
Excerpt from the golden sentences of the People's Daily (730)

author:Miss Li

1. People's health is the foundation of social civilization and progress, and an important symbol of national prosperity and national prosperity.

2. What makes a celebrity home so impressive? Some tourists sighed when they visited: "When I was a child, I read Lu Xun and read the customs; When I grew up, I read Lu Xun again and found spiritual resonance. ”

Excerpt from the golden sentences of the People's Daily (730)

3. Walking into the former residence of celebrities, people are not only understanding a person's life, but also feeling the character and temperament of a city and the spiritual identity of an era.

4. Historical and cultural celebrities belong to the "past", and in order to let today's people feel the cultural value of the former residences of celebrities, it is necessary to strengthen the protection of cultural relics, let cultural relics speak, and nourish the present with history.

5. The fundamental task of education is to establish morality and cultivate people, and ideological and political courses are the key courses to implement the fundamental task of cultivating people with virtue.

6. Schools should establish morality and cultivate people, and teachers should be good teachers, not only to improve students' knowledge and cultural literacy, but also to take good ideological and political courses.

7. It is of great significance to water flowers and roots, educate people and cultivate hearts, and keep pace with the times to strengthen the construction of ideological and political courses.

Excerpt from the golden sentences of the People's Daily (730)

8. Confidence is the confidence, condition and strength to do a good job.

9. Strong theory can lead to clear direction, unity of mind, and confidence.

10. History has proven time and again that in order for a country to develop and a nation to rejuvenate, it must advance in the logic of historical progress and develop in the trend of the development of the times.

11. As Engels said, if a nation wants to stand at the highest peak of science, it cannot do without theoretical thinking for a moment.

12. With the people in our hearts, the truth in our hands, and the right path in our feet, we are full of faith and strength.

13. No rules, no rules.

14. Explain methods and be patient to solve problems.

———— from People's Daily 2024.06.25

Excerpt from the golden sentences of the People's Daily (730)

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