
Realize the intrinsic safety of the enterprise with human safety

author:Heilongjiang News Network
Realize the intrinsic safety of the enterprise with human safety

Daqing Petrochemical has an annual aromatic hydrocarbon extraction unit of 400,000 tons.

Realize the intrinsic safety of the enterprise with human safety

Daqing Petrochemical Co., Ltd. and the Municipal Bureau of Ecology and Environment jointly held the 2024 "Local Enterprise Cooperation" emergency drill for environmental emergencies at the ammonia tank area of the synthetic ammonia plant of the fertilizer operation department.

Realize the intrinsic safety of the enterprise with human safety

The front-line staff of Daqing Petrochemical Co., Ltd. adjusted the valve to ensure the smooth operation of the plant.

Realize the intrinsic safety of the enterprise with human safety

The technical staff of the catalytic reforming unit area of Daqing Petrochemical Company confirmed the on-site equipment and facilities.

Realize the intrinsic safety of the enterprise with human safety

In the central control room of Daqing Petrochemical Industry Zone, the staff are carefully monitoring and adjusting the operating parameters.

Realize the intrinsic safety of the enterprise with human safety

Panorama of Daqing Petrochemical Industry Zone. The pictures in this edition are provided by Daqing Petrochemical Company

□ Yu Qiang, Secretary of the Party Committee and Executive Director of Daqing Petrochemical Company

General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on production safety has profoundly revealed the extreme importance of production safety, fully demonstrated the value concept of people first and life first, and is the fundamental principle for coordinating development and safety and comprehensively improving the level of development. As a large state-owned petrochemical enterprise, Daqing Petrochemical Co., Ltd. shoulders the important task of ensuring national energy security and promoting local economic development, always regards safety work as a political task and a top priority, and always puts safety work in the position of "before everything, above everything and above everything", and transforms the sense of responsibility of "always rest assured" into the action force of "everything is at heart". Provide strong protection.


Comprehend the theme and promote the improvement of safety awareness of all employees

Under the strict management year by year, the overall situation of safety production in the country continues to improve, however, safety production accidents have not been completely contained, and the alarm bell has been sounded again and again, fully reflecting that safety production is not a short-term activity, but requires long-term and sustained efforts. June this year is the 23rd National "Safety Production Month", with the theme of "Everyone Stresses Safety, Everyone Knows How to Respond to Emergencies - Smooth the Passage of Life". This theme is not only a summary and inheritance of the previous work, but also a prospect and expectation for the future work, reflecting the great importance and long-term investment in safety production work.

Everyone talks about safety based on awareness improvement, and it is important to pay attention to it. Embedding safety awareness in the minds of all employees and tightening the safety string is the top priority of safety work. Daqing Petrochemical Co., Ltd. fully and thoroughly implements the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on production safety, firmly establishes the red line awareness of "human life is critical, and development must not be at the expense of human life", and promotes the deep integration of the concept of safe development and enterprise production and operation. The theoretical learning center group of the company's two-level party committee held a special reading class on "creating an intrinsically safe and green low-carbon enterprise", and at the same time adopted the forms of individual self-study, concentrated learning, special seminars, watching lectures, and expert guidance, so as to improve the position, broaden the horizon and enhance the ability in repeated study and learning exchanges. Party members and leading cadres take the lead in carrying out propaganda at all levels, in view of the relatively weak foundation of old enterprises and the difficulty of management, explain the current situation, policy requirements, goals and tasks, etc., and promote the acceleration of the "three changes" of ideology, management mode and safety control. Grass-roots units combined with the "three meetings and one lesson", theme party days, etc., to strengthen the performance of employee education, the safety production content of all levels of training, daily operations, truly make safety a consciousness, abide by safety a habit.

Each emergency comes from the accumulation of practice, and it is more expensive than usual. The emergency response capability comes from the accumulation of safety experience, from the deep analysis and reflection of accident cases, from the daily simulation drill and the summary and refinement after the drill. Each emergency response can not require employees to memorize the emergency rescue plan, but should insist on more practice, more training, more drills, more practice, more summary, more thinking, more refinement, the emergency ability into the heart, until it becomes their own behavior habits, critical time to be able to their own emergency ability, accurate application to the scene emergency response. In the first half of 2024, Daqing Petrochemical Company will carry out a total of 2 company-level emergency drills, 24 branch-level emergency drills, and more than 3,200 team-level emergency drills, and compile 1,766 emergency operation cards and one-minute emergency response points. At the same time, Daqing Petrochemical Company has achieved effective training of safety awareness, optimization of safety operation methods and efficient improvement of safety protection skills by carrying out accident management and 20 hours of safety education and training for all employees, further grasping the line of defense of safety production, and promoting the stable and positive development of the safety production situation.

Smooth life channels lie in the unity of consciousness and practice, and the most important thing is persistence. There are various forms of life passages, such as the doors of corridors, rooms and warehouses in office buildings, the ladders and working platforms for high-altitude workers, and the life support measures for limited spaces. We must always keep in mind the "three inequalities" of safety production that "layout is not equal to implementation, grasping is not equal to grasping, and no problem does not mean no problem" of safety production, to ensure that "safety does not take shortcuts", consciously develop the awareness and behavior habits of unblocking the passage of life, do not create potential safety hazards because of the desire to save trouble, and do not make emergency rescue unsmooth because of convenience. The unimpeded passage of life cannot be limited to words, but must be put into action, and we must not become the creator of the accident, the perpetrator of the accident, or the casualty of the accident. You and I are responsible for safe work, you and I must be responsible, we cannot be held accountable for failure to do so, and we cannot become sinners in safety work at any time. In view of the hazardous chemical characteristics of the enterprise, Daqing Petrochemical Company actively carried out tangible life channels such as special inspections on fire safety, strengthened research and judgment of construction operations, carried out emergency drills for emergencies, and held intangible life channel activities such as safety avoidance knowledge competitions and cardiopulmonary resuscitation skills training during the "Safety Production Month", so as to implement the red line without giving in, keep the bottom line without relaxation, and build a solid safety barrier.


Multi-pronged approach to implement the responsibility system with a sense of responsibility

"Hayne's Law" warns us that no matter how good the technology is, no matter how perfect the regulations, can not replace the quality and responsibility of people themselves. According to the research of relevant experts, more than 90% of accidents are caused by unsafe human behavior, and the root cause of the lack of responsibility can be found in almost all the large and small accidents that have occurred in recent years. The sense of responsibility for safe production is the professional ethics of each employee and the profound embodiment of the company's social responsibility. Daqing Petrochemical Company firmly grasps the relationship between "1" and "0", and realizes the goal of "safety and security, work in the hand, and responsibility on the shoulders" of leading cadres at all levels in strengthening the implementation of safety production responsibilities. By improving and improving the list of safety production responsibilities covering all positions, breaking the barriers and barriers of decentralized and fragmented management at the grassroots level in the past, and solving the phenomena of "suspension", "general coarseness up and down" and "two-layer skin" of responsibility, and establishing an integrated centralized operation mode with engineering thinking, to ensure that the safety production work standards only rise and do not fall, and the requirements only increase and do not decrease.

Break the problem by establishing rules and regulations, and abandon "loose and soft" to create "strict and meticulous". Combined with the theme of the 2024 "Safety Production Month" activity, referring to many previous accident cases in China, Daqing Petrochemical Company earnestly learned from the lessons of the past, on the one hand, it reasonably planned the vehicle parking area near the important roads in the factory area, and added surveillance cameras in the installation area and main roads to monitor the road traffic status and prevent the traffic of fire and rescue vehicles from being blocked and delayed due to illegal occupation of the road by vehicles. On the other hand, set up emergency assembly points, clarify employees' right to avoid danger, and authorize employees to evacuate to emergency assembly points in the case of critical personal safety to avoid secondary accidents such as personal injury.

Build a foundation with safety education, put an end to "low, old and bad", and cultivate "high-tech good". Daqing Petrochemical Company has made it clear that safety awareness is the core of the sense of responsibility for safety production, and in view of the "12 bad states" such as the lack of progress and self-preservation of the cadre team, it has innovatively carried out the practice of "one heart and two forces" with responsibility, ability and execution as the main content, and coordinated with the "big reflection and discussion" activities of safety production, and organized all employees to deeply reflect on the shortcomings in safety awareness, safety style, safety quality and safety behavior through regular safety production meetings, professional regular meetings, team safety activities, etc. Combined with reflection to find problems, distinguish positions, each has its own focus, carry out targeted reflection, in-depth analysis of the root causes of repeated recidivism in the past, form a list of problems and improvement measures by category, effectively solve outstanding problems such as non-implementation of responsibility, inadequate supervision, and lack of strict accountability, enhance the awareness of safety and environmental protection of all employees, and create a strong atmosphere in which everyone stresses safety and attaches importance to environmental protection.

Gather strength with safety culture, not be a "bystander" and be a "practitioner". Combined with the inheritance and promotion of fine traditions, we will carry out in-depth special cultural construction represented by safety culture, and closely combine with the Daqing spirit (iron man spirit) re-learning and re-education, "three basics" work, and special actions to improve quality and efficiency, so as to achieve integration and mutual promotion. Through various channels and forms, we will popularize safety knowledge, share safety experience, and disseminate safety culture to the people around us, so as to enhance the safety atmosphere and cohesion of the entire enterprise, and improve the safety awareness and self-protection ability of employees. Consciously practice the fine traditions of "three old, four strict, four same", "workers work in three shifts, and see leaders in each class", "I would rather have a hard life than ninety-nine passable", and further build the cornerstone of safe production with a high sense of responsibility.


Decompose and execute the heavy burden of thousands of pounds, everyone picks

The key to doing a good job in safe production lies in whether we attach great importance to it ideologically and whether we strictly implement it in action. At present, the biggest problem of enterprise safety management is the problem of non-implementation and inadequate implementation.

The decision-making level should strengthen the top-level design and form a good atmosphere of "safety is no trivial matter, and responsibility is greater than the sky". The Party Committee of Daqing Petrochemical Company has effectively played the role of "setting the direction, managing the overall situation, and ensuring implementation", thoroughly implemented the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee, the State Council, and China National Petroleum Corporation, and insisted on including safety and environmental protection work in the "first topic" of the Party Committee; Formulate the "list of responsibilities" and "annual task list" of the leadership team, strengthen the inspection of leaders with shifts and the safety and environmental protection inspection of the responsibility area, and practice it to the front line of safety production to "join the army" and "participate in the war". The main leaders lead by example, the leaders in charge are divided into troops, and the leading cadres at all levels perform their safety and environmental protection responsibilities in a way that is visible to employees; Take the work of safe production as the main assessment indicator for the promotion of leading cadres, start the mechanism of one-vote veto on production safety and the "zero key" for the assessment of leading cadres, and earnestly grasp safety production as a top priority in our hands and hearts.

The management should deeply cultivate the management of people and directors, and forge a cadre team with "high quality and strong quality, able to win battles". The management personnel at all levels of Daqing Petrochemical Company give full play to the role of connecting the upper and lower levels, adhere to the "12-character standard for cadres of state-owned enterprises", strive to be "three strong, six have" cadres, rectify the "12 bad states" and "can not be strict and cannot be implemented" and other performances, and realize the goal of "giving me a job, giving me a job" to "doing it with me, following me" in the process of strengthening the construction of ability and style. Managers should seek more long-term strategies, do more to consolidate the foundation, not only to arrange troops, but also to charge forward, to know the risks and hidden dangers well, to the on-site work scheduling, to take responsibility and ability level into all aspects of production, to improve the ability to deal with various challenges, control complex situations, and be a good safety "center console". Adhere to goal-oriented and result-oriented, not only to take command, but also to recruit in person, not only to see what has been done, but also to see what has been done, to truly transform the ability level into work results, and continue to improve the level of intrinsic safety.

The executive level should implement the responsibility of performing duties and practice the work orientation of "doing what you say and doing it well". To improve the safety awareness of employees, put an end to paralysis and luck psychology, as an important work, the unconditional implementation of the safety production system regulations, as the "iron law" of work, adhere to the strict and tough, pay close attention to the implementation of rules and regulations, standard processes. Vigorously carry forward the spirit of petroleum and the spirit of Daqing (iron man spirit), deepen the practice of "one heart and two forces", take the sense of responsibility, ability and execution as the guarantee of the company's long-term stability and long-term success, fulfill the main responsibility of safety production, and gradually eliminate human insecurity factors to ensure the realization of safe production. Coordinate the relationship between safety and production, safety and efficiency, safety and development, put an end to the practice of the slogan of "shouting out your voice", consolidate the practical action of "making an example", abandon the bad style of "only signing but not implementing, only asking for no implementation" and "taking a breath and resting your feet", cultivate a strict and meticulous work attitude, and adhere to the "six wants and six don'ts", that is, we must be fully prepared and do not rush into battle; It is necessary to have contingency measures and not to lose ground; Start with the details and don't take it lightly; Learn from the previous car, don't go your own way; Draw inferences from one case and don't rest on your laurels; We must make up for the mistakes, and don't make mistakes again and again. Earnestly take responsibility in the heart, take responsibility in the body, and fulfill the responsibility, and form a responsibility system that is responsible at all levels, everyone is responsible, and everyone is responsible.


Cultivating Three Capabilities to Create "Intrinsic Safety"

"To prevent it, to cure it before it happens, to prevent it from happening." Safety production is a systematic project, permeated in all aspects of production and life, all the time, everywhere, if the daily work can not be done "foolproof", the critical moment may be "foolproof".

Daqing Petrochemical Company's current safety production situation management is generally in the transition stage from extensive management to fine management, the basic safety management is still weak, the "three basics" work is not solid enough, the governance system needs to be improved urgently, and some employees have weak safety awareness and weak ability, and are seriously paralyzed, fluke and empiricism. This requires us to always maintain the prudence of walking on thin ice and the sensitivity of seeing Ye Zhiqiu, always maintain a high degree of vigilance against all kinds of risks and hidden dangers, deeply learn the lessons of all kinds of accidents, resolutely overcome the paralysis and laxity of luck psychology, pay close attention to key areas, comprehensively raise safety awareness, improve the professional level, check the risks in the front, make up for the loopholes in the front, eliminate the risks and hidden dangers in the bud, go all out to treat the "diseased" and prevent the "disease", and earnestly move the pass forward and the center of gravity downward, and accelerate the formation of the whole process, all-round, Three-dimensional security risk prevention and control system.

Learn to perceive potential crises in a calm and calm situation, and constantly develop the ability to identify problems. Deepen the understanding of integrated development and security, and rationalize the relationship between inspection and inspection, management and management. Party members and cadres should think about problems from the perspective of the grassroots front line and the masses of employees, and enhance their strong willingness to find problems with a sense of responsibility of "defending the territory and being responsible". Grass-roots employees should actively participate in targeted education and training, be familiar with their own safety and environmental protection responsibilities, always remain vigilant, be good at discovering and observing potential hidden dangers and unsafe behaviors in their positions, change "I want to be safe" to "I want to be safe", and truly become a "person who understands" safety production.

Learn to smooth out the main contradictions in complex things, and constantly cultivate the ability to solve problems. Establish the understanding that "reactive power is faulty, mediocrity is wrong", strengthen the determination and courage to solve problems and difficulties, go to the field to investigate risks and hidden dangers, find problems and draw inferences from one another, and improve the system and mechanism as soon as possible, so as to prevent it first and prevent it early. Use the working method of "playing the piano", grasp the main contradictions and the main aspects of the contradictions, respond to small probability events with high probability thinking, consciously take precautions before the "mountain rain is coming", often grasp, manage, manage, and be strict, and truly become the "guardian" of safe production.

Learn to dig out the root cause of repeated problems, and constantly cultivate the ability to eliminate problems. Deeply realize that the function of safe production is in the present and the benefit of the future, promote the transformation of problem rectification from "passive treatment" to "source resolution", dig deep into the root causes and shortcomings, establish and improve a long-term mechanism, and put an end to repeated mistakes and repeated mistakes. Adhere to the "six haves" cadres and craftsman-level operators as the goal of personal growth planning, take the initiative to undertake the most complex and thorny problems, resolutely put an end to risky command, blind operation, do not produce if it is not safe, do not operate if the conditions are not available, and truly become the "guarantor" of safe production.

Only by being prepared for danger in times of peace can we achieve stability and far-reaching, and only by knowing danger can we climb high and look far. In the new era, new development, new pattern and new requirements, Daqing Petrochemical Company will always keep the important instructions of the general secretary in mind, engrave in the heart and implement the action from the height of stressing politics, stressing party spirit, stressing the overall situation and practicing the "two maintenances", and efficiently coordinate all aspects of safety production with a sense of responsibility of "always rest assured", and greet the 75th anniversary of the founding of New China with excellent safety and environmental protection performance.

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