
Sunset West Mountain(31)

author:Canal gonziers, 1954
Sunset West Mountain(31)

Tie Liang told Caiyun that he loved a girl deeply, but the two families were not right, the household was wrong, he was a landlord cub, and she was a red five categories with red roots, although he loved her, he could only hide his love in his heart. Because of love, you can only let go, you can't burden her, and you can't let her suffer with you.

Tie Liang said affectionately, "If you want to love someone, you have to give her happiness, and when you can't give her happiness, you have to let go, and you have to let her pursue happiness." Therefore, in my heart, she has an irreplaceable place, but in life, we can't live and fly together. I want to see her in her wedding dress and be someone else's bride, and I want to be celibate for the rest of my life, and I will never desecrate that holy love! "

Caiyun listened to tears in her eyes, and she said, "Yes, there is a kind of love called letting go, but did you know that there is a kind of happiness called sharing the joys and sorrows with the people you love." When love is sincerely invited, these are not reasons to refuse, and we should stand up bravely and enthusiastically to welcome love, accept love, embrace love, and enjoy love. Now, I solemnly declare, Qin Tieliang, I am in love with you! "

Tie Liang was taken aback, hurriedly stood up, waved his hand and said, "Caiyun, sister, no, no, no, I can't affect you, this can't be done!" "

Caiyun said, "Brother Tie, there's nothing you can't do!" I love you, you love me, let the flame of love burn vigorously, don't suppress, don't extinguish it! Brother Tie, I know what you're thinking, I understand your heart, let us fall in love, I'd rather be a scarred warrior for love than a coward who gives up love unscathed! "

"But I can't give you happiness!"

"The greatest pain is not being able to stay with you!"

"The boat of love will be tossed in the wind and waves!"

"Lovers in the same boat will make love sublimate in the wind and waves!"

"It will disturb me to make you suffer with me!"

"There is nothing cruel in the world than two hearts happy with each other, but they fly apart!"


"Brother Tie!"

The two clasped hands together and looked at each other, overflowing with tears of excitement and happiness.

Jin Suo closed the door of the brigade headquarters, turned to leave, and saw Caiyun.

"Caiyun, Uncle is annoyed when he says a few words from you, it seems that he doesn't want to pay attention to me these days, but you don't want to be the secretary of the league, so I gave it to Huang Xiaomu," Jin Suo said, "You must be blaming Uncle." "

"No," Caiyun said, "I know you're doing it for my good, but I really don't have that ability." Hey, uncle, why are you going? "

"No, because of the matter of watering the ground, our village and Dingzhuang have started, and I will go to Yangshui Station." The golden lock said, "You have something to do with me?" "

"I want you to open a letter." Caiyun said.

"What letter? Register? Get a certificate? Jin Suo smiled and said, "Such a big girl, it's time to find her in-laws." "

"Uncle, let you speak, I just opened the letter to get the certificate." Caiyun said.

"I'm fooling around again, I don't have time to grind my teeth with you," said Jin Suo, "the official seal is not here, your aunt is at home, and there is a stamped letterhead in the drawer of the rushing table, you just tear one up and fill in the contents." "

In this way, Tie Liang and Caiyun quietly received the certificate, while Huang Xiaomu was still dreaming.

That night, after the group activities, Xiaomu left colorful clouds.

"You see, the position of secretary of the Youth League originally belonged to you, but it accidentally came to me again, you won't have an opinion on me, right?" Xiaomu sat across from Caiyun.

"If you want to wear its crown, you must bear its weight, I don't have that ability, I can't complain about others, and I won't have an opinion on you." Caiyun said.

"It's still an old classmate and an old girl, thank you," Xiao Mu stretched out his right hand, "I hope you will support my work more in the future." "

Caiyun stretched out his right hand and gently shook it with Xiao Mu.

"The flesh of your hands is tender and smooth, giving it a wonderful feeling." As he spoke, he put Caiyun's right hand on his left hand and gently rubbed it with his right hand.

Caiyun suddenly pulled out his hand and said, "Are you okay?" It's okay, I'm leaving! He stood up.

Xiao Mu pressed Caiyun's shoulders, let her sit on the chair, and said, "Caiyun, I really love you so much, I'm going to become Liang Shanbo, you promise me, otherwise I will die!" "

"You are Liang Shanbo, but it's a pity that I'm not Zhu Yingtai!" Caiyun said, "Didn't I tell you, I already have love!" "

"Do you mean that Qin Tieliang? You can't be! Huang Xiaomu said, "In this year, whether you are close or not, there are class divisions, you and he are people of two classes and two camps, you can't lose your class position and defect to the enemy!" "

"Huang Xiaomu, as a militia company commander and secretary of the regiment, I have to refute you two sentences when you talk like this," Caiyun said, "What class do you say Qin Tieliang belongs to?" If I want to marry him, why have I become a traitor to the enemy? You don't want to be infinitely on the platform! "

Huang Xiaomu said, "Regardless of his background, don't you care about his dirty background?" He's an illegitimate child, does an illegitimate child know? Something that thousands of people spit on, he is the product of the adultery of the eldest brother and his brother and daughter-in-law, do you turn a blind eye to these pure and beautiful eyes? "

Caiyun smiled slightly and said, "I know all this, but I can't help it." I want to remind you that using his background as a breakthrough is not a wise choice for you. "

Huang Xiaomu's face turned red all of a sudden, he understood what Caiyun's words meant, really, taking Tie Liang's identity as an illegitimate child, if it were someone else, it would be fine, and for himself, how stupid and weak he looked. No matter what, Tie Liang, the illegitimate son, still knows who his father is, and he has lived for more than 20 years, who is his father is still a mystery! He was annoyed and angry, and wanted to get angry at Caiyun, but thinking about it still suppressed his anger.

"Caiyun, I don't know what I say to move your heart, I swear to God, I really like you, if there is half a lie, the sky will hit five thunders!" Huang Xiaomu patted his chest and said, "I really want to go down with a knife and dig out my heart to show you!" "

Caiyun waved his hand, "There's really no need to be thunderbolts and heart-digging again, these scenes are so scary." Huang Xiaomu, don't confess, I believe your words are true, I thank you for thinking so highly of me. But I still have to tell you, I don't feel for you, you are very good, you are the sun, but I am not the moon that shines with the help of the sun, you are gold, but I see money as dung, you are a magnet, but I am wood, I do not have the attribute of being attracted. Die of this heart, I don't belong to you, you don't belong to me. Respect my choice, and I sincerely wish you to find the person you want! "

"No, you're mine, I love you!" Huang Xiaomu pounced, hugged Caiyun tightly, and kissed wildly.

"You rascal!!" Caiyun slapped Huang Xiaomu in the face and walked away.

Huang Xiaomu covered his hot face, looked at Caiyun's back, and snorted fiercely, "Sensei you are hard, I don't believe I can't get you, you pierce your mouth, I'll change the place where I put my mouth down!" "

(To be continued)