
Body Language Demystified: What Your Unconscious Movements Are Revealing

author:Listen to the rain and read a book by the railing
Body Language Demystified: What Your Unconscious Movements Are Revealing

In general, when communicating with people, we tend to pay more attention to our words.

However, only 7% of the information the other person gets from us actually comes from the language itself, 38% from the intonation of the voice, and up to 55% from the body language.

In other words, the effectiveness of communication is not determined solely by words, but more by the message conveyed by your body gesture.

Through your expressions, gestures, movements, and even your attire, others are able to sense your emotional state and intentions.

Body Language Demystified: What Your Unconscious Movements Are Revealing

If a person is smiling, it is easy for others to think that he is in a state of pleasure.

If you pace back and forth, it may show your anxiety; Frequent watch reading may indicate that you are concerned about time; Crossing your hands over your chest is often a gesture of repulsion or defensiveness.

Therefore, body language is an extremely important means of expression and communication.

When dealing with people, we can take the following gestures to show friendliness and kindness.

Body Language Demystified: What Your Unconscious Movements Are Revealing

1 Focused eye contact

In the process of communication, eye contact is crucial.

If your eyes wander around, looking around, others may feel offended.

And your attentive gaze can convey your concentration and seriousness.

Body Language Demystified: What Your Unconscious Movements Are Revealing

2 A sincere smile

A smile usually represents kind, friendly, and polite care, and it can make people feel comfortable almost effortlessly.

Body Language Demystified: What Your Unconscious Movements Are Revealing

3 Proper nodding

When listening to someone speak, a proper nod can indicate that you are listening carefully and agreeing.

But beware, if it's an absent-minded or perfunctory nod, or an aimless nod that nods randomly, it can have the opposite effect.

Body Language Demystified: What Your Unconscious Movements Are Revealing

4. Sitting in a forward-leaning position

When sitting, a slightly forward sitting position can express your seriousness and interest.

5 A strong handshake

A firm and powerful handshake conveys a feeling of confidence.

Conversely, a weak handshake may indicate a lack of confidence.

Body Language Demystified: What Your Unconscious Movements Are Revealing

If you want to talk to someone and achieve good results, it's important to note that body gestures are often more reflective of a person's true state than words.

Once your body language conveys negative feelings, no matter what you say or say, you can end up losing all your efforts.