp, beware of the trap of part-time jobs on the Internet that claim to be "making money every day", and not being greedy for small profits and defying the law. Parents should strengthen education and guidance for minors to prevent minors from falling into the trap of "mobile phone port" fraud. At the same time, improve their own anti-fraud awareness, always remain vigilant, do not trust strange calls, verify transfers and remittances, and beware of being deceived. Once leads are discovered on crimes involving wire fraud, they shall immediately report to the relevant departments.

Links to legal provisions

Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China

Article 266:[Crime of Fraud]: Whoever defrauds public or private property, and the amount is relatively large, is to be sentenced to up to three years imprisonment, short-term detention or controlled release, and/or a fine; where the amount is huge or there are other serious circumstances, a sentence of between 3 and 10 years imprisonment and a concurrent fine is to be given; where the amount is especially huge or there are other especially serious circumstances, a sentence of 10 or more years imprisonment or indefinite imprisonment is to be given, and a concurrent fine or confiscation of property. Where this Law provides otherwise, follow those provisions.

Article 287-2 [Crime of Aiding Information Network Criminal Activities]: The crime of aiding information network criminal activities refers to clearly knowing that others are using information networks to commit crimes, providing them with technical support such as internet access, server hosting, network storage, and communication transmission, or providing assistance such as advertising and promotion, payment and settlement, and the circumstances are serious, a sentence of up to three years imprisonment or short-term detention and/or a fine is to be given.

Law of the People's Republic of China on Countering Telecommunications Network Fraud

Article 25, paragraph 1: Units and individuals must not provide the following support or assistance to others in carrying out telecommunications network fraud: (1) selling or providing personal information; (2) Helping others to launder money through virtual currency transactions or other means; (3) Other conduct that provides support or assistance for telecommunications network fraud activities.

Article 38: Where organizing, planning, implementing, or participating in telecommunications network fraud activities, or providing assistance to telecommunications network fraud activities, constitutes a crime, criminal responsibility is pursued in accordance with law.

(Source: Maonan Procuratorate)

Source: Guangdong Procuratorate

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