
Carroll reveals Brazil's Olympic roster: with three, two, three passes, and three receptions! Brazil's Wang Yunrui was ruthlessly abandoned

author:The golden retriever of the women's volleyball team who loves sports

Yesterday, some fans found that a photo of the 13 players of the Brazilian women's volleyball team was suddenly posted on the social media of Carol, the deputy attack of the Brazilian women's volleyball team, and everyone speculated that it was the Olympic list of the Brazilian women's volleyball team 12+1, as follows:

Carroll reveals Brazil's Olympic roster: with three, two, three passes, and three receptions! Brazil's Wang Yunrui was ruthlessly abandoned

Main attackers: Gabi, Anna Christina, Daloit

Secondary attack: Taisa, Carol, Diana

Setter: Makris, Roberta, Nayane (P-card)

Pick-up: Rosamaria, Kissi, Lorenne

Free Man: Rice

After reading the list, everyone was surprised! Why? It turned out that Guimarães actually brought three receivers, as well as three setters (one of whom was a P card), and the most surprising thing was that the main attack Bergman was not on the list!

Carroll reveals Brazil's Olympic roster: with three, two, three passes, and three receptions! Brazil's Wang Yunrui was ruthlessly abandoned

You know, Bergman has played many times in the World League and has performed well, her first pass and offense have improved a lot, and every time Anna plays averagely, Bergman wipes her ass, such a player actually loses? If it weren't for the injury and illness that I couldn't go, I really didn't believe in God anymore! What's more, Bergmann is the main attack that Guimarães focused on cultivating in the Paris Olympic cycle, how can it be said that if you abandon it, you will abandon it?

However, in fact, compared with Anna and Gabi, Bergman does not have an obvious advantage, neither Gabi's speed nor Anna's strength, and the veteran Daylot is also more experienced than her, it is estimated that Guimarães feels that the three main attacks are enough! Although Bergman has indeed improved, his performance is also bursting, and he has been very bad at attacking with a pass before, and he was jokingly called the Brazilian king Yunrui by netizens! It's just that this time her fate seems to be the same as Wang Yunrui's, she has been cultivated for three years, but she was abandoned at the last moment!

Carroll reveals Brazil's Olympic roster: with three, two, three passes, and three receptions! Brazil's Wang Yunrui was ruthlessly abandoned

It's also unbelievable that Guimaraes actually brought three setters, you must know that Robetta and Markris played well in the World League and basically played a role, so why do you want a third setter? But if you think about it, Robetta and Makris are both in their 30s, and they have both had injuries before, so it's normal to prepare an extra setter!

Three more answers: Rosamaria is Guimaraes' favorite, Kissi has height, Lorenne has not played in the World League, and it is obvious that she will be a surprise player! You know, the old coach Guimaraes has always liked to hide a hand during the Olympics!

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