
The five super good-looking domestic modern dramas, all of which are highly praised, collect them and watch them slowly!

author:The round head said film and television

The first "To a Windy Place"

Rating: 8.7

Starring: Liu Yifei, Li Xian

Plot review: Today, it has been brushed three times. A good drama is like this, I don't get tired of watching it no matter how many times I watch it, even if I am already familiar with the plot and even the lines. Although the reality will not always be so rosy, just like the little dissonance that the TV series does not show until the end - after the number of tourists increases, the villagers are jealous of the protagonist's profits and start to make trouble, revealing the unbearable side of human nature to the tip of the iceberg - which is gently brought over in the play. However, at this time, Hongdou already has the courage to start anew, and the past training has also given her the ability to deal with problems. In short, when you are beaten by reality, it seems that you can't see hope and direction, and I hope you can also find such a windy place and feel the temperature of the wind.

The five super good-looking domestic modern dramas, all of which are highly praised, collect them and watch them slowly!

Part 2: "Apocalypse"

Rating: 8.1

Starring: Cai Wenjing, Han Dongjun

Plot review: It really shows the most real side of young people and even elites in the modern city, not, what we see in idol dramas, life is not easy, there is no simple word. It also shows the pretense and catering of the working boys in the city, just like the title of the play, which is commonly known as the face. And the workplace is not suspended, the ambiguity of pulling is good, the male protagonist is quite Su, and it is rare to be able to get good looks. After falling in love, the style of painting did change a little fast.,Except for the Shura field, which is pretty good-looking.,The others are really average.。 It's really amazing, some look good before talking, and some look good after talking. In short, watch this drama and taste the charm of the lines, it's really too Amway.

The five super good-looking domestic modern dramas, all of which are highly praised, collect them and watch them slowly!

The third part of "I'm good in another country"

Rating: 8.1

Starring: Zhou Yutong, Ren Suxi

Plot review: Although it is only 12 episodes, it has brought me great emotional touch. The story is based on the experience of four foreign girls drifting north, and unfolds with the difficulties they encounter in their workplace, life, and relationships. Suspense setting + non-exaggerated pain points of Beipiao + facing up to anxiety + social hotspots + finding the best self, these major points inject freshness and empathy into the show. Enough to win the audience's recognition and resonance. Of course, the regret of this drama is that the last two episodes are too magical in Ren Suxi's emotional processing, and Zhou Yutong's competition in the workplace is also too dramatic, so many people choose to abandon the drama in the end, which is a pity. But overall, it's still worth a look!

The five super good-looking domestic modern dramas, all of which are highly praised, collect them and watch them slowly!

The fourth part of "Spring Sends Lovers"

Rating: 7.7

Starring: Li Xian, Zhou Yutong

Plot review: Relaxation and healing, pulling and lingering, ambiguous and rippling. Chen Jingfei's unique timbre and poetry-like lyrics have turned a love drama full of industrial saccharin into a literary film full of artistic atmosphere, and music is too important for the expression of lust. Li Xian and Zhou Yutong fit the characters very well, and the kiss scene has strong sexual tension. Although the plot is simple and the bloody plot in the original book is not lacking at all, the director can skillfully create a sense of CP and pull between male and female characters, and the details of the eyes and movements are very well handled, which makes people very happy. ps: I love the photography of this drama, the film-level production, the close-up of the characters with a large aperture and the Nanping with a large depth of field, which is beautiful and makes people's hearts ripple.

The five super good-looking domestic modern dramas, all of which are highly praised, collect them and watch them slowly!

Part 5 "The Story of the Rose"

Rating: 7.3

Starring: Liu Yifei, Tong Dawei

Plot review: One of the best TV series in 2024, it's been a long time since I've seen such a positive domestic modern urban film with three views. Although the protagonist is Rose, each of the other characters is a living and independent character. The trajectory of each adult's motivation to make decisions, character formation comes from the family of origin. Especially sighed Su Su, a woman who didn't dare to get married and have children, how she relied on her tenacity step by step, and grasped love, was healed by Peony and Peony's parents little by little, and bravely stepped into marriage and family. Although everyone will say that this is all fake, it is a TV series, but I think art comes from life, and it is so life, so it is moving. For those who haven't seen it, it is highly recommended to take a look~

The five super good-looking domestic modern dramas, all of which are highly praised, collect them and watch them slowly!

Which of the five super good-looking domestic modern dramas have you watched? It is not easy to code words, welcome to pay attention to likes, leave a message to discuss.

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