
The tragic ending of "Ink Rain and Clouds" was leaked, Yu Zheng angrily scolded and fired the editor, and the fans quit

author:The Secret History of the Empress

The war in the entertainment industry has burned behind the scenes of "Ink Rain Clouds"! When Xiao Yu and Ahri in front of the screen were sweet and sweet, who expected that there was a "palace scheming" behind them!

Boss Yu desperately wanted to give everyone a perfect HE, but he was "reversed" by his own artist Wang Xingyue's studio, and directly released the unbroadcast clip of Xiao Xingyue's death!

The tragic ending of "Ink Rain and Clouds" was leaked, Yu Zheng angrily scolded and fired the editor, and the fans quit

This ending is very different from the HE ending of the TV series, it is simply a basin of cold water for the audience!

Yu Zheng and the CP fans fried the pot in an instant, how did this HE become BE in seconds?

Wang Xingyue's team also said that this is a god operation of "purifying fans"!

This entertainment industry is really more exciting than TV series!

The tragic ending of "Ink Rain and Clouds" was leaked, Yu Zheng angrily scolded and fired the editor, and the fans quit

So what exactly is a "purified" fan? Let's start with the beginning and end of the TV series "Ink Rain Clouds".

Plot counterattack: a "magical" variation from BE to HE

The drama "Between the Ink Rain and Clouds", which started low and went high, topped the 2024 online drama broadcast volume ranking as soon as possible, becoming the champion of the total broadcast volume and average broadcast volume of online dramas in the first half of the year!

It can compete with the "Drama King" "Celebrating More Than Years 2", which is simply dumbfounded!

The tragic ending of "Ink Rain and Clouds" was leaked, Yu Zheng angrily scolded and fired the editor, and the fans quit

Among them, Wu Jinyan and Wang Xingyue, the "sister and brother CP", stole the limelight.

12 years apart? Hmph, this sister and brother feeling? Inexistent! In the play, their eyes are drawn,

The tragic ending of "Ink Rain and Clouds" was leaked, Yu Zheng angrily scolded and fired the editor, and the fans quit

The scheming Yu Zheng gained insight into the audience's careful thinking, and actually played a big reversal of the original BE ending and turned it into HE!

Not only that, but he also specially asked Wu Jinyan and Wang Xingyue to make up the extra story, so that Xiao Yu and Ahri had a "century reunion"!

The tragic ending of "Ink Rain and Clouds" was leaked, Yu Zheng angrily scolded and fired the editor, and the fans quit

Everyone is looking forward to this pair of CPs pairing up and continuing to spark love in the new drama.

However, the storm has changed! Just when everyone was immersed in sweet fantasies, Wang Xingyue's team suddenly threw a fatal blow!

They suddenly released a clip of the male protagonist dying on the battlefield in the play, which is diametrically opposed to the final ending of the TV series, which is simply at the level of "sadism"!

The tragic ending of "Ink Rain and Clouds" was leaked, Yu Zheng angrily scolded and fired the editor, and the fans quit

Xiao Yu was beaten by the enemy so that blood overflowed from his lips, and even the jade pendant in his mouth slipped from his mouth.

This picture directly reveals the cruel truth: Xiao Yu, he didn't come back, he died on the battlefield!

The tragic ending of "Ink Rain and Clouds" was leaked, Yu Zheng angrily scolded and fired the editor, and the fans quit

After watching the picture of Xiao Heng dying on the battlefield and the original ending of the TV series, fans were instantly dumbfounded! It turns out that the HE ending we are chasing is just a dream of Yu Zheng!

The real ending is that Ahri stays alone at home, waiting for a figure that will never appear! This wave of operations is like a resounding slap in the face to Yu Zheng and CP fans!

Netizens have said that Wang Xingyue's team is a master of "dismantling CP"! They are blatantly provoking drama fans and provoking the audience's emotional bottom line!

Some people speculate that because the show is over, Wang Xingyue doesn't want to be tied up with Wu Jinyan anymore?

But the truth is even more shocking! It turns out that behind this is a conspiracy to "purify" fans!

The tragic ending of "Ink Rain and Clouds" was leaked, Yu Zheng angrily scolded and fired the editor, and the fans quit

Are fans playthings that can be manipulated at will?

It only takes some means to make them change from CP fans to only fans? This is simply an extreme disrespect for the emotions of the fans!

What did Yu Zheng and Wang Xingyue's team do? Why did Yu Zheng's transformation happen so quickly?

The tragic ending of "Ink Rain and Clouds" was leaked, Yu Zheng angrily scolded and fired the editor, and the fans quit
The tragic ending of "Ink Rain and Clouds" was leaked, Yu Zheng angrily scolded and fired the editor, and the fans quit

Yu Zheng VS Wang Xingyue team: From stormy to gentle whispering

Wang Xingyue's studio suddenly released an unbroadcast clip tampering with the ending incident will be angry, he directly opened fire on Weibo, and fired at Wang Xingyue's team with full firepower!

The tragic ending of "Ink Rain and Clouds" was leaked, Yu Zheng angrily scolded and fired the editor, and the fans quit

From the private chat records, we got a glimpse of the inside story: Wang Xingyue's studio seems to want to show off the highlight moments of the actors, after all, Xiao Xingyue's heroic feelings for his family and country and cool battle-damaged shots are full of highlights.

However, Yu Zheng thinks that this war-damaged clip is just the director's play, which is contrary to the HE perfect ending in his heart.

The tragic ending of "Ink Rain and Clouds" was leaked, Yu Zheng angrily scolded and fired the editor, and the fans quit

However, the studio ignored his wishes and released the clip without authorization, which was simply a provocation to the authority of the boss!

Yu Zheng was furious again, and he scolded the studio: "You dare to release unaired tidbits without authorization, it is simply a devastating blow to my work!"

The tragic ending of "Ink Rain and Clouds" was leaked, Yu Zheng angrily scolded and fired the editor, and the fans quit

However, Wang Xingyue's studio responded lightly, saying that this was just to enhance Wang Xingyue's topicality, and it was a routine operation of "purification".

The studio also quibbled that the actors needed this step to solidify their position.

The tragic ending of "Ink Rain and Clouds" was leaked, Yu Zheng angrily scolded and fired the editor, and the fans quit
So what is purification? Definition: Purification is used in fan circle terminology to refer to the act of separating fans from one of the stars from CP fans (i.e., fans who support a certain pair of celebrity groups) to only supporting the other star. This kind of behavior is different from only fans, purification is to become a CP fan first, and then change to only like a certain star in CP. Transformation process: The process of purification reflects the change in fans' preferences for celebrities. Some fans may gradually change from CP fans to only fans because of their in-depth understanding of a certain star, their love for their works, or their recognition of their personality.

Therefore, Wang Xingyue's team released the be video privately, in order to purify Wu Jinyan and Wang Xingyue's CP fans, so as to transform them into Wang Xingyue's only fans.

Yu Zheng was completely enraged, asked the studio to delete the video quickly, and threatened to fire the editor!

The tragic ending of "Ink Rain and Clouds" was leaked, Yu Zheng angrily scolded and fired the editor, and the fans quit

However, fans didn't seem to appreciate it, they were furious, and even Wang Xingyue himself was mercilessly bombarded.

Some people accuse the studio of posting this video, because the actor Wang Xing is crazy the more he wants to be angry!

Yu Zheng originally just wanted to give the studio a disadvantage, but he didn't think that he accidentally affected his own gold-lettered signboard - Wang Xingyue.

The tragic ending of "Ink Rain and Clouds" was leaked, Yu Zheng angrily scolded and fired the editor, and the fans quit

So, he had to put away his anger and come out to explain in a low voice. He claimed that Wang Xingyue was a simple child, and the studio's promotion of him as an actor was just cooperating.

This sudden change makes people wonder: What's wrong with Yu Zheng? Is the power of the fans really so strong?

But fans are like a lit fire, not only did they not buy it, but they also bombarded Wang Xingyue frantically, accusing him of what his studio did, as if all this was a drama he directed and acted in order to become popular!

The tragic ending of "Ink Rain and Clouds" was leaked, Yu Zheng angrily scolded and fired the editor, and the fans quit

At the same time, CP fans are not to be outdone, they have asked Wang Xingyue's studio to apologize, feeling that they ruined the perfect HE ending in their hearts, as if a beautiful dream was ruthlessly broken.

The tragic ending of "Ink Rain and Clouds" was leaked, Yu Zheng angrily scolded and fired the editor, and the fans quit

In the end, Wang Xingyue's studio had to bow his head and apologize under the indiscriminate bombardment of fans, and the scene was very embarrassing for a while.

The tragic ending of "Ink Rain and Clouds" was leaked, Yu Zheng angrily scolded and fired the editor, and the fans quit

The big dye vat in the entertainment industry is really used by any means.

But then again, the actors are actually quite innocent. They are busy filming and attending events, so how can they have time to pay attention to the studio's promotional content?

From this point of view, Wang Xingyue seems to have fallen victim to this turmoil. But then again, his appearance and acting skills are top-notch, and there must be more possibilities waiting for him in the future!


The beginning and end of the story is that Yu Zheng, for the sake of the fans, dared to change his life against the sky and tampered with the ending of "Ink Rain and Clouds".

Who knew that in order to attract attention, Wang Xingyue's team even dared to offend their own boss, so they released the BE plot and directly adapted the final ending of the TV series.

But then again, who suffered a dumb loss in the end? Not yet for us innocent viewers!

The tragic ending of "Ink Rain and Clouds" was leaked, Yu Zheng angrily scolded and fired the editor, and the fans quit

However, this wave of operations has made the popularity of "Ink Rain Clouds" soar, approaching the top of the hot search list! Is this the new realm of the legendary "winning in chaos" and "a hundred flowers blooming"?

But don't worry, let's dig deeper: how explosive is the energy of fans?

They seem to control the direction of the TV series and even affect the fate of the actors, but then again, whose fans are these fans?

After they are "purified", who have they become loyal supporters?

What kind of truth and manipulation is hidden behind this? It's scary to think about!

The tragic ending of "Ink Rain and Clouds" was leaked, Yu Zheng angrily scolded and fired the editor, and the fans quit

This entertainment industry is glamorous on the surface, but behind it is undercurrents and contradictions.

Truth? In this Vanity Fair, I'm afraid it has already been buried!

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