
It is recommended that everyone should not save the "6 kinds of materials" for house decoration, and be sure to choose expensive ones

author:Minor repairs to the decoration design

When many people are renovating their houses, they will always save money in some places because of their limited budget. But not everything can be saved, otherwise it is easy to have problems, it is recommended that everyone, house decoration, these "6 things" do not save, you must buy expensive ones, so that you can feel more at ease, and it is not easy to rework.

1. Latex paint

It is recommended that everyone should not save the "6 kinds of materials" for house decoration, and be sure to choose expensive ones

The quality of latex paint is directly related to the aesthetics and environmental protection of indoor walls. Expensive latex paints usually work better, with better colors and touches, which can significantly improve the overall decoration grade. In addition, good latex paints are made using real pigments, while cheap latex paints may use fluorescent brighteners, which are not only unnatural in color but can also be harmful to humans.

Advice: Choose latex paints from well-known brands and avoid buying inferior products. It is not necessary to pursue the most expensive one, but the quality must be guaranteed.

2. Mattress

It is recommended that everyone should not save the "6 kinds of materials" for house decoration, and be sure to choose expensive ones

Mattresses are the key to sleep quality. A good mattress can provide better support and comfort, help relieve physical fatigue and improve sleep quality. Poor quality mattresses may lead to poor sleep and may affect your health in the long run.

Tip: Choose a well-known brand of reliable quality mattress and give preference to the individual pocket spring design to ensure support and comfort

3. Sound insulation materials

It is recommended that everyone should not save the "6 kinds of materials" for house decoration, and be sure to choose expensive ones

Soundproofing materials are essential for the comfort of the occupants. If the sound insulation of the house is not good, it is easy to be disturbed by external noise, which affects the rest and quality of life.

Recommendation: Use high-quality soundproofing cotton and gold damping sheets for soundproofing, especially in bedrooms, dens, and other spaces that require a quiet environment.

4. Glue

It is recommended that everyone should not save the "6 kinds of materials" for house decoration, and be sure to choose expensive ones

Glue is a commonly used auxiliary material in decoration, but its quality is directly related to environmental protection and durability. Inferior glue may contain a large amount of harmful substances such as formaldehyde, which poses a threat to the health of family members; At the same time, low-quality glue may also be prone to mold, blackening, cracking, or peeling.

Suggestion: Choose environmentally friendly, good quality glue, especially in kitchens, bathrooms, doors and windows and other places that are prone to moisture, to use mildew-proof glass glue.

5. Toilet

It is recommended that everyone should not save the "6 kinds of materials" for house decoration, and be sure to choose expensive ones

The toilet is an important piece of equipment in the bathroom, and its quality is directly related to the convenience and hygiene of use. A good toilet has a smooth glaze, is not easy to accumulate dirt, and mostly adopts a siphon design, which is low in sound and water-saving. Inferior toilets may have rough glaze, yellow and smelly, and even cause blockages.

Advice: Choose a toilet bowl of reliable quality from a well-known brand, giving preference to products with siphon design and full-body glazing.

6. Switch socket

It is recommended that everyone should not save the "6 kinds of materials" for house decoration, and be sure to choose expensive ones

Although the switch socket may seem inconspicuous, it is an electrical device that is frequently used in daily life. Its quality is directly related to the safety and convenience of electricity. Inferior switches and sockets may have potential safety hazards such as leakage, tripping, and may even cause fires.

Suggestion: Choose a well-known brand and reliable quality switch socket, and give priority to sockets with switch function, which is easy to use and can reduce the number of plugging and unplugging. At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to check the anti-counterfeiting identification and certification information of the product to avoid purchasing counterfeit and shoddy products.

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