
Quyang County Couplet Society "Celebration of July 1st Ode to the Party's Grace" couplet poetry works

author:New media in Hebei

This year is the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, in order to commemorate this great day, remember the glorious history of the party, inherit the red gene, and stimulate the enthusiasm of the masses to love the party and the country. These works have a clear theme and lofty intentions, reviewing the glorious history of the party, eulogizing the party's great achievements, looking forward to a bright future, and full of love for the party and the motherland.

Quyang County Couplet Society works

1. Xing Weichuan

The party is deeply rooted, and the people are fertile soil;

The country's governance is good, and the jun leaps into health.

2. Liu Jiangtao

July 1st flag is red, recalling the past and opening up the world;

A hundred years of flowers, look at the dream of the present and prosper.

3. Liu Yuqing

The party flags the flag, pointing out the road to the country and the prosperity of the family;

The people are the masters, and Mu Huifeng raises an axe and swings a sickle.

Temper the original intention, forge the backbone, and pay tribute to the century-old wind and rain road;

Singing the birthday, realizing the dream together, and participating in the eternal spring of the nine domains.

4. Li Jingru

Thinking back to the past, supporting the building, turning the tide, and opening up the heavens to be immortal;

I am glad to look at today, compose a new chapter, sing a prosperous world, and realize the dream of enriching the people and strengthening the country.

5. Wang Fengru

Who will lead the voyage?

Beique Yangjing, Qianqiu Daye Party planning.

The red flag has been rolling for more than 100 years, changing the sky and the earth, and the big party has a long-cherished wish to reward the people;

Junye is soaring thousands of miles, gathering strength and cohesion, and the future relay continues the Long March.

Red banner pilot, with a high-spirited and enterprising attitude, makes the world brand new and the country forever;

Build dreams in the future, with an open and inclusive attitude, teach the people to be prosperous and China prosperous.

A congratulatory poem to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China

Sing a song to the party, and the vicissitudes of life are transpiring.

The Chinese dream is approaching today, and the spring of the prosperous era is different red.

6. Xing Jincheng

The red boat is piloting, and the red flag exhibition on the road to poverty alleviation;

The national dream is full of color, and the Chinese painting in the countryside is new.

7. Li Xiuqing

Anchorage South Lake Cheng Marxist-Leninist;

Step up to the north for the people.

Linjiang Xian celebrates the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China

Since playing the South Lake tour painting boat, the age is one hundred and three.

Ride the wind and waves.

Small ship aircraft carrier replace, the sky and the sea in the middle of the exploration.

wanted to say that he was happy today, and Qingzhou asked Jin Toad again.

Chang'e looked back at the hammer sickle.

The five-star moon rises, and the sixth sister takes the fairy rock.

Qin Yuanchun celebrates the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China

The voyage of the revolution, the opening of the South Lake, a hundred years of wind and rain. Remembering Jinggang green bamboo, flag hunting; Ruijin old well, blessed and endless. Ma Lie is the sect, the people are the masters, and the long march of thousands of miles fights the enemy. Visit the caves, the beacon pagoda, the holy land of Yan'an.

Xinhua New Century New Century, the wheel of history will always move forward. Praise a blank piece of paper and draw it into a picture scroll; The sword of the three armies guards the rivers and mountains. Targeted poverty alleviation, common prosperity, 20 ships of the mighty east wind. Enter the double hundred, raise the hammer and sickle to forge ahead, and the national dream will finally come true!

8. Laughter

Seventy-one Ganlin, run three mountains and five mountains;

A hundred years of party and government, benefiting thousands of households.

The party opened the South Lake, and the hammer and sickle held high the new heavens;

Star ginseng Beidou, the scenery is secluded, and the post road is connected.

The party and government have been prosperous for a hundred years, and the people are prosperous;

Birthday and present, reminiscing about the eventful years, the mountains and rivers.

Seven uniques, the founding of the party's day

The red boat is rejuvenated, and the red flag is raised as the master.

Looking back on the wind and rain of the past century, I remember the sweetness and bitterness.

9. Liu Jinmin

Seven Uniques: Ode to the Party's Grace

The rain and dew are prosperous, and the party's grace warms the hearts of everyone.

Conspire to create a thousand autumn industries, and realize the dream journey with new scenery.

The red boat is rippling, chasing dreams through wind and rain;

The red banner welcomes the spring, the sickle hammer and the battle is determined.

10. Liu Bingju

The red boat pays a dream; Red flags are all over the country.

More than 100 years of trials and hardships, the three armies are ambitious, why not be afraid of the cold of the chain bridge, and the golden sand water shoot;

Ninety thousand miles of Kunpeng spread its wings, several generations kept the original intention, but the dragon entered the sea, and the jade rabbit flew into the sky.

11. Zheng Liang

After experiencing the vicissitudes of life, Nanhu Hongfang has started a new journey, saving the people from fire and water, and the flag has been rolling for a hundred years;

Driving away the tribulation, the Big Dipper Star Road is wide, stepping towards the Kangzhuang, and the achievements are prosperous.

Nanhu gets a hundred-year dream;

Beiyue ushered in a thousand miles of spring.

Seven uniques, two feelings for the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party

Nanhu Xiaoge started a new journey and established the party to save the country's life for the public.

After all the hardships to drive the Tartars, a hundred years have passed and a total of prosperity.

The hundred-year-old party has three autumns, and the politics are clear and ambitious.

The prosperous Taiping family is prosperous, and the dream is in the flow.

12. Wang Yuxi

The party is the banner of the party, and the pioneer is the pioneer of the great cause;

Prosper the country and build the country, create a city and benefit the people's livelihood.

Red heart to the party, predecessors are wise and clear;

Green space for the people, future generations wisdom to show the grand plan.

13. Wang Yuehu

One hundred and three years are like songs, hammer sickles to compose music;

1.4 billion people pursue their dreams, and their families and countries are united.

14. Dou Shumin

Wind and rain to learn the original heart, like to see the rainbow Tengyuyu;

The hammer and sickle chase the dream, and raise the red banner and the golden ou.

15. Liu Jiangxian

anti-feudal and expelled the emperor to seek the truth;

Rejuvenate the country and strengthen the people.

Five Uniques: Commemoration of July Day

The years are long, and the road is dark at night.

Red flags were planted everywhere, and the great powers were swept away.

16. Zhang Rugang

July 1st time is beautiful;

Ordinary alleys are red.

There is no one like a mother;

A hundred years old has three hearts.

The hammer sickle is vigorous;

The years are shining brightly, and the country is long.

Seven Laws Celebrate the 103rd Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China

Baidu has added another three years old, and the people are like 1.4 billion.

Twisted into a rope invincible, binding thousands of mountains is not boastful.

The sea is vast and seeks an end, and the Milky Way is lonely.

The new era of Chiqi Shujuan and the revival are all up to him.

17. Liu Tieman

The Hammer and Sickle Uprising, turning over inside and outside, and opening a new deal in 28 years;

The economy is taking off, the country is stable, and there are hundreds of springs.

Five Laws Celebrate the 103rd Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China

The revolution was rising, and Nanhu started the party program.

The Long March annihilated the Japanese invaders and quickly destroyed the Chiang Gang.

Resist the United States and Shu military morale, encircle Taiwan to deter lone wolves.

The mountains and rivers are magnificent, and the motherland will always be safe and healthy.

18. Zhang Yajuan

The united efforts to replenish the golden ou, a leaf of red boat to conquer the world;

Chuxin Hong Avenue, a hundred years of green dreams of beautiful rivers and mountains.

19. Yang Shuhong

Raise a red flag to help poor households get rid of poverty and teach barren mountains to collect treasures;

Reward a hundred-year plan, ask the moon with Shenzhou, and chase the wind by high-speed rail.

Partridge day

The clear water flows beautifully, and the flowers bloom all over my hometown.

Bicycles scan the code to commute, and the live broadcast supply and demand are busy.

The fields are green, the rice is fragrant, and the cadres work hard to be stronger.

The party is 103 years old, and hundreds of millions of people are holding it together.

20. Wang Hongxia

Adhering to the original intention, a hundred years of journey to prosper the great cause;

Shouldering heavy responsibilities, full of enthusiasm to write a new chapter.

21. Liu Xiuge

The red boat set off and opened a new road by riding the wind and waves;

Red flags in the sky, reflecting the sun and clouds.

22. Liu Xiaolou

100-year-old beauty, see the sun and the moon shine, and the prosperous age should be as the ancestors wished;

Thousands of years of great cause, Xinshan River into a dream, the journey can wait for future generations.

23. And Huan

Flowers bloom in July and build new dreams;

A thousand years of great responsibility will not be lost.

The party is for the public, and the original intention has not changed;

Benefiting the people's governance, the red banner is a long song.

24. Zhang Ying

Wind and rain for a hundred years;

Glory for thousands of years.

25. Meng Jianliang

71 Angelica flourished;

One hundred and three is just rich and strong.

Guotai and the people are safe, a group of peaceful sunflowers;

The clouds are steaming, and all directions are prosperous like a song.

Under the leadership of the party, workers, peasants, soldiers, and businessmen are studying and painting Chinese beauty together;

The people are safe and healthy, cities and towns, and the same song is new.

26. Ge Shuqin

The rain and wind are strong, and the breeze is on both sleeves;

The green mountains and green waters are beautiful, and the scenery is beautiful for a hundred years.

27. Hou Xiuxin

More than 100 years of wind and rain, the original heart is still hot, the good dream comes true, and Li Min likes to be the master of the country;

Seeing that the sky is clear, the red flag is fluttering, and the new chapter will be opened again, and the big party will steadily support the Huaxia boat.

28. Zhang Zhanlong

The national fortune soars to the sky, and the handsome bird rides the wind and relaxes its wings;

With a bare heart to the party, the red boat broke the waves and set sail.

29. Wang Zuomin

The red boat breaks the waves, the red flag shines, and the wind and rain are more than a hundred years of ambition;

The blue sea sails, the youth chases dreams, and the mountains and rivers are full of pride.

30. Wang Yonghui

Discerning eyes and pearls, not to be dirty;

The people's will is to the party, and create brilliance together.

Works of Jiazhuang Dongpo Poetry Society

1. Chen Chengwei

A boatload of dreams in the past;

Today, thousands of miles of spring.

A boat leads to the four seas, opening the south lake to show the sun and the moon;

100-year-old continues to live up to the mission.

The boat carries the dream, the dream is the ship, and the waves and the wind are rewarded;

The party is close to the people, the people love the party, and work together to develop a grand plan.

Two congratulatory poems to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China

Nanhu Qi shocked the world, and the mission was Du Zhaomin.

The hundred-year-old is prosperous, and the original heart weaves dreams of thousands of families.

The red boat carries the ambition to embark on the journey, and the rivers and seas sail through the waves.

Hundreds of boats compete for the industry, and the new wind is chasing dreams.

2. Chen Jingwei

Who paved the road;

The warm spring breeze party sent.

The wind and rain are shaking, and a small boat splits the dangerous waves;

The mountains and rivers are magnificent, and the century-old great cause vibrates the world.

Drinking water should think of the source, listen, Chaoyue Park, Ququ Hongge heart to the party.

Reading should serve the country, praise, Yongning's alma mater, and Xinxin's students will take the cloud.

Seven uniques: The 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party

The clear water of the South Lake starts the red boat, and the party is strong-willed for the people.

What to fear about the rapid waves and dangerous shoals, the sun and the moon will eventually change to a new day.

3. Chen Kaiyong

The red boat carries dreams, sets sail, and paves the way to the prosperous spring;

Beidou pilots, Tenglong breaks the wall, and the centennial reward shows its majesty.

The hammer and sickle open the way, the years are glorious, and the new music is composed in the Kangzhuang painting;

The sun and the moon are shining, the rivers and mountains are magnificent, and the beautiful makeup is depicted in the splendid picture.

Seven Laws: Feelings for the 103rd Anniversary of the Founding of the Party

The founding of the party in Nanhu raised the hammer and sickle, and the east wind swept the giant wave the most.

Do not forget the original intention to prosper the great cause, and write a new chapter with a mission.

People's livelihood has been improved, and science and technology have taken off and encouraged sails.

Colorful China welcomes the big celebration, and the people are one billion happy.

4. Shao Xianru

Nanhu Xingchi County, gathering heroes, driving away the Japanese Kou, chasing the Jiang Gang, and splitting a new world with a hammer and sickle;

The Beidou shines in the sky, the tree is ideal, the step is well-off, the dream is chased, and the beautiful picture of Huaxia is spread.

The party is benevolent and brings prosperity to the 1.4 billion people;

The country governs well and paves the way for thousands of industries.

5. Chen Leichuan

The red boat carries the ambition, breaks the waves and rides the wind, and the glowing hammer and sickle take on the mission;

Beidou pilots, advocates honesty and anti-corruption, and shines with the sun and the moon.

6. Chen Shiwei

Go to Nanhu to book the ambition together;

Send pride to the prosperous world.

The 03rd Party of the Century celebrated its birthday, and the hammer and sickle were held together to protect peace.

The national righteousness drove the enemy, and the fish and water army and the Republic of China flourished.

7. Chen Junjie

The red boat breaks the waves, and the sickle hammer opens up a great cause;

Red banner pilot, China soars through the ages.

The four seas are prosperous and peaceful;


Praise the party's grace, the people sing happily, and seek common prosperity for a thousand years;

Take on the mission, forge ahead with the heroes, and build a new chapter together.

A congratulatory poem to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China

The red boat breaks the waves and shows its grand plan, and the great cause is reflected at the beginning of the day.

China's soaring song is prosperous, and the party's grace is a warm heart.

8. Chen Qingjuan

The fire is reborn, and the dawn of the country is shaking;

The dragon rises, uniting the army and the people with high morale.

Born in times of crisis, he wore bloody rain and bloody wind, leading all the people out of fire and water;

Running to the light, holding a strong ship and a cannon, can deter jackals for a thousand years.

9. Chen Xingchuan

Take the mission, keep the original intention, and be willing to be the helmsman;

For the people, prosper the great cause, and bravely overcome difficulties.

10. Chen Jingkai

Virtue and politics return to the heart, and the well-off will be prosperous for thousands of years;

The spring breeze is blowing, and the great cause is singing all the way.

11. Lu Zhaojing

economic prosperity;

The people are happy and bathed in the spring breeze.

The national policy is wise and prosperous;

Party 恩浩荡温千家。

Source: Beiyue Chun

Editor: Li Qi

Preliminary review: Zhang Jing

Final review: Yang Xiaoning

Organizer: Internet Information Office of Quyang County Committee of the Communist Party of China