
A Vietnamese girl married far away from China, her mother's family frequently asked for money, and her wife begged: she was helping for the last time

(Disclaimer: This article is purely a fictional story, not my own experience, the names of people and places in the article have nothing to do with reality, if there is any similarity, it is purely a coincidence, please read rationally, the pictures in the article are from the Internet)

"Li Zhi, let's help our family for the last time, this time my father is really sick."

"Jasmine, it's really not that I don't help, I don't have any money now, and I'm really scared of being cheated."

After a Vietnamese girl married in China, she was frequently asked for money by her mother's family, and even coaxed her son-in-law to make money on the grounds of her health.

A Vietnamese girl married far away from China, her mother's family frequently asked for money, and her wife begged: she was helping for the last time

It is said that emergency relief is not help the poor, but the Chinese guy, seeing that his father-in-law is in trouble, is unwilling to send money back, and even says that he does not want to be deceived again.

What happened to the Chinese guy Li Zhi, and why do Vietnamese families frequently ask for money?

A Vietnamese girl married far away from China, her mother's family frequently asked for money, and her wife begged: she was helping for the last time

China's loneliness

Li Zhi, a Chinese guy, met Jasmine, a Vietnamese girl, a year ago.

My cousin, who married far away from Vietnam, helped find a girl in Vietnam when she saw that her younger brother had become a "leftover man" due to work.

After that, in order to reassure his family and think that he was also at the age when he should start a family, Li Zhi came to Vietnam on a blind date.

After meeting, Jasmine did not take a fancy to the mediocre-looking Li Zhi, but Li Zhi, at the first sight of the meeting, she was attracted by the beauty of the girl in front of her.

A Vietnamese girl married far away from China, her mother's family frequently asked for money, and her wife begged: she was helping for the last time

Although Jasmine has always refused, Li Zhi still launched a passionate pursuit of Jasmine.

Not only will he take Jasmine's joke to heart, but he will also give all kinds of gifts and flowers.

Jasmine, who had never been valued before, had a different view of Li Zhi after slowly getting in touch, and the two gradually came together.

After talking about marriage, Li Zhi also gave Jasmine a grand and unforgettable wedding, and the two also returned to China to settle down.

A Vietnamese girl married far away from China, her mother's family frequently asked for money, and her wife begged: she was helping for the last time

But Jasmine, who came to China, because of the language barrier, almost no one in the family could communicate with Jasmine.

Even if Jasmine happily talks to her mother-in-law, the two will not understand because of language problems.

Jasmine at home also often suffers from "strange eyes", and when her mother-in-law and neighbors laugh at the door of their house, they smile when they see Jasmine.

Such behavior undoubtedly planted the "seeds of doubt" in Jasmine's heart, and she always felt that her mother-in-law was discussing herself.

A Vietnamese girl married far away from China, her mother's family frequently asked for money, and her wife begged: she was helping for the last time

looked at the people in front of him, and what he said was words that he couldn't understand, which also made Jasmine feel lost.

Jasmine, who came to China, kept telling Li Zhi that she was like an outsider and couldn't fit into the family.

For this reason, he will always quarrel with Li Zhi to express his inner resentment.

Li Zhi saw Jasmine's sad appearance, so he could only discuss with Jasmine and ask a Chinese tutor to teach at home.

A Vietnamese girl married far away from China, her mother's family frequently asked for money, and her wife begged: she was helping for the last time

But Jasmine, who had never been to school, knew her own abilities, so she rejected Li Zhi's request, only hoping that Li Zhi could teach him slowly.

After Li Zhi knew Jasmine's thoughts, he could only comfort Jasmine in every possible way, saying that the teacher he invited must be more detailed.

Under Li Zhi's constant persuasion, Jasmine finally agreed to her husband's method and thought about trying to learn Chinese by herself.

During the period of learning Chinese, Jasmine worked very hard, except for the teacher's half-day teaching, almost half of the remaining day was spent preparing by herself.

A Vietnamese girl married far away from China, her mother's family frequently asked for money, and her wife begged: she was helping for the last time

In her spare time, Jasmine also calls her Vietnamese family to talk about her life in China.

Jasmine, who has always reported good news and not bad news, told all about the benefits of living in China and the living conditions of her Chinese family.

With the rise of Li Zhi's career, Jasmine can gradually use Chinese to communicate with people to the most basic level.

After discussing with Jasmine, Li Zhi also decided to change to a larger house in the town and live separately from his parents at home.

A Vietnamese girl married far away from China, her mother's family frequently asked for money, and her wife begged: she was helping for the last time

Vietnamese family

When Li Zhi and Jasmine changed to a new house and shared their joy at home, it also made Vietnamese parents have other thoughts.

As Li Zhi's economic situation gradually revealed, the Vietnamese parents' borrowing also followed.

At first, he just said that the family couldn't turn around for a while, and wanted Li Zhi to help turn around and come up with some money.

Li Zhi looked at his Vietnamese parents, so he thought about helping his father-in-law's family, and directly transferred the money.

A Vietnamese girl married far away from China, her mother's family frequently asked for money, and her wife begged: she was helping for the last time

However, Li Zhi's generosity did not usher in the guilt of his Vietnamese parents, but instead regarded Li Zhi as a wronged boss and started endless demands.

It's not the child's tuition, or you want to redecorate, or the child in the family is sick.

At the end of every month, he will ask Li Zhi for money for various reasons, and even the excuse of being sick 3 times a month can be found.

As the amount of money demanded increased, the amount became larger and larger, and the reasons became more and more exaggerated, Li Zhi finally realized that something was wrong.

A Vietnamese girl married far away from China, her mother's family frequently asked for money, and her wife begged: she was helping for the last time

When he asked for money at home in Vietnam, Li Zhi was on the phone with a "sloppy eye." ”

said that his salary has not yet arrived, or his brother is in a hurry to use the money, and he does not have much money on hand.

Vietnamese parents don't know what to do when they see that the solution is no longer working, because they are doing these things behind their daughter's back.

Every time I called, I knew from Jasmine's face that Li Zhi had not communicated with Jasmine about this matter.

A Vietnamese girl married far away from China, her mother's family frequently asked for money, and her wife begged: she was helping for the last time

So after not giving money, Vietnamese parents didn't dare to take action, for fear of forcing Li Zhi into a hurry, and Li Zhi would tell the whole story.

But within a week of stopping, my Vietnamese father was also injured in an accident.

The Vietnamese father, who was working at the construction site, stepped on half of the steel bar because he didn't pay attention and directly crossed the entire calf.

The Vietnamese mother who received the news couldn't come up with this "huge surgery fee" for a while, so she could only call her son and daughter for help.

A Vietnamese girl married far away from China, her mother's family frequently asked for money, and her wife begged: she was helping for the last time

Jasmine, who received the news at home, was so nervous that she didn't know what to do, so she could only tell her mother to have surgery first and rush home immediately.

So Jasmine found her husband to get the money, but when Li Zhi heard that he wanted to help the Vietnamese family, he decisively refused.

Jasmine looked at her husband's cold appearance and had a fierce quarrel with Li Zhi.

In the office, Jasmine's crying can be heard by almost all employees outside, which also attracts many onlookers.

A Vietnamese girl married far away from China, her mother's family frequently asked for money, and her wife begged: she was helping for the last time

Seeing that he was in the company, in order to prevent Jasmine from making trouble, Li Zhi transferred 2,000 yuan to Jasmine.

Looking at the meager transfer, Jasmine even said that the money was not enough, and her father needed surgery.

And Li Zhi listened to Jasmine's words, and couldn't help but say that his patience was limited, and he didn't have time to accompany Jasmine's family to make trouble.

Jasmine listened to Li Zhi's words, and couldn't help but ask what this meant, who would take illness to act.

A Vietnamese girl married far away from China, her mother's family frequently asked for money, and her wife begged: she was helping for the last time

Li Zhi listened to Jasmine's accusations, and finally couldn't bear to yell at his wife, asking her to ask the Vietnamese family what they had done.

Looking at Li Zhi's appearance, Jasmine called her Vietnamese mother suspiciously to inquire.

At first, the Vietnamese mother was reluctant to say more, and even hung up the phone directly, but under Jasmine's threat, the Vietnamese mother still confided in it all.

When Jasmine heard that her parents kept asking Li Zhi for money, Jasmine finally couldn't stand it and beat her mother.

A Vietnamese girl married far away from China, her mother's family frequently asked for money, and her wife begged: she was helping for the last time

Father-in-law's assurance

After asking her mother, Jasmine learned that her father had given all the money to her brother and sister-in-law's family.

Because the business of my brother's factory was not optimistic, the factory closed down little by little, but it still owed the wages of the employees.

If you borrow money from Li Zhi, your brother, who has not worked for a short time, will definitely not be able to pay it back, so he thought of a way to ask for money.

The family did not think of various reasons to ask Li Zhi for money to settle his salary.

A Vietnamese girl married far away from China, her mother's family frequently asked for money, and her wife begged: she was helping for the last time

Seeing that Li Zhi had gradually become suspicious, the family wanted to stop for a few days, but they didn't expect that his Vietnamese father had another accident.

After listening to her mother's words, Jasmine felt resentment in her heart, but there was nothing she could do.

For her father's surgery fee, Jasmine could only wait at home for Li Zhi to return and discuss.

After Li Zhi returned home at night, Jasmine also went straight to the point, telling about the difficulties at home and the misunderstanding of asking for money before.

A Vietnamese girl married far away from China, her mother's family frequently asked for money, and her wife begged: she was helping for the last time

Li Zhi listened to it in his heart, and he was very entangled in whether to help, but as soon as he remembered the previous "sick scam", he came back to his senses.

But every time he looked at the tears in the corners of his wife's eyes, Li Zhi's heart was very sad.

So Li Zhi discussed with Jasmine and went back home together, if this was true, then he would definitely not stand idly by.

After the husband and wife communicated, Li Zhi followed Jasmine back to Vietnam for a visit.

A Vietnamese girl married far away from China, her mother's family frequently asked for money, and her wife begged: she was helping for the last time

Seeing that his father-in-law was really seriously ill, Li Zhi hurriedly made up the remaining surgery costs, as well as various medical expenses.

Seeing his wife crying sadly, Li Zhi felt extremely guilty in his heart, and kept complaining about his villainous heart.

During their stay in the hospital, the couple and their Vietnamese mother took turns taking care of their father-in-law, who had just undergone surgery.

But during this period, Vietnam's biological son was also afraid of putting himself in the hospital because he had no money, so he didn't come once.

A Vietnamese girl married far away from China, her mother's family frequently asked for money, and her wife begged: she was helping for the last time

Even after Jasmine called home and told her brother that the surgery fee had been paid, her Vietnamese son did not want to step into the hospital.

No one knows what Jasmine's brother is thinking, maybe he is afraid that he will run into his brother-in-law and share the medical expenses, or he may be afraid that he will get his money back.

No matter what his family told him, and even his Vietnamese mother came home to scold, Jasmine's brother always stayed at home like a "turtle with a shrunken head".

After the Vietnamese father woke up, learned everything, and looked at his son-in-law and daughter in front of him, he couldn't help but sigh.

A Vietnamese girl married far away from China, her mother's family frequently asked for money, and her wife begged: she was helping for the last time

The son he raised since he was a child is like a white-eyed wolf, regardless of his own life or death, but is a daughter who marries far away, and does not want to come thousands of miles to take care of him.

The Vietnamese father, who was lying on the bed, also understood his mistake in his heart.

On the hospital bed, he assured his Chinese son-in-law in front of him that he would definitely return the money for treatment to Li Zhi.

In addition, the money asked for before will be returned by his son little by little after he gets better.

A Vietnamese girl married far away from China, her mother's family frequently asked for money, and her wife begged: she was helping for the last time

And after Li Zhi heard it, he even said that this was "life-saving money" and did not need to be repaid, so he should do his filial piety and that of Jasmine.

As for the eldest brother's money, he can wait, and it is not too late to repay the money, but it must be earned by the eldest brother.

Jasmine looked at Li Zhi's appearance, and her heart was also moved, and the Vietnamese parents on the side also understood in their hearts that their son-in-law was angry for them.

(Disclaimer: This article is purely a fictional story, not my own experience, the names of people and places in the article have nothing to do with reality, if there is any similarity, it is purely a coincidence, please read rationally, the pictures in the article are from the Internet)

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