
The appearance of the actress is very important, and "Du Hua Nian" learned from the results of the 29-year-old that the bone appearance is very important

author:The moon is soothing

#"Spend the Year of China"##成果#

After the rebirth of the eldest princess Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan, the first assistant of the dynasty, they tried to change each other, as well as the love and hatred between Shangguan Ya and Qin Zhenzhen and Li Chuan. The plot is full of ups and downs, the characters are very full, and the emotional entanglements are fascinating and exciting.

In "Du Hua Nian", there is a female character who is very outstanding, she is Shangguan Ya played by the results, the candidate for the crown princess, and she can be called sober in the world as soon as she appears. Shangguan Ya knew that the daughter of the Shangguan family had to sacrifice for the family, but she was unwilling to become the crown princess.

The appearance of the actress is very important, and "Du Hua Nian" learned from the results of the 29-year-old that the bone appearance is very important

In the first life, Shangguan Ya, played by the results, is the queen, and her eyes are sharp and greedy for the sake of power, and the appearance of a strong woman is written on her face. In the second life, Shangguan Ya was much more casual, and her emotional line also had a clear appearance.

As the daughter of the Shangguan family, the head of the Huajing family, Shangguan Ya was destined to be prepared for the sacrifice of the family as soon as she was born, and she was the default candidate for the crown princess in the family. The Shangguan family is the queen of the three generations, and the addition of one Shangguan Ya is the fourth generation, but the emperor is very afraid of this situation. Li Rong tried her best to prevent all tragedies from happening again, will her obstruction bring Qin Zhenzhen, Shangguan Ya, and Li Chuan the fate of starting over?

The appearance of the actress is very important, and "Du Hua Nian" learned from the results of the 29-year-old that the bone appearance is very important

In the second life, Shangguan Ya wandered in random places for the first time, and was found by Li Rong, and Shangguan Ya's image also surprised everyone. She doesn't look like a lady, she dresses plainly, and she can't be recognized in the crowd. Where is this a woman from a family, she is the daughter of an ordinary people's family.

After Shangguan Ya was discovered, she began to run as if she was running for her life, and jumped down from the upper floor, and happened to fall on Su Ronghua, who also became Shangguan Ya's white moonlight.

In the incense plot in the palace, Shangguan Ya exchanged her incense for Qin Zhenzhen, she didn't want to grab a man with all the women. Shangguan Ya's character design this time is very outstanding, mainly because she doesn't like life in the palace walls, she doesn't like power, she just wants to live her life freely, live with the man she likes, three meals a day, simply, and live an ordinary life.

Shangguan Ya doesn't have many scenes, but the results have shaped Shangguan Ya very brilliantly, just a few pictures have vividly interpreted a woman from a family who pursues self-indulgence and freedom, and she has a free and uninhibited style in her bones, such Shangguan Ya is really a fan.

The appearance of the actress is very important, and "Du Hua Nian" learned from the results of the 29-year-old that the bone appearance is very important

There are not many film and television dramas performed by the results, and Shangguan Ya is undoubtedly a very outstanding role. However, there will be a lot of scenes in Shangguan Ya in the later stage, what about her love, and has she become a pawn in the family's struggle for power and profit?

Shangguan Ya is dignified and elegant, and she also has the independence and self-confidence of modern women, and her temperament of blending ancient and modern is very popular.

The result is also a rookie actor, her first film work is "Saihan Dam", in which she played Qiulan. Tick! In "Boyfriend Card", the result played the female programmer Liu Qianqian. In "Love Apartment 5", the result plays the role of Zhuge Dali, a genius girl who is outstanding in all aspects. In "Broken Things Elite", the result plays the programmer Ouyang Mofei.

In "Du Hua Nian", the appearance of the results is very outstanding, and her temperament is also very consistent with Shangguan Ya, and her clean temperament is eye-catching. Under the interpretation of the results, the role of Shangguan Ya is more three-dimensional, and she is also one with the character, and makes her stand out.

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