
Confess bravely and pursue the possibility of happiness

author:Hee-Chun Music
Confess bravely and pursue the possibility of happiness

On the long and winding road of life, there will always be such a person, like a bright star piercing the night sky, he is not only a beacon of progress, but also a ray of warm sunshine that warms the depths of our hearts. His presence, like the first ray of sunshine in that spring day, gently sprinkled on his heart, let the frozen emotions gradually melt. However, in the face of such a picturesque soul mate, should we have the courage to hold up our chests like warriors, and turn our inner emotions into the most sincere confession, so that he can know that our deep emotions are as bright as the stars and as gentle as the spring breeze.

Girl, the secret love in your heart is like a dazzling Big Dipper in the night sky, shining brightly, illuminating your silent night sky. You stare at it with fascination, thinking about him every moment, his figure gently unfolds in your mind like a picture scroll, his smile is like the rising sun, warm and brilliant, and his voice is like a mountain spring, melodious and beautiful.

Confess bravely and pursue the possibility of happiness

This deep emotion is like a towering mountain, lying between you and him, becoming an insurmountable gap between you. You look at the mountain, and your heart has both the longing for the top of the mountain and the fear of the difficulty of climbing. Still, the light of that crush still flickers in your heart, guiding you forward, and even if the road ahead is rough, you are willing to bravely cross that mountain for that light.

You, like a cowering snail, are afraid of the cold rain outside the shell, afraid of the unknown risks, and even more worried about your softness being hurt by the blade of misunderstanding. So, you chose to close yourself tightly in your shell, and buried that warm emotion deep in the soil of your heart.

Confess bravely and pursue the possibility of happiness

My dear, do you know that love is not a thin feather that flutters lightly in the wind; It is a towering tree that needs to be watered by both parties in order for it to flourish. Only when you have the courage to spread your wings and fly like a butterfly that has broken its shell, and confess your heart to him, can the fruit of love bloom in your life and let the fragrance of happiness permeate your world.

You will worry about the outcome of the confession, worry that he will reject you, and worry that your relationship will become awkward. However, you have to know that even if you are rejected, you have nothing to lose. You can still keep liking him, you can still pay attention to him silently, but with more courage and more attempts.

Confess bravely and pursue the possibility of happiness

If he accepts your heart, then a picturesque love story will quietly bloom. Your emotions will be like a drizzle in spring, moisturizing things silently and nourishing each other's hearts. You will walk hand in hand on the field of life, pick the fruits of joy together, and face the baptism of wind and rain together. You will become an indispensable pillar of each other's lives, and together you will make the tree of love take root in your hearts, flourish, bloom into brilliant flowers, and bloom with eternal fragrance.

Girl, how can you, like a budding flower in spring, shrink from fear of the breeze when it blooms? Don't be afraid of confession, don't be afraid of rejection that may exist. You know, love, like a proud eagle, requires us to have enough courage to chase and soar.

Confess bravely and pursue the possibility of happiness

Only when you muster up the courage to take that step can you cross the night sky like a meteor and illuminate your path to happiness. Even if the final result is not as you wish, that courage and pursuit will become an eternal star in your heart, illuminating your way forward. Don't regret it, because you once pursued your own happiness like a warrior, and that courage and determination will forever be engraved in your life and become your precious treasure.

Dear girl, let the fog in your heart gradually dissipate, don't give up easily, and pursue the other side of happiness that belongs to you. Summoning all the courage to pour out your heart to him like morning dew, and let the deep emotions shine in the morning light. Perhaps, he is quietly waiting in a corner, looking forward to your confession, looking forward to the unveiling of the story you have written together. Don't let regrets linger in your heart like withered branches and become the norm of your life, but let love bloom like flowers in spring, blooming the most gorgeous scenery in your life.