
I replaced one ladder and two households with "two ladders and four households", these words are not unpleasant, and I regret choosing the wrong one!

author:Xiao Bao Dad said

In recent years, people have paid special attention to buying a house, for fear that they have bought a bad house and live in it uncomfortable.

In fact, people who have experience know that there are many things to pay attention to when buying a house, and we need to pay attention to the floor, house type, geographical location, etc.

I replaced one ladder and two households with "two ladders and four households", these words are not unpleasant, and I regret choosing the wrong one!

I didn't understand it before, and I chose one ladder and two households to follow the trend, thinking that such a house was comfortable.

However, over time, I have discovered the shortcomings of one ladder and two households, which affects your living experience.

In this issue, I will share with you the replacement of one ladder and two households with "two ladders and four households".

I replaced one ladder and two households with "two ladders and four households", these words are not unpleasant, and I regret choosing the wrong one!

Disadvantages of one ladder and two households:

1. Travel problems

In today's urban life, elevators have become an indispensable means of transportation in buildings, especially in high-rise residences, and their importance is even more obvious. However, for the structure of one elevator and two households, the passenger pressure of the elevator is particularly heavy.

I replaced one ladder and two households with "two ladders and four households", these words are not unpleasant, and I regret choosing the wrong one!

Although on the surface, the one-staircase, two-family elevator seems to serve only two residents, in reality, it carries the travel needs of the entire building. Especially on busy mornings, when office workers flock to the elevators to start their day, the busyness of the elevators is at its peak. There are waiting passengers on almost every floor, and the elevator doors are constantly opening and closing.

Sometimes it takes a long time to wait for the elevator, which affects your travel time, and you are very anxious.

I replaced one ladder and two households with "two ladders and four households", these words are not unpleasant, and I regret choosing the wrong one!

2. The shared area is large

The one-staircase, two-family design means that there are only two households on each floor, which seems to provide more privacy and spaciousness than a one-staircase, multi-family design. However, while this design brings a sense of comfort, it also leads to a relative increase in the shared area.

I replaced one ladder and two households with "two ladders and four households", these words are not unpleasant, and I regret choosing the wrong one!

In a high-rise building, public spaces such as elevator shafts and stairways need to serve only two households per floor, which means that these spaces are not as efficient as when there are multiple households on one staircase.

I replaced one ladder and two households with "two ladders and four households", these words are not unpleasant, and I regret choosing the wrong one!

Not only that, but the increase in shared area also means that residents will have to bear higher property costs.

Because the cost of the shared area is apportioned according to the number of households, the cost that each household needs to bear will naturally be higher in the design of one ladder and two households. This has undoubtedly increased the financial burden on residents.

I replaced one ladder and two households with "two ladders and four households", these words are not unpleasant, and I regret choosing the wrong one!

3. The lighting conditions are relatively poor

Now the floors are very high, some can reach more than 30 floors,

In the face of such a house type and layout, when you live in a two-family house, the lighting effect is very poor!

I replaced one ladder and two households with "two ladders and four households", these words are not unpleasant, and I regret choosing the wrong one!

For example, high-rise buildings will block out the sunlight on the lower floors, making the interior very dark and giving people a very oppressive feeling.

Especially during the rainy season in the south, the rain is continuous, and the already dark interior is even more humid.

I replaced one ladder and two households with "two ladders and four households", these words are not unpleasant, and I regret choosing the wrong one!

Insufficient lighting and poor ventilation conditions make it difficult to dissipate indoor moisture, and clothing, furniture and other items are easy to get damp and mildew, which brings a lot of inconvenience to residents.

Living in such an environment for a long time not only affects your mood, but may also pose a certain threat to your health.

I replaced one ladder and two households with "two ladders and four households", these words are not unpleasant, and I regret choosing the wrong one!

What are the advantages of two ladders and four households?

1. The price is cheaper

In this era of soaring housing prices, it seems that it is difficult to buy a house has become the consensus of many people, and the root cause of high housing prices is not only the high cost of land, but also the huge area of houses.

I replaced one ladder and two households with "two ladders and four households", these words are not unpleasant, and I regret choosing the wrong one!

Nowadays, housing prices in many areas have entered the 10,000 yuan mark, and the total price has soared for every square meter added. Against this backdrop, the one-tier, two-family design, although luxurious and comfortable, is prohibitive for many buyers due to its high price.

In contrast, the layout of two ladders and four households is more accessible to the people. Its houses are moderately sized and affordable, which makes many families with tight funds see the hope of buying a house.

I replaced one ladder and two households with "two ladders and four households", these words are not unpleasant, and I regret choosing the wrong one!

When choosing a property, they pay more attention to the control of the cost of buying a house, and do not want to bring a heavy burden to their future life due to excessive housing prices. Therefore, although the EFF rate of two ladders and four households is slightly inferior, there are more owners who share the common area, and the overall cost performance is very high. This design not only meets the living needs of home buyers, but also gives them great discounts in price.

I replaced one ladder and two households with "two ladders and four households", these words are not unpleasant, and I regret choosing the wrong one!

2. Travel may be more convenient

It's simple and straightforward for a one-staircase, two-unit design, but it also means that residents can rely on the only elevator to get up and down the stairs. If the elevator fails, residents have to walk the stairs, which undoubtedly increases the difficulty and time of travel.

I replaced one ladder and two households with "two ladders and four households", these words are not unpleasant, and I regret choosing the wrong one!

When we move to a two-staircase, four-family design, the advantages become even more prominent. The configuration of the two elevators not only allows residents to have more choices for travel, but also virtually shortens the time for everyone to wait for the elevator!

For example, when you go home from work, you no longer need to wait anxiously for the only elevator, but can calmly choose another free elevator, which is convenient and comfortable.

I replaced one ladder and two households with "two ladders and four households", these words are not unpleasant, and I regret choosing the wrong one!

The design of the two elevators also greatly improves the fault tolerance. In most cases, both elevators do not fail at the same time, which provides a solid guarantee for residents to travel. Even if there is an elevator that needs to be repaired and maintained, the other elevator can ensure the normal travel of residents, and this thoughtful and intimate design makes people really feel the convenience and peace of mind of travel.

I replaced one ladder and two households with "two ladders and four households", these words are not unpleasant, and I regret choosing the wrong one!

3. The relationship between neighbors is good and there is a sense of atmosphere

The design of two staircases and four households provides convenience for the communication between neighbors.

Unlike the hustle and bustle of other high-density residential areas, the living environment here is more tranquil and people's pace is more relaxed.

I replaced one ladder and two households with "two ladders and four households", these words are not unpleasant, and I regret choosing the wrong one!

In such an environment, people have more opportunities to chat with their neighbors and share the moments of their lives. Whether you're discussing the latest developments in the community or sharing your interests, you'll find resonance here.

In addition, the two-staircase, four-family house also creates a unique sense of atmosphere. When night falls, the lights come on and the entire community is immersed in a peaceful and welcoming atmosphere. This kind of atmosphere not only makes people feel comfortable and relaxed, but also stimulates people's yearning and pursuit of a better life.

I replaced one ladder and two households with "two ladders and four households", these words are not unpleasant, and I regret choosing the wrong one!

Write at the end:

Do you think it's comfortable to live in one ladder and two households or two ladders and four households? Feel free to share your experience!
