
Leaving his wife alone in confinement at home, he took the whole family on a 7-day trip, and only when he stayed in the hotel did he know that there were only 500 left in the card

author:Lost sunflowers

Original article, first published on the whole network, it is strictly forbidden to carry it, and it is necessary to protect rights when moving. This article is a micro-novel, the plot is fictional, please read it rationally.

Li Ming and Xiaomei are a young couple, Li Ming works as an ordinary employee in a company, working 9 to 5 every day, and although the salary is not high, it is also stable. Xiaomei is a full-time wife, taking care of the family's daily life and their three-year-old son Xiaobao on weekdays. Recently, Xiaomei just gave birth to their second child, Xiaodou, and is in the critical period of confinement.

One night, Li Ming dragged his tired body back home, and not long after he sat down, Mrs. Li and Li Xia came to the door. Mrs. Li is Li Ming's mother, over 50 years old, but in good spirits. Li Xia is Li Ming's sister, who is not far away from marriage and often goes back to her parents' house to visit.

"Mom, sister, why are you here?" Li Ming beckoned the two to sit down, with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

Leaving his wife alone in confinement at home, he took the whole family on a 7-day trip, and only when he stayed in the hotel did he know that there were only 500 left in the card

"Let's take a look at Xiaomei and the child." Mrs. Li smiled and said, "By the way, I have something I want to discuss with you." ”

Before Li Ming could respond, Li Xia said impatiently: "Mingzi, my mother and I thought, the weather has been very good recently, why don't we go out for a family trip for seven days and relax." ”

When Xiaomei heard this, she walked out of the bedroom with a tired smile on her face, "Mom, sister, it's not convenient to travel now, right?" I'm still in confinement. ”

"It's okay if you're confined at home alone, Xiaobao will accompany you." Mrs. Li waved her hand, "Besides, Mingzi hasn't rested for a long time, let him go out with us to relax." ”

Leaving his wife alone in confinement at home, he took the whole family on a 7-day trip, and only when he stayed in the hotel did he know that there were only 500 left in the card

Li Ming's heart moved, thinking that he had indeed not had a good rest for a long time. But he glanced at Xiaomei and hesitated a little.

"Xiaomei, what do you think?" Li Ming asked, with a hint of temptation in his tone.

Xiaomei smiled a little helplessly, "If you want to go, you can go, I can take care of myself and the child alone." ”

Li Ming saw that Xiaomei did not strongly object, and the hesitation in his heart was gradually suppressed. He thought to himself, his mother and sister are not easy, they usually take good care of himself and Xiaomei, so let's fulfill their wishes this time.

Leaving his wife alone in confinement at home, he took the whole family on a 7-day trip, and only when he stayed in the hotel did he know that there were only 500 left in the card

"Okay, Mom, sister, let's go on a seven-day trip." Li Ming made up his mind.

When Li Xia heard this, she was so happy that she almost jumped up, "Great! I've wanted to hang out for a long time. ”

"Xiaomei, don't worry, we will come back as soon as possible." Li Ming walked over and gently held Xiaomei's hand, with apologies in his tone.

Xiaomei nodded, although she was a little reluctant in her heart, she still smiled reluctantly, "Have fun, don't worry about me." ”

Leaving his wife alone in confinement at home, he took the whole family on a 7-day trip, and only when he stayed in the hotel did he know that there were only 500 left in the card

The next day, Li Ming took a leave of absence and began to prepare for the trip. Mrs. Li and Li Xia were in charge of arranging travel routes and accommodation, while Li Ming was busy preparing some necessities. Before the three of them left, Li Ming specially instructed Xiaomei to pay attention to her body and take care of the child.

"Akiko, are you really going?" Xiaomei couldn't help but ask in the end, with a hint of uneasiness in her tone.

"Don't worry, Xiaomei, I will call back at any time to confirm the situation of you and the child." Li Ming comforted, "Moreover, my mother and sister are very excited, so let's do our filial piety." ”

Xiaomei nodded, didn't say anything more, just silently watched the back of Li Ming getting in the car and leaving.

Leaving his wife alone in confinement at home, he took the whole family on a 7-day trip, and only when he stayed in the hotel did he know that there were only 500 left in the card

As soon as they arrived at their destination, Mrs. Li and Li Xia were as excited as children, taking pictures and visiting scenic spots. Li Ming is preoccupied, and always takes out his mobile phone from time to time to see if there is any news of Xiaomei.

"Akiko, don't always worry, it's relaxing to come out this time." Li Xia patted Li Ming's shoulder, "Look, how beautiful this place is." ”

Li Ming smiled reluctantly, put away his phone, and tried to relax. However, there was always a feeling of uneasiness in his heart, as if something was brewing.

During the few days of his trip, Li Ming found that his mother and sister's consumption concept was very different from his own. Mrs. Li and Li Xia always pick the most expensive restaurants and the most luxurious hotels, and they don't seem to care about the expenses at all.

Leaving his wife alone in confinement at home, he took the whole family on a 7-day trip, and only when he stayed in the hotel did he know that there were only 500 left in the card

"Mom, this restaurant is too expensive, let's go to the one next door, the dishes are good." Li Ming suggested, looking at the high prices on the menu, he couldn't help but shiver in his heart.

"Akiko, it's hard for us to come out once, of course we have to eat well." Mrs. Li said disappreciably, "Didn't you also say that money is earned and spent." ”

"Yes, Akiko, don't always save it, come out and have fun." Li Xia echoed, undisguised her excitement.

Li Ming had no choice but to order a few dishes, but he began to calculate the rest of the budget in his heart.

Leaving his wife alone in confinement at home, he took the whole family on a 7-day trip, and only when he stayed in the hotel did he know that there were only 500 left in the card

A few days later, they arrived in a new city, and Mrs. Li and Li Xia still insisted on staying in a luxury hotel. Li Ming hesitated, but finally listened to their advice. After checking into the hotel, Li Ming secretly calculated the remaining money in the room and found that there was not much left in the balance.

"Mom, sister, the cost of our trip is a bit out of budget, can we save a little bit on the next trip?" Li Ming said tentatively.

"Akiko, why are you so stingy? Isn't it just to have fun? Mrs. Li said unhappily.

"Yes, it's hard to make a trip, so don't calculate." Li Xia also looked impatient.

Leaving his wife alone in confinement at home, he took the whole family on a 7-day trip, and only when he stayed in the hotel did he know that there were only 500 left in the card

"But......" Li Ming wanted to explain something more, but was interrupted by Mrs. Li.

"Okay, okay, don't always mention money, it's fun."

Li Ming could only sigh silently, and the uneasiness in his heart became more and more intense.

Finally, on the last day of the trip, they checked into a more luxurious hotel. When Li Ming checked in, he was told that the balance was insufficient when he swiped his card.

Leaving his wife alone in confinement at home, he took the whole family on a 7-day trip, and only when he stayed in the hotel did he know that there were only 500 left in the card

"I'm sorry, sir, but you don't have enough money on your card to pay for this time." The front desk lady said politely.

Li Ming was stunned, and quickly opened his mobile phone to check the account balance, and found that there was only 500 yuan left in the card.

"How so?" Li Ming muttered to himself in a low voice, his face pale.

"Akiko, what's wrong?" Mrs. Li walked over and frowned when she saw Li Ming's expression.

Leaving his wife alone in confinement at home, he took the whole family on a 7-day trip, and only when he stayed in the hotel did he know that there were only 500 left in the card

"Mom, sister, we don't have enough money to pay for the room......" Li Ming said with difficulty, his voice trembling a little.

"What?" Mrs. Li and Li Xia exclaimed at the same time.

"I only have 500 yuan left in my card, which is not enough to pay for this hotel." Li Ming explained helplessly, feeling deeply embarrassed and helpless.

"What then?" Li Xia was a little flustered.

Leaving his wife alone in confinement at home, he took the whole family on a 7-day trip, and only when he stayed in the hotel did he know that there were only 500 left in the card

"I'll have to contact a friend to borrow money quickly, or we'll have nowhere to live tonight." Li Ming hurriedly took out his mobile phone and began to make calls.

However, several phone calls were unsuccessful, some friends were busy, and some could not transfer money immediately. Li Ming's mood became more and more anxious, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

"I'm sorry, we've had some problems, can you give us a little more time?" Li Ming had to intercede with the front desk lady.

"Sir, we can have an hour of grace, but you need to solve the problem as soon as possible." The front desk lady responded politely.

Leaving his wife alone in confinement at home, he took the whole family on a 7-day trip, and only when he stayed in the hotel did he know that there were only 500 left in the card

Li Ming felt a pang of despair, he knew that time was pressing, but he didn't have any clue.

"Mom, sister, I'm really sorry, I didn't expect this to happen." Li Ming's voice was full of guilt and helplessness.

Mrs. Li and Li Xia looked at each other, and there was a worried look on their faces. They finally realized that what they had been asking for might have gone too far.

"Akiko, what can we do?" Mrs. Li asked, less reproach and more concern in her voice.

Leaving his wife alone in confinement at home, he took the whole family on a 7-day trip, and only when he stayed in the hotel did he know that there were only 500 left in the card

"Find a place to sit down first, and then I'll figure it out." After Li Ming finished speaking, he took his mother and sister to find a corner and sit down, and continued to make calls.

In the nervous waiting, Li Ming finally contacted a friend who was willing to help, and the other party promised to transfer the money immediately. Li Ming breathed a sigh of relief, but the pressure in his heart still did not lessen.

In the midst of nervous waiting, Li Ming finally contacted a colleague from the company who was willing to help. Without saying a word, the other party immediately transferred an emergency fund to Li Ming's account. Li Ming looked at the amount of money that had arrived, and breathed a sigh of relief, and the big stone in his heart finally landed.

"Mom, sister, the money has arrived, we can go to the checkout." Li Ming walked to the front desk, swiped his card again, and this time paid the room fee smoothly.

Leaving his wife alone in confinement at home, he took the whole family on a 7-day trip, and only when he stayed in the hotel did he know that there were only 500 left in the card

"Thank you, Akiko." Mrs. Li said gratefully, and Li Xia also nodded again and again.

"Let's go back, this trip is over." Li Ming sighed, left the hotel with his mother and sister, and set out on the way home.

On the return train, Li Ming was silent for a long time, and finally mustered up the courage to speak: "Mom, sister, I know that you are here to let me relax, but the cost of this trip is too great. ”

Mrs. Li and Li Xia glanced at each other, and Li Xia spoke first: "Mingzi, we really didn't expect to spend so much money, I'm sorry." ”

Leaving his wife alone in confinement at home, he took the whole family on a 7-day trip, and only when he stayed in the hotel did he know that there were only 500 left in the card

"Akiko, why didn't you say it earlier? We are also ignorant. Mrs. Li's voice was full of remorse.

"Actually, I've always been worried that Xiaomei is confined at home alone, she is really hard." Li Ming whispered, his eyes full of guilt.

"Yes, it's really not easy for Xiaomei to take care of the child alone." Li Xia said with emotion.

"Mom, sister, I hope you can understand, I not only have to support my family now, but also take care of Xiaomei and the child, and the pressure is really high." Li Ming continued, "Can we save a little in the future, after all, the burden on the family is very heavy. ”

Leaving his wife alone in confinement at home, he took the whole family on a 7-day trip, and only when he stayed in the hotel did he know that there were only 500 left in the card

Mrs. Li nodded, "Mingzi, you're right, we are too selfish, we will pay attention to it in the future." ”

"Yes, we'll think more about your feelings in the future." Li Xia also said.

This conversation finally released the depression in Li Ming's heart, and he felt that his relationship with his family seemed to have become closer.

Back at home, as soon as Li Ming entered the door, he saw Xiaomei sitting on the sofa with Xiaodou in her arms, her eyes full of exhaustion.

Leaving his wife alone in confinement at home, he took the whole family on a 7-day trip, and only when he stayed in the hotel did he know that there were only 500 left in the card

"Xiaomei, I'm back." Li Ming walked over and hugged her gently.

"You're back, did you have a smooth journey?" Xiaomei barely smiled.

"It's fine, but I have a lot to say to you." Li Ming sat down, held Xiaomei's hand, and looked at her affectionately, "Xiaomei, this trip has made me understand a lot, and it has also made me more aware of your difficulties." ”

Xiaomei was slightly stunned, then nodded, "It's good if you can come back." ”

Leaving his wife alone in confinement at home, he took the whole family on a 7-day trip, and only when he stayed in the hotel did he know that there were only 500 left in the card

"I'm sorry to leave you home alone. I will pay more attention to the family in the future and no longer let you bear so much alone. Li Ming's tone was full of apology and determination.

"I know you have a lot of pressure, but we are a family and we should bear it together." Mei replied gently.

Li Ming took a deep breath, "Xiaomei, I will try my best to make our lives better, and I will care more about you and the child." Thank you for your continued support and understanding. ”

A hint of emotion flashed in Xiaomei's eyes, "I believe in you, Akiko, let's work together." ”

Leaving his wife alone in confinement at home, he took the whole family on a 7-day trip, and only when he stayed in the hotel did he know that there were only 500 left in the card

With Li Ming's commitment, their relationship became even stronger. Mrs. Li and Li Xia also began to reflect on their behavior, determined not to add unnecessary pressure to Li Ming in the future.

That night, Li Ming sat on the edge of Xiaobao's bed, telling interesting stories about the journey, and Xiaobao listened with relish, laughing happily from time to time.

"Xiaobao, you have to listen to your mother obediently, and your father will always be by your side." Li Ming said softly, his heart full of hope for the future.

The family finally found a new balance in this turmoil, and Li Ming became more clear about his responsibilities and direction. Although life is still full of challenges, he believes that as long as the family works together, they can overcome all difficulties and meet a better tomorrow.

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