
"The Siege of the Kowloon Walled City", the plot has been changed slightly, and it may be more beautiful

author:To say that it seems to be a thing is not to be hit

"The Siege of the Kowloon Walled City" was a hit on May 1st, and the password was not bad, and finally received a Douban score of 7.4 points.

"The Siege of the Kowloon Walled City", the plot has been changed slightly, and it may be more beautiful

From the point of view of an action movie, the movie retains a considerable amount of action, and the high-intensity action rhythm is not slackened from beginning to end. In terms of action design, it not only pursues tough and direct, real hitting effects, but also cleverly integrates exaggerated movements with comic elements, making every move show strong power. In particular, the action design makes full use of the cramped, narrow and tortuous characteristics of the typical environment, which greatly increases the tension and ornamentation of the action scenes.

"The Siege of the Kowloon Walled City", the plot has been changed slightly, and it may be more beautiful

If the unique action design and high-intensity fight scenes present a legendary and passionate Kowloon Walled City world, then the story itself wants to use the former city landmark Kowloon Walled City to convey the nostalgia for the passing of China and the old Hong Kong culture......

"The Siege of the Kowloon Walled City", the plot has been changed slightly, and it may be more beautiful

The pre-history of the story involves the feud between the older generation of gang characters Di Qiu (played by Ren Xianqi), Tornado (played by Louis Koo) and Chen Zhan (played by Aaron Kwok). The trio fought fiercely for control of the Kowloon Walled City. Di Qiu is the same faction as Tornado, and Chen Zhan is the other faction, Chen Zhan brutally killed Di Qiu's wife and a pair of young children in order to make Di Qiu submit. And with Di Qiu on his back, Chen Zhan and Tornado have always been brothers in private. In Tornado's final duel with Chen Zhan, the two of them blindfolded each other before they succeeded. In the end, Chen Zhan was killed, and Tornado also fulfilled Chen Zhan's last wish and sent Chen Zhan's wife and children out of Hong Kong. And Di Qiu has been obsessed with avenging his dead wife and children for many years, constantly chasing the whereabouts of Chen Zhan's wife and children, trying to return a tooth for a tooth and an eye for an eye.

"The Siege of the Kowloon Walled City", the plot has been changed slightly, and it may be more beautiful

The inspirational event of the story comes from Chen Luojun (played by Lin Feng), a young man who smuggled into Hong Kong, who accidentally hid in the walled city and was kindly taken in by Tornado. And so, the conflict came. Di Qiu wanted to kill Chen Luojun; Tornado wants to protect Chen Luojun, not only is the brotherhood between Di Qiu and Tornado in crisis, but also attracts the big boss (Sammo Hung) who has been eyeing him to join the war.

"The Siege of the Kowloon Walled City", the plot has been changed slightly, and it may be more beautiful

The story unfolds with Chen Luojun as the protagonist, but in terms of personality, it is obviously not as rich and distinct as several other characters, and the actors' skills are obviously inferior to several old actors. And the bigger deficiency in the plot is that Chen Luojun entered Jiulong Village for no reason, and he happened to be Chen Zhan's son, so this coincidence suddenly lowered the quality of the story and reduced it to a third-rate drama.

"The Siege of the Kowloon Walled City", the plot has been changed slightly, and it may be more beautiful

Subsequently, the most three-dimensional and complex character tornado was also lowered at the same time. He first took in Chen Luojun unknowingly and took care of him, and then sacrificed his life to protect Chen Luojun after knowing it. The latter can be said to be for brotherhood, in order to redeem the mistakes he made back then, so what kind of motive is the former for? In order to seek benefits, he was able to resolutely put down his brotherhood, kill Chen Zhan, and swear his authority with Chen's padded jacket, which was tantamount to stepping on his brother's body to ascend to the throne, so he was slapped by Chen's wife. Can such a ruthless character who "can afford to let go" the city government be so easy to hide from a strange intruder? What's more, this stranger is also involved in the big boss, an opponent that cannot be underestimated? Didn't he weigh which was more important? For a person who has never known each other and has no interests to ask for, he is willing to take the risk of breaking into the bedside of the big boss, returning the goods and losing money, is this still the tornado of the war against Chen Zhan?

"The Siege of the Kowloon Walled City", the plot has been changed slightly, and it may be more beautiful

In short, Chen Luojun appeared without a reason, and the tornado's behavior had no origin, causing the entire plot to float on the surface. It does not show the complex, deceitful, and intriguing side of human nature in classic Hong Kong films, nor does it really highlight the real chivalry and responsibility of the characters between good and evil.

"The Siege of the Kowloon Walled City", the plot has been changed slightly, and it may be more beautiful

Try to modify the plot in this way, maybe you can turn decay into magic.

"The Siege of the Kowloon Walled City", the plot has been changed slightly, and it may be more beautiful

The story still starts with Chen Luojun straying into Kowloon Village, but he is not Chen Zhan's son. On the one hand, Tornado took the initiative to take him in, and on the other hand, he secretly said that he was Chen Zhan's son. The reason why he did this was that he knew that his fate would be soon, and secondly, Di Qiu's revenge was as solid as a rock, and he wanted to use a fake son of Chen Zhan as a scapegoat to settle this old grudge once and for all, let Di Qiu let it go, so that Chen Zhan's son could be completely safe, and he could go on the road with peace of mind.

"The Siege of the Kowloon Walled City", the plot has been changed slightly, and it may be more beautiful

However, Chen Luojun's chivalry and righteousness touched the tornado step by step, making him suddenly feel that he was once the ideal self. So, at the last moment, he turned around and sacrificed his life to protect Chen Luojun.

"The Siege of the Kowloon Walled City", the plot has been changed slightly, and it may be more beautiful

In this way, the most taboo coincidences of a good story are eliminated, and the plot logic is smoother. Tornado's behavior also has a human foundation, and presents a complex face of both ghosts and gods. 同时,‬让‬陈‬洛‬军‬从‬应‬对‬龙卷‬风对‬他‬的‬三‬变‬之‬中‬,‬真‬正‬竖‬立起‬主‬人‬公‬的风‬范‬‬,‬从‬感‬恩‬到‬仇‬恨‬再‬到‬理‬解‬,最‬终‬可以一个‬比‬龙‬卷‬风‬更‬有‬作‬为‬更‬有担当更‬有侠义的新‬一‬代‬的九‬龙‬寨‬大‬哥‬。 ‬

"The Siege of the Kowloon Walled City", the plot has been changed slightly, and it may be more beautiful

而在故事的最后,就在陈洛军率重新夺回九龙寨之后,可以再设计一个神来之笔,让真正的陈占之子作为一个狠角色出现在城寨门口,既可为下一部的九龙城寨代言,也成就一个引人浮想的结尾和‬宿命‬感‬。 ‬