
4 Wrong Breakfast Combinations, Eat One Meal to Ruin the Day, and Feed the Cancer Cells! Healthy breakfast eaten like this

author:CQTV is healthy at home

As the old saying goes, "eat well in the morning", a rich breakfast can replenish nutrients for the body in time, awaken various functions of the body, and improve the efficiency of work and study.

4 Wrong Breakfast Combinations, Eat One Meal to Ruin the Day, and Feed the Cancer Cells! Healthy breakfast eaten like this

But today's fast-paced life makes many people unable to find time to eat a good breakfast, and often deal with two bites casually. But an incorrect breakfast is not only difficult to replenish nutrients, but also harms health!

Four common breakfasts, uneven nutrition can also hurt the body

1. Fritters + soy milk

These two are typical Chinese breakfast pairings, but they are not very healthy.

4 Wrong Breakfast Combinations, Eat One Meal to Ruin the Day, and Feed the Cancer Cells! Healthy breakfast eaten like this

Fritters are fried foods, and under high-temperature frying, the nutrients are easily destroyed, and proteins and fats will also be denatured, generating carcinogens such as benzopyrene and heterocyclic amines. Eating it often is not only easy to gain weight, but also threatens the health of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular, liver and kidneys.

Nowadays, soy milk on the market often has a lot of added sugar, which is not conducive to blood sugar control. Similarly, there are soy milk, breakfast milk and other prepared milk, which are high in sugar and have many additives, so they are not recommended for breakfast.

2. White porridge + Xiansai

Although white porridge is light, it has a single nutritional component, and if it can be accompanied by some fresh vegetables, meat, and eggs, the nutritional content is still considerable.

4 Wrong Breakfast Combinations, Eat One Meal to Ruin the Day, and Feed the Cancer Cells! Healthy breakfast eaten like this

However, pickled vegetables such as pickled cucumbers, capers, kimchi, etc., which have high salt content and are easy to damage the gastric mucosa, are not recommended to be paired with white porridge for breakfast.

3. Bread + coffee

Many office workers often choose bread and coffee for breakfast, which is convenient and refreshing. But this combination also has the problem of nutritional imbalance, with a severe lack of vitamins, dietary fiber and protein.

4 Wrong Breakfast Combinations, Eat One Meal to Ruin the Day, and Feed the Cancer Cells! Healthy breakfast eaten like this

Moreover, drinking coffee on an empty stomach early in the morning is easy to stimulate gastric acid secretion and may also affect liver metabolism. Some bread contains trans fatty acids, which are not only easy to gain weight when eaten for a long time, but also reduce the level of HDL and cause cardiovascular disease.

4. Quick-frozen food

For example, quick-frozen dumplings, quick-frozen glutinous rice balls, quick-frozen buns, etc. Most of these foods are processed below -18°C, which reduces the growth of bacteria, but in the process, the fat in the food will gradually oxidize and vitamins will also be decomposed, resulting in nutrient loss.

4 Wrong Breakfast Combinations, Eat One Meal to Ruin the Day, and Feed the Cancer Cells! Healthy breakfast eaten like this

The nutritional value of overnight meals will also be greatly reduced, and if there is no refrigeration conditions, the nitrite content in them will be significantly increased, increasing the risk of cancer. Therefore, it is recommended to choose fresh food as much as possible to eat better.

Healthy breakfast with formula

So what kind of breakfast is considered "qualified"? According to the recommendations of the Chinese Nutrition Society, the Chinese diet recommends a balanced diet pattern, a healthy breakfast, and the matching formula should be: high-quality carbohydrates + high-quality protein + vegetables and fruits.

1. High-quality carbs

It is mainly based on complex carbohydrates, such as whole grains and potatoes rich in dietary fiber. These staple foods can not only provide energy, but also ensure a certain intake of dietary fiber and B vitamins, and make nutrition more comprehensive.

4 Wrong Breakfast Combinations, Eat One Meal to Ruin the Day, and Feed the Cancer Cells! Healthy breakfast eaten like this

Select Recommended

Whole grains: multigrain porridge, oatmeal, corn, buckwheat rice, whole wheat bread;

Potatoes: sweet potato, purple potato, yam, taro;

Miscellaneous legumes: red beans, mung beans, peas, white kidney beans.

2. High-quality protein

Mainly derived from animal protein and soy protein, the digestion, absorption, and utilization rate are higher than other proteins, which helps to continuously enhance satiety and avoid a decrease in basal metabolism.

4 Wrong Breakfast Combinations, Eat One Meal to Ruin the Day, and Feed the Cancer Cells! Healthy breakfast eaten like this

Select Recommended

Meat and eggs: eggs, chicken breast, boiled fish, pure beef balls;

Dairy products: pure milk, sugar-free yogurt;

Soy products: sugar-free soy milk, plain tofu brain.

3. Fruits and vegetables

It is mainly used to supplement dietary fiber, vitamins and a variety of trace elements, which helps to maintain the normal function of the intestines, and can also control the overall calorie intake and stabilize blood sugar.

4 Wrong Breakfast Combinations, Eat One Meal to Ruin the Day, and Feed the Cancer Cells! Healthy breakfast eaten like this

Select Recommended

Vegetables: lettuce, broccoli, carrots, celery, spinach;

Fruits: blueberries, apples, kiwis.

If possible, you can also add a small handful of nuts, which are rich in unsaturated fatty acids, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc and other minerals, which can make breakfast nutrition more comprehensive.

Dough breakfast cakes

Ingredients: half a kilogram of flour, 10 grams of black sesame seeds, 20 grams of yeast powder, 2 eggs, ham, green pepper and other vegetables.


(1) Take a large bowl, put in flour, yeast powder, add a little sugar, pour water and whip back and forth to prevent the dough from gluten, and let it rise for 15-20 minutes.

(2) Exhaust the dough first, then beat 2 eggs, a little salt and five-spice powder into a bowl.

(3) Dip the dough in oil by hand, flatten it in a pan, concave a small piece in the middle by hand, and cook it over low heat.

(4) Open the lid and pour in the egg mixture, add black sesame seeds, diced ham, shredded green pepper or other favorite vegetables, and pour in the egg mixture again; Add a lid and simmer for a while to turn over, and sear golden brown on both sides to get out of the pot.

4 Wrong Breakfast Combinations, Eat One Meal to Ruin the Day, and Feed the Cancer Cells! Healthy breakfast eaten like this

This dough cake happens to have vegetables, eggs, meat, and sesame seeds, and it is very nutritious. At the same time, with a glass of milk, it will help middle-aged and elderly friends to strengthen their bones.

In addition to the pairing, it is also important to eat breakfast at what time......

This time is the "golden time" for breakfast

A study published last year in Nature Communications found that people who ate breakfast at 9 a.m. had a 6% increased risk of cardiovascular disease compared to those who ate breakfast at 8 a.m.

4 Wrong Breakfast Combinations, Eat One Meal to Ruin the Day, and Feed the Cancer Cells! Healthy breakfast eaten like this

Screenshot of "Nature-Communication".

In addition, a study published in the International Journal of Epidemiology showed that those who ate breakfast after 8~9 o'clock and 9 o'clock had a 26% and 59% higher risk of type 2 diabetes compared to participants who ate breakfast before 8 o'clock!

Therefore, comparatively speaking, 7~8 am is the best time for breakfast. On the one hand, at this time, all organs of the body have awakened, especially gastric acid and digestive enzymes have begun to secrete, and breakfast is needed to neutralize it, otherwise it is easy to damage the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract; On the other hand, fasting for too long can easily lead to an increase in blood pressure in the morning.