
The bell must be tied to the bell: the United States must abolish the "Wolf Clause" if it wants to obtain China's lunar soil

author:Yuehua Liuzhao 4518
The bell must be tied to the bell: the United States must abolish the "Wolf Clause" if it wants to obtain China's lunar soil

What do you mean by "lifting a stone and shooting yourself in the foot"? The behavior of the United States is the most appropriate illustration of this. Many years ago, when the US aerospace science and technology were in the dust, in order to prevent competitors from taking advantage, they lived the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain, and deliberately made a "Wolf Clause". Unexpectedly, "30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi", now China's aerospace science and technology has made remarkable progress by leaps and bounds, and they are cheeky and want to get a piece of the pie.

The bell must be tied to the bell: the United States must abolish the "Wolf Clause" if it wants to obtain China's lunar soil

No, just now our Chang'e-6 has collected 1935.3 grams of lunar soil from the far side of the moon and transported it back to Earth, which is the first lunar soil sample collected from the far side of the moon in human history. Recently, lunar samples have been handed over to the Chinese Academy of Sciences. This marks that the Chang'e-6 mission has officially entered a new stage of scientific research from the project implementation stage. In order to allow mankind to share the results of cosmic exploration and reflect our open-mindedness and win-win vision, the China National Space Administration (CNSA) has announced in detail the application process for lunar samples and specific information on international cooperation in lunar sample research. China welcomes applications from researchers from all countries in accordance with the relevant procedures to share the benefits. This shows that scientific research institutions in various countries around the world can now apply to China for the use of lunar soil on the far side of the moon.

The bell must be tied to the bell: the United States must abolish the "Wolf Clause" if it wants to obtain China's lunar soil

Seeing that pieces of fat are about to fall into other people's mouths, the United States, which has always been arrogant, is not calm again. NASA Administrator Nelson said that China should be "more open" and hinted that it could communicate privately with the United States on the issue of scientific cooperation in lunar soil. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the US side wants to obtain a lunar soil sample from China. But Nelson knows who is the one who binds himself? The root cause of the obstacle to Sino-US space cooperation lies in the "Wolf Clause" of the United States, and if we are sincere about cooperation, we should take practical measures to remove the obstacles.

The bell must be tied to the bell: the United States must abolish the "Wolf Clause" if it wants to obtain China's lunar soil

"To untie the bell, it is necessary to tie the bell," and the United States cannot pretend to be confused. After all, our lunar soil is not blown by the wind, it is the crystallization of the hard work of thousands of scientific and technological personnel, others want to participate in cooperation, at least have an attitude of equality and respect, if you still hold arrogance and prejudice and want to get something for nothing, it can only be wishful thinking. Before the "Wolf Clause" is revoked, it is better for the United States not to have too much expectations for the lunar soil on the back of the moon, which is also "smart but mistaken by smart" and "sow melons and get melons"!

The bell must be tied to the bell: the United States must abolish the "Wolf Clause" if it wants to obtain China's lunar soil

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