
What is the right cooling temperature for an air conditioner? Set right, healthy and lose weight!

author:Kim flagship HVAC assistant

Who knows!! Why didn't you know sooner!! Recently discovered a magical secret about the temperature of the air conditioner! It turns out that adjusting the temperature of the air conditioner is not only about comfort, but also about our weight.

What is the right cooling temperature for an air conditioner? Set right, healthy and lose weight!

Do you know? When summer arrives, everyone is eager to turn up the air conditioning to the lowest and enjoy the cold comfort. However, have you ever noticed that when the temperature is set too low, you are particularly hungry? Eating snacks and ordering takeout, your appetite is as strong as if you have opened a hanging!

It's not like I'm talking nonsense, it's backed by science! According to authoritative media reports, researchers have found that the lower the temperature of the air conditioner in summer, the more appetite we have, and people are more likely to gain weight! Imagine when you are enjoying the 19-20 degree low temperature air conditioning in the hot summer, do you feel like you have an appetite, as if the whole world is your food paradise?

What is the right cooling temperature for an air conditioner? Set right, healthy and lose weight!

However, if you turn up the air conditioner temperature to 26-27 degrees, the situation is completely different! ️ This temperature not only makes our body feel more comfortable, but it also effectively suppresses appetite and helps us maintain a healthy weight! Think about it, you don't have to deliberately diet, you don't have to sweat to exercise, you only need to adjust the temperature of the air conditioner, you can easily lose weight, isn't it amazing?

And ah, this discovery has official support! They encourage everyone to set the temperature of the air conditioner at 26-27 degrees, which is not only energy-efficient and environmentally friendly, but also helps us maintain a healthy weight!

Ideal night temperature: 28°C to sleep with

The temperature setting at night is also very particular. From 10 p.m. to 12 p.m., human activity is more frequent and body temperature is relatively high; At 2 to 3 a.m., the body gradually enters a deep sleep state, and the body temperature will also drop. Therefore, setting the air conditioning temperature at 28°C can not only ensure the comfort of the sleeping environment, but also avoid the discomfort caused by too low temperature.

What is the right cooling temperature for an air conditioner? Set right, healthy and lose weight!

Hot and humid? Dehumidification mode to help!

In the upcoming rainy season, the cooling mode of the air conditioner can be adjusted to the dehumidification mode appropriately. The dehumidification mode can effectively remove moisture from the air, making the indoor environment drier and more comfortable.

So, friends, from today onwards, let's turn up the temperature of the air conditioner together! Make our life more comfortable, healthy and environmentally friendly! You might even get an unexpected surprise this summer!

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The above is the summary of the golden flagship aesthetic radiator editor: "How much is the appropriate refrigeration temperature of the air conditioner?" Set right, healthy and lose weight! I hope it can help everyone's life. If you want to know more about HVAC information, please pay more attention to the golden flagship, and the golden flagship will provide you with more complete, more detailed and updated information. If there are any deficiencies, please feel free to correct and put forward.

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