
Saihan District Veterans Affairs Bureau launched the "Inheritance of Red Genes, Building a New Chapter of the Era - Retired Soldiers and Non-military Retired Workers Celebrate July 1st Symposium"

author:Saihan District Veterans Affairs Bureau
Saihan District Veterans Affairs Bureau launched the "Inheritance of Red Genes, Building a New Chapter of the Era - Retired Soldiers and Non-military Retired Workers Celebrate July 1st Symposium"
Saihan District Veterans Affairs Bureau launched the "Inheritance of Red Genes, Building a New Chapter of the Era - Retired Soldiers and Non-military Retired Workers Celebrate July 1st Symposium"

71 · Party Day

Saihan District Veterans Affairs Bureau launched the "Inheritance of Red Genes, Building a New Chapter of the Era - Retired Soldiers and Non-military Retired Workers Celebrate July 1st Symposium"

The sun in July is gorgeous and colorful, and the party emblem in July is shining. On the morning of July 1, the Saihan District Veterans Affairs Bureau launched the "Inheritance of Red Genes and Building a New Chapter of the Times - Celebration of July 1st Symposium for Retired Soldiers and Non-military Retired Workers" in Nongdadong Community, Daxue East Road Street. Su Guohui, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Saihan District Veterans Affairs Bureau, Wang Xiangdong, Director of the Armed Forces Department of Daxue East Road Sub-district, and Li Lin, Secretary of the Nongdadong Community, attended the event.

At the beginning of the event, a political birthday celebration ceremony was held for retired party members without military status in the community, medals were awarded, party emblems were worn, and the oath of joining the party was reviewed under the bright party flag. After the oath-taking, political birthday cards were presented to the party members.

Saihan District Veterans Affairs Bureau launched the "Inheritance of Red Genes, Building a New Chapter of the Era - Retired Soldiers and Non-military Retired Workers Celebrate July 1st Symposium"

Subsequently, Comrade Su Guohui had a discussion and exchange with the veteran party members, expressed cordial greetings to the retired party members, thanked them for their contributions to the cause of retired soldiers, hoped that they could pass on the good tradition and good style to the younger generation, and also encouraged them to give more valuable opinions for the work of veterans' affairs.

Saihan District Veterans Affairs Bureau launched the "Inheritance of Red Genes, Building a New Chapter of the Era - Retired Soldiers and Non-military Retired Workers Celebrate July 1st Symposium"
Saihan District Veterans Affairs Bureau launched the "Inheritance of Red Genes, Building a New Chapter of the Era - Retired Soldiers and Non-military Retired Workers Celebrate July 1st Symposium"
Saihan District Veterans Affairs Bureau launched the "Inheritance of Red Genes, Building a New Chapter of the Era - Retired Soldiers and Non-military Retired Workers Celebrate July 1st Symposium"

During the exchange, Zeng Shangdong, a retired party member, looked back on the past and looked forward to the future, thanked the District Veterans Affairs Bureau for its work in recent years, lamented the hard work of the past and the hard-won life of a better life, and asked young people to feel the party's kindness, listen to the party, follow the party, and shoulder the responsibilities entrusted by the party in the new era.

Saihan District Veterans Affairs Bureau launched the "Inheritance of Red Genes, Building a New Chapter of the Era - Retired Soldiers and Non-military Retired Workers Celebrate July 1st Symposium"

After the event, Comrade Su Guohui sent flowers and books to the retired veteran party members, and hoped that they would continue to support the work of retired soldiers in the future, actively participate in social activities, give full play to their residual heat, and truly do not leave the party and retire without fading.

Written by: Yang Shang

Preliminary review: Cheng Hongnan

Re-examiner: Zou Lijun

Final review: Su Guohui