
Philippine kidnapping and ticket tearing case - one of the deceased was a Chinese American, and the Chinese police and FBI intervened in the investigation

author:Sing Tao Chronicle

Two executives of a Chinese medical device company were kidnapped and torn off tickets while working in the Philippines recently, causing concern. According to reports, the two are suspected of being lured to the local area and then kidnapped and torn tickets, and the Chinese Ministry of Public Security and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) are cooperating with the Philippine police's anti-kidnapping team to investigate.

Philippine kidnapping and ticket tearing case - one of the deceased was a Chinese American, and the Chinese police and FBI intervened in the investigation

The picture on the left shows Xia Kefu, and the picture on the right shows Sun Jing. Philippine Business Daily

According to a report by the Philippine Business Daily today, Xia Kefu, a 39-year-old Chinese citizen who was killed, is the international marketing director of Suzhou Runmed Medical Technology Co., Ltd. On May 14 this year, he met Sun Jing, a Chinese-American who is also exhibiting at the European Cardiovascular Interventional Conference (EuroPCR) in Paris, France, and is engaged in the medical device business in China.

Philippine kidnapping and ticket tearing case - one of the deceased was a Chinese American, and the Chinese police and FBI intervened in the investigation

There is news that the family has demanded ransom.

Sun Jing introduced Li Na, a self-proclaimed distributor of Meder Medical Equipment Company in the Philippines, to Xia Kefu, and agreed to be invited by the latter to come to the Philippines in June to negotiate business. According to the victim's family, during the meeting, Li Na mentioned that "the boss is a well-known Fujian businessman in the Philippines, mainly engaged in real estate. This time, the new president of the Philippines came to power, and he helped, so the government gave the opportunity to do government procurement of medical equipment. ”

At noon on June 20, Xia Kefu and Sun Jing departed from Beijing together to take Philippine Airlines flight PR359 to Manila Airport and arrived at about 6 p.m. After Xia Kefu picked up his luggage, the last time he contacted his colleagues was at 6:07 p.m., and since then, his mobile phone has been in a state of inability to contact, and there is a reply on WeChat.

Xia Kefu's wife, Tang Xuan, received several WeChat phone calls (including Xia Kefu's own voice and the voice of a third party) after 11:36 a.m. on June 21, saying that her family members needed to send money electronically if she lost money playing cards at the club. On the same day, the kidnappers and their families had already called and threatened to tear up the tickets if they did not pay. The family continued to communicate with the kidnappers, and through the phone, they learned that Xia Kefu had suffered personal injuries. The family immediately reported the case to the Chinese police, which was accepted, and also reported to the Chinese Embassy in the Philippines and the Philippine National Police, and sent an email to the Philippine National Police Anti-Kidnapping Brigade on the same day.

Sun Jing, a Chinese-American who took the same flight, was unable to get through to his mobile phone after replying to a photo of the ride on WeChat at around 6:57 p.m., and had a few words of reply, but WeChat refused to answer the call. His family also received a ransom demand over the phone.

According to the Philippine Business Daily, the kidnappers once demanded a ransom of 25 million yuan, and one of the family members paid a ransom of 3 million yuan to the kidnappers, but the kidnappers still tore up the ticket.

Philippine kidnapping and ticket tearing case - one of the deceased was a Chinese American, and the Chinese police and FBI intervened in the investigation

The FBI intervened in the investigation. Reuter

At present, China's Ministry of Public Security and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) are cooperating with the Philippine National Police Anti-Kidnapping Brigade in the investigation.

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